Monday, February 2, 2015

The Manliness of Manhood

     Jesus The Christ was the very epitome of Manhood.  He was born of a human mother; felt all the human emotions and physical pain;  knew he was on earth in order to die a horrible death for the benefit of others; and he did so for some thirty-odd years willingly with love, selflessness, faith, courage and decisiveness.  I am neither a theologian nor a sociologist.  Certainly, my experiences define trivial when compared to the Son of God.  But I am indeed a Man, albeit badly flawed,  and have been for 60 years; also a Father, a Father-in-law, a Godfather, a Grandfather, a Brother,  a Son, a Son-in-law, and a Grandson.  I am also a Family Doctor, recently retired from this august calling after 30 years of clinical practice.  I have been a lot of men;  I have been a lot of Man;  and I have rubbed elbows with thousands of the masculine segment of humanity, most often in the most personal and intimate of settings.  Should you think that I am attempting to make myself credible in your estimation with this resume, you are absolutely right.  I am eminently equipped with the Man Portfolio.  And, I do have an opinion.

     One or two of you may remember this old blowhard from "Doctor Confidential", a previous series of 42 essays chronicling for my family the last dying gasps of a Physician's career (   Well, fasten your seat belts my loyal fan, open your ears so that you may hear, and open your eyes so that you may see... this has-been may have retired from clinical practice, but he hasn't retired from pontificating, aggravating, and edu-macating!  Herein will begin a new series specifically for men, particularly younger know, the type that have trouble finding their buttocks with both hands.  And by the way, you gals are welcome here.  This is a sexist-free zone, and although the modern gal is highly sexist, biassed and utterly confused about gender roles, the Ol' Doc is emphatically not!  It just might pay dividends for you gals to learn about Men from a Man....for a change.

     In my arrogant opinion, the reader will find importance in this series of screeds for the following reasons.  First, as far as I can tell, there is only token discussion going on today about Manhood.  Heck, go on and listen to young Men speak.  They cannot even utter the word "Man."  They use softening terms like "guy" or "dude"  or "bro".  It is as if saying "man" has actually become subversive;  and for most woman, the word has become an insulting adjective (see "man" cave).  Since 3 billion of the 6 billion folks inhabiting this planet are male, however,  I surmise that some droplet of attention need be paid to this subject.  I say, why not?  This ol' Doc wearies of the constant female drumbeat.  Hell, everywhere you turn today you hear about the "plight" of women:  battered, glass-ceiling, breast-cancer, equal-pay, hear-me-roar, powerful super-heroines.  But there still remain some iddy-biddy slinking, shrinking beings called Men out there who have feelings too....and prostate cancer for that matter.  They may or may not count in HumanKind's future.  (Yeah, even "Man-"kind is out).

     Secondly, as you well know, little boys are still being born, and this fact must surely merit some attention, even to the most diehard Man-haters.  Acculturation of boys in America has become so muddled and mired in disinformation, and agenda-driven political correctness that to many it is no surprise that the systemic confusing of young boys inevitably results in confused young men;  and eventually useless old men.  As a continuing sign of my own philosophical backwardness and "hatred", I insist that properly acculturating a boy should involve evolution and DNA-inspired instruction of traits that emphasize Manhood.  A boy should grow to aspire to become Manly, a state that recognizes discipline, character, nobility and faith as attributes to seek,  and NOT the punchline to modern cultural jokes.  Men are wired by DNA with a number of biological traits and behaviors which cannot be altered.  And, many of these physical traits have molded the cultural evolution of  Western Society.  Yet, this basic scientific truth is today actually considered "hate" talk by the cultural gurus.

     Thirdly, there appears even to these nearly blind eyes, some teeny-tiny problems erupting in today's society as a result of the sweeping aside the Manhood of Men.  For one, the metrosexual is but an iconic description of the modern "Guy" who is fundamentally the Bro-Friday for "Xena:  The Warrior Princess".  For the metrosexual, faux-man, his every act, thought, and desire is to please his Xena,  the Mistress of all thought, ideas, innovations and acculturation.

     SHE determines where the kids live;  how much visitation the "bio"-dad gets; what they are taught at home, in school and on the job; and how much Ritalin or Adderal  dosing her naughty little boy needs.  In the home, on the job, in Hollywood, in the schools, Xena rules with an iron fist.  In the movies she is the schoolteacher, the principal, the doctor, the judge, the social worker, the lawyer and the Senator.  She gets all the divorce booty, and custody, and she gets to yell "abuse" at every whim.  In reality Little Johnny is indeed today cowering under the jackboot of Heir Mommy.  And as a result, divorce, drug-culture, body-graffitti, gender-confusion, mediocrity, and pettiness are all gaining momentum as the culture's clarion call.  We can no longer even define "family" as we watch it disintegrate;  and we now fear as divisive,  long cherished attributes like patriotism, success, wealth, and yes, Manhood.  Faux-men are resulting in straw families made up of two women, an implanted child, a dog with health insurance, and various and sundry Boy-Toys that pop in an out of the domestic picture.  Faux-families construct a weak, culturally bereft nation.

     As components of Manhood come to life in subsequent paragraphs, this Old Doc would draw on years of personal and professional study, experience and observation.  As with "Doctor Confidential" I will not pretend at scholarship, and I adamantly insist on editorial.  Yup, my opinion.  The inspiration for these inadequate efforts are my Sons, my Son-in-law, my grandson;  but in all sincerity, also my daughter, daughter-in-laws; granddaughter, God-daughter.  The death of Manhood is having grievous repercussions for gals too, believe it or not.  Promiscuity, body graffiti, Prozac, loneliness, despair, and crippled mother instinct are but the tip of the iceberg for the modern woman's increasingly pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization.  And I will attempt to flesh out these assertions in subsequent, and equally tiring essays.

     I was recently watching a very well-done TV series called "Damages", and my fingers  again found impetus to dance polemically against the grain.  In this legal drama, a powerful woman lawyer, by hook or by crook, bullies anyone unfortunate enough to stand in her way.  Her "way" appears subliminally to be "the best" way.  It is one of the best visual testimonies to our modern cultural state and the final stages of Feminism.  In one scene, the Xena Lawyer  counsels a junior Xena by saying "Don't ever have kids.....they demand all of you....and interfere with you getting what you want out of life. ..... "

     And there you have it boys and girls.  Women become powerful;  women craft the laws and the culture; and the kiddies become an impediment (yikes!  maybe even extinct!).  And somewhere way down the food chain of impediments sits little Billy-boy -- the lowest of the low, an inconvenience so intolerable that even Xena the School Principle can now recommend for him Ritalin, a powerful and addictive amphetamine that has been shown to improve boy-control for Xena The School Principle;  Xena, the School Teacher, Xena the Pediatrician, and Xena The Boy's Mother.

     Yeah, yeah, and "hold on there Babalooie!"  I know I promised this work would be about Men, and not a manifesto about the AntiMen.  But I must warn you "guys" that until you "bros" realize that your influence is being swept into the dustbin of history;  and until you "dudes" understand by exactly what forces  Manhood is being deconstructed, you may not even realize that your BroHood bears literally no resemblance to Manhood.  You will have become Metrosexualized into insignificant obeisance, all to the everlasting detriment of your children, both boy and girl, and to future generations of trivial, petty, cowardly, misguided Americans.  It is happening now before our very eyes....  Doc