Whoa! Whoa! WHOA! Easy out there. Should these editorials have your bloomers in a bunch already after only the introduction, immediately STEP AWAY FROM THE ESSAY! That's right, before any further psychic damage ensues, just stop reading. And don't send the goons out to slash my tires; break my windows and splash paint on my coyote-skin hat. And PULEEESE put down the speed dial to your Lawyer-Sin-Fronteras. Sue me, and you are suing the wrong guy. Go after the real crooks wouldja? You know, the ones that are pilfering your tax dollars over in Washington D. C. and lie to you every time their lips move. I am merely an Old, has-been, legally blind, wide-based-gait-walking, takes-forever-to-void, drooling, retired Family Doc. And besides, ideas don't harm anyone....?
Why, anyway, would this old retired Doc deign to tackle a subject so feared and so despised as Manhood? Heck, I simply do not need the aggravation of your rage at being exposed to such a heretical malignancy. Kinda like second-hand smoke ay? Yet even the most reluctant of you must agree that our culture and our education systems have methodically and dishonestly attempted to obliterate our admiration for our country's visionary Masculine heroes -- General Washington, part of the evil cabal of White Man Mason Slaveowners that set our country down the road to evil; Thomas Jefferson fathered a mulatto slave love-child; Old Hickory Andy Jackson was a serial killer; General U.S. Grant was a falling-down drunk; and General Phil Sheridan singlehandedly cause American Indians to have alcoholism even to this day. Heck, I bet soon we will hear about that Captain John Smith date-raped Pocahontas, proving yet another revered day of worship, ThanksGiving, to be rotten to the core.
But let us step back away from the agenda-driven deconstruction of our revered heroes. Let us look at the objective evidence, and for just a smidgeon steer clear of the politics of destruction and deconstruction....for just a smidgeon, shall we? True enough, America's Founding Fathers and Pioneers and Soldiers were Men. Most were less densely pigmented than others. And yes, they were by and large Christian. Yeah, yeah, all negatives, I get it. Men, White, Christians. Some are now even considered worse than war criminals because they had the audacity to be successful and wealthy. But just what did Dan'l Boone, Captain Meriweather Lewis, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Wyatt Earp, Gus McCrae, and John Wayne all produce? Well by my reckoning, they produced America. The greatest and freest civilization mankind has ever experienced. Not bad for starters, ay?
Yeah, yeah, you got your fans of ancient Persia; of course perennially the Chinese, 5000 years this and 5000 years that, kung fu, gunpowder, got it. OK, Greece and Rome were admittedly awesome progenitors of Western civilization and values, buy hey, they were after all Pagans; and try being an illegal alien in Ancient Rome. Ask Socrates about freedom of thought in ancient Greece, as he gulped down a poison smoothie. But let me just remind you of one FACT, and let's see if I can get all you do-gooders, "forthechildren", "equality and justice for the poor and downtrodden", Doctors without borders, and "si se puedes" out there to bite, or nibble at some truth for just a bit. Which other civilization has EVER given $FREE 99 land ownership to anyone who wanted it, would go out and claim it, and had the discipline, work ethic and guts to work it, keep it, and defend it? Game. Set. Checkmate.
And furthermore, how did we Americans get all this land to give away to the dirt poor masses that directly led to the greatest human migration ever seen in the history of mankind? Well briefly, a man, General Washington fought the greatest power in the world at the time for nearly a decade to claim a sliver of it... Thirteen Colonies, for the "people." He fought the British in blood-type fighting, not waving stupid signs on CNN type fighting. Then Thomas Jefferson bought a whole bunch more land from France, sent Captain's Lewis and Clarke out to explore and claim it. President James Monroe fought Spain to obtain more land, and then General Houston and General Pershing defeated Generalissimo Santana to obtain more land, and .........the next thing you know all these Men Manifested Destiny, from sea to shining sea. Throw in Alaska from the Russians and poof! You have the USA, 50 states, no more kings nor more dictators, all the land you want, some free, and some requiring effort, everybody votes and everyone is armed. And what a bonus, without the Russians around, we saved the Sea Otter! These Male heroes, in essence, cleared out all the world's bad guys from the continental U.S. Yes, I am talking about King George III, the King of Spain, the King of France, Generalissimo Santana, the Russians, and Pedro Flores, for goodness sake. It was rough going for both sides, but they also brought prehistoric men like Geronimo out of the 10,000 B.C. era, and into the modern world. Yeah, cry me a river about his "plight", but I don't hear anybody today crying about those unlucky 20th Century Ukrainians that were embargoed and starved to DEATH to the tune of 45-50 MILLION by Joseph Stalin, yup, Ol' Uncle Joe.
Prior to our Evil White Rich Men Founding Fathers, none of these characters were giving away land to the poor, allowing poor folks to vote, or granting the right to bear arms or for an attorney. Nor were they tolerant of Feminism, Buddhism or Islam. Heck America's evil Founding Men even gave tons of land to the folks that were still using bone knives to scalp The Evil White Women of these Evil White Men. They GAVE a good chunk of the U.S. land mass to cultures that condoned burning farmers and their wives and kids! Have you heard of any civilization that GAVE huge chunks of their country, and even casinos over to the more primitive cultures and the LOSERS of a war?
And Mexicans? Hell, there are more Mexicans in Los Angeles than there are in Mexico City! A few of them actually do not have any legal right to be here, but they work, collect welfare, and have their babies in our hospitals. Ever hear of those bennies for foreigners in , 'gulp', Mexico?
What about abuses say you, my perceptive college sophomore? Sure, Lenin was abusive. Mao was abusive. Joe Stalin was abusive. Ask Marie Curie about abuses by that happy French Revolution. But, kind Partisan Activists, are you really going to keep up the tiresome contention that General George Washington was equivalently evil to Mao See Stalin?!? I thought that by the time we left the 3rd grade we all knew that human beings and human institutions were all imperfect? As far as the Old Doc remembers, Christ was the only perfect Man to ever walk the earth.
But let us do talk imperfection, shall we? The tired contention of America's filthy underbelly, inevitably wanders back to slavery. OK, let's talk turkey then. Did not over 750,000 White American Men die so that Black Slavery would end in America, at the same time that most of Europe continued to purchase slaves from Black African Slave traders? Did not the Blackfeet make slaves of the Crow? Did not Generalissimo Santana routinely slaughter his own people if they did not accept him as Supreme Dictator? Did not thousands of Mexican Catholics or Cristeros give their lives for the right to their faith when President Plutarco Elias Calles made Catholicism ILLEGAL? Did not Spain's oppressive New World monarchy sink to irrelevance shortly after losing out to American Men after the Spanish American War? Did not Europe's groovy and oh so sophisticated systems lead to a 20th century of wars that slaughtered HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of regular guys, farmers, mechanics, you know, the downtrodden?
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Fighting for "Illegal" Catholicism |
By a factual examination of all the "evil" these Slave-owning, rich, White Men wrought on North America, we can objectively and historically measure and compare. Easy to do. The progeny of the ex-slaves today have a higher standard of living than do blacks living in any African country. The two World Wars did not ravage our homes, farms and factories as they did for millions of other "poor" people around the world. In America, the land founded by Men, we vote, we freely elect clowns to public office, we buy homes and land, we can legally purchase the ol' equalizers with which we defend our families, and we volunteer to serve in our Armed Defense Forces. American Men made the cotton gin, the reaper, the light bulb, the telephone, the Ford, the first flag on the moon, and the Apple Watch. American Men defeated General Howe in 1784; the Kaiser in WWI; Emperor Hirohito and the Fuhrer in WWII; the Evil Empire in the Cold War; and Sadaam and Osama in the Jihadist War.
Sure, for you America-haters, this all leaves a bad taste in your mouth. But might I insist that although you say you stand for social justice and the poor, you bitterly criticize the one country that has actually done something about helping the downtrodden and the poor, and to this day continues to pour our blood and treasure into that very ideal. To add insult to your Marxist injury, it was largely Men that paddled the canoe on this monumental venture.......there, I said it....and so said, I actually do have a lot more skin pigmentation than most.... and I am a direct product of poor immigrants....and my family was NOT on the Mayflower.
So Fellas, the Old Doc's message is two-fold. First, simply take a look at how our culture, our cognoscenti, our school marms, our colleges, our news outlets, and our artists are dissing the folks with the Y-chromosomes. Just take a look. My contention is that your seat at the head of the table is now a booster seat; and that steering wheel on the boat you are the captain of is no longer attached to the rudder. But hey, I might be wrong. Just check it out.
And two, if you agree that Men are important to your wife, your kids, your community, your country, and as the last, best hope of this world.... then keep reading, learning, and perhaps start to stand up again for your dignity, your leadership, and your woman. No, no, NO! I am NOT advocating grabbing your gal by the hair and dragging her around the cave. I am actually saying stop agreeing to sit in the back of the bus. I advocate that you begin to act with the true Machismo. That is, focusing on integrity, character, discipline and Manly courage. And, by the way, stop letting the AntiMen change the meaning of words, like Machismo. I contend that your family really needs you to bring your jeans back up to your waist; stop dressing with the sideways cap; stop talking like 50 Cents; sit at the head of the table and say grace, for CHRIST's SAKE!......Doc