"And I found out a long time ago
What a Woman can do to your soul.
Ah, but she can't take you anywhere
You don't already know how to go"
"Peaceful, Easy Feelin'
The 17th Edition of "Diccionario De La Lengua Espanola", from the Real Academia Espanola (1947), defines macho as "animal del sexo masculino." This usage comes from Spain. Later, from 1967, "Nuevo Diccionario Velasquez Revisado" from Columbia University Professor of Spanish Mariano Velasquez de la Cadena , this word is defined as "a male animal, in particular a mule or a he-goat." Again, nothing hateful in that, hmm? Certainly nothing pejorative.
OK fellas, so what is the Old Doc's point? (Not an academic one, that is for sure. We only deal in my anachronistic opinions, clear)? As we all know, descriptive words change over time, don't they? Listen, for example, to the average gal as she uses the word "Macho." She invariably curls her lip, rolls her eyes and delivers a dollup of scorn and derision at the male target for some perceived behavioral infraction. Umm, let's say, like finishing his cigar instead of immediately standing to and throwing out the garbage on her command. Furthermore, she is typically using the word as a adjective, so that she can emphasize a more accurate description of "that Macho asshole."
I have two points to make here. One, Macho was originally a noun; yeah, a mule or a goat. I guess both have the literary rap of being stubborn, but as a scientist, the Old Doc would rather "determined." And two, why the heck, fellas, are we letting the gals pejoratively define us he-goats anyway? Why do they get to call our work or recreation areas "man cave?" Why do we not call them on it when they gang-judge you in front of the girls with, "whoa, real macho man, huh!" Why do we assimilate into our own vocabulary and thought those condescending attitudes the gals proclaim when they nod knowingly and roll their eyes with, "you know, its a guy thing." Why do we just play along and let them make us squeamish about even uttering the words Machismo, Manly, Manliness, Manhood, and yes, even "Man?" And why do gals just love those dreamy "guys" like Raymond (as in "Everybody Loves....."), Seinfeld, Ben Affleck, Bill Clinton, Brad Pitt, and nearly every single Hip-Hop artist? (Come on fellas, don't be fooled by their shocking references to "bitches" and "ho's" -- that is artistic cover for a bunch of mamma's boys acting out (more on that later).
It is the Old Doc's overinflated opinion that our fellow fellas are today succumbing to the tentacles of the female-dominated culture, and I am here to chew some ass to get you to stop it! Stop blindly giving the gals what they demand of you, because fellas, THEY THEMSELVES DO NOT REALLY KNOW WHAT THEY REALLY WANT. There, I actually did say that. ..... and lovingly.....with all sincerity. As the FemNazis start marching me to the firing squad wall, let me get in a few parting licks before I slump down in a pool of blood. Remember fellas, first, and foremost the Old Doc is a friend to Family women. The Feminists are another matter; they are ideologues. They are the purveyors of the Anti-Family and enemy to sincere women. Feminists gin up division and within the context of their own pathologies and political agendas, they exploit other women and they decimate families. The Old Doc is trying to save Families from these grifters.
Unfortunately women today often unwittingly drink the Feminist Kool-Aid, convinced that they must demand that you be sensitive like they are. They demand that you "listen" like they do. They demand that you dress and do your hair like they want you to. They demand that you only say those things that they approve of. And, they demand that you lower Manly standards of competition and performance so that they can "crack" the "boys" Golf Clubs, the Police and Fire Departments, Little Leagues, and the Navy SEALS. Heck boys, they even demand that you start to LOOK like them, what with highlights, eye liner, and those pouty lips. Failure to meet these demands slows your progression into their tight fittin' jeans; leads to sex-discrimination suits; and forces male institutions to "pony up." Yup, they have Man-control down pat in many, many ways ma bruthas.
My point, bro's, is not to incite revolt. And, we are not antagonistic to women themselves. If this is your roll, you are stupid, stop reading now, and go to confession. What we should aim to destroy is the growing dominance of modern Feminist cultural values that seek to create unnatural and harmful relationships between a Man and a Women. This ultimately harms families. So, even though you do DO all that they demand, just take a good, long look at what it gets you. Just more whining, more complaining, more demanding. Ask Dubya. He tried the juggling act, but he just oozed so much Man that they crucified him for eight years. His crimes? About the man who slaughtered 3,000 Americans he rallied, "We'll get him. Dead or Alive." His favorite book is the Bible. He is Texan. And boy did they slam him for appropriately showing the Fighting Men under his command what a Macho he was by landing an attack jet on an aircraft carrier!
Goodness, no matter what you do boys, male Sexism, Racism, and Lip-ism might just never end! Too intoxicating. Power is addictive. But just as women are creating a grievous catastrophe by teaching their little girls to be more "man-like", I contend that dudes are getting all Stockholm Syndrome, tripping all over themselves to be stamped with the Seal of Gal-Approval. Women need their Man to be a Man; and Men need their women to be women. (Remember that hilarious Seinfeld episode when Jerry falls in love with a gal who was exactly like him? Brrrrr! It makes one shudder). I feel compelled to remind you that for the sake of your little boys and little girls out there who are watching you VERY closely, you must stand your ground and stand up for your inherent manliness. Not revolt. Resistance. Stay the course, stop whimpering and "be a man!" as Don Corleone would say.
Alright already! So, just what is a Man? What is manliness or Machismo? Now hear me on this fellas, I am NOT going to get all Webster on you here, and I am as serious as a case of measles. Being a Man means simply this -- a human male 's intelligent striving to approximate, as best as he can, God's purpose for his life on earth..........yeah.
Doc's definition. Simple. But embracing as the sea breeze, ay me Lads?
OK, so I just lost half my audience. Only 1 or 2 of you left. Harrumph! You folks will read anything, any garbage out there on the Web or YouTube, but mention G _ D, and "Ah'm outta here!" Indeed. Well boys, never me mind all the fame, adulation, fortune and pouty lips. At my advanced age and decrepit intellectual state, I have become more or less infatuated instead with The Truth. Reality. The Market. The Family. The Little Boy, The Little Girl. The Country. So let's gamble!
Since most of you younger fellas have never learned vocabulary or grammar, let me explain my concept of Manliness or Machismo. God made us. (Oh, there you go again, puffing up with all that Marxist propaganda popping into your Ritalin-soaked mind, right now, , no, really, yeah, got it, Fidel Castro and Darwin created Man, yeah, the "Nuevo Hombre." Right. Stop intellectually masterb....., er, I mean, arguing with me for just a nanosecond and listen. Yes, as if your life, corporeal and eternal, depends on it. And, yes, I know you 30-year old bro-hams out there woke up just yesterday and knew, JUST KNEW, that you were the smartest, most awesomest dude in the universe; and any and everything that the Old Man says anymore is merely the prattle of an ever so out of touch geezer. I get that. But humor this Old Doc a smidge, OK?)
After Creation, God endowed Men with various and sundry biological characteristics that, combined with evolution, have imprinted traits and patterns of behavior on our DNA. For you Bro-Hams, that means your genetics, you know, the shape of your nose and how well you throw a spear (at least when compared with your wife). Evolution, combined with His Grace, has strategically honed a Man's DNA to optimally carry out vital tasks for the successful propagation of the species, which includes the gals, and the kiddies, yessir. These vital tasks include finding food, fighting off Cave Bears, physically keeping the over-the-hill tribe from stealing your women and making her a slave (or a meal), and working at the office or factory 12 hours a day, 7 days a week (including vacations so as to earn that extra check, for years and years and years. Kinda like my Old Man did to feed his woman, and little ones). Just look at your body, compared to Susie's. You have larger shoulder and neck muscles, bigger thighs, and a deeper voice. Heck, how you gonna scare away those bad, bearded, club-welding barbarians that have just attacked your village, with only a squeaky falsetto and a purse to hit them with?
The Old Doc is herein not going to give you a full anatomy lesson. I know that since the First grade your Girl-Teachers have insisted on instructing you on sex ed, not on anatomy. So you are well-schooled on where to find your private parts.......or how OK it is if you want to share your private parts with little Johnny, but that, my brothers, is for another day.
So, me hearties, if our physical is so different from the gals, then do you not accept that the same could be true of our behavioral and emotional? Guys? Bro-dudes? Do you think that when ancient man was running full blast to catch and kill that buck to feed hungry mouths at home, that he was thinking about how abandoned he felt when his best girl looked at him funny that morning over roasted beetles?
Naw dudes, he was concentrating on the practical, no doubt. "If I trip over a tree branch and break my leg, I will not be able to hunt for weeks, and therefore my family will starve to death." So when this Apocalypto Man gets home, dead deer on his back and blood around his jowls from eating the raw liver, he is not really gonna be able to comprehend a discussion on how unfulfilling her day, and her life are. And he is certainly not going to get into a conversation about taking her on the hunt with him next time because "staying at home and chewing on his moccasins to soften them is so unfair. Oh Runs Like The Wind, I need, absolutely need to become a Navy Seal-let someday!"
This Old Doc is here to tell you Faux-Men out there, that you do not have to do the Michael Jackson makeover to find your dream girl. If you become Metro-Guy, diggin' the fine wines and helping her chop the bell peppers, she is still going to dump you after, say, 3-5 years for a "real" Man; you know, the one that really "understands" her. And she will keep recycling these "guys" until she is old and wrinkled and can't wow them with her physical charms anymore. She is then become the perennial "Single Mom", and her life is just so "hard." How unjust. In the meantime, your little kiddies are having to suffer a step-dad or step-dude who is really repulsed by your red-headed daughter, and, well, you know how the saying goes. All because you thought early on that actually agreeing to act against your biological nature would expedite getting into her pants!
You will find on the contrary fellas, that being a Manly Man will make her the happiest and most fulfilled in the long run. Hey, doubt me if you want, but it was she that first ate the apple, not him! Oh sure, you may still often disagree on, well, EVERYTHING. But hasn't that been the way of the world, like dude, FOREVER? As a wise sage once said:
"I'm gonna love you forever, forever and ever, amen.
As long as old men sit and talk about the weather
As long as old women sit and talk about old men..."
Randy Travis
"Forever and Ever, Amen"
Sure folks, loving disagreement by a Man and a woman on tactics, even strategy, is not only NOT disharmonious, but it is the best thing for your new family. You love your wife. She opposes you painting the entire upstairs with a giant green image of the Incredible Hulk. You are lovingly fit to be tied, but a little time goes by and you are thinking about it, just like Runs Like A Deer concentrated and thought "how good that deer is gonna taste when I ketch 'im." Then it comes to you...."heck, I can paint this mural in my garage, and let her girly-out the upstairs".
You come to an agreement, she wins the upstairs, but you win the garage, the beat goes on. You hone your techniques and guess what? Your wars are teaching examples for the little imprintable kiddies. The finer points of disagreement and resolution are hashed out and the Family bonds and thrives. What a concept! You have not damaged your Manhood; you have not co-signed your wife's "I-am-woman-hear-me-roar bullshit"; and you have improved your Family's station in the world. Yeah, more meat, more hides, better tepee, more horses, and more esteem among your peers. And maybe your marriage will last for 34 years, or 50, or 60. And just maybe your kids, grandkids, and so on, will respect you as a Man, and not a surrogate Mom. Remember, the kiddies ARE going to hold YOU responsible if you do not lead the family into some better hunting grounds. They might feel sorry for "poor Mom, "; but they will have contempt for a weak, aproned, henpecked, doormat Daddy Dearest.
The cultivation of weak Men is pervasive and sneaky boys. You think you are rejecting it, and boom, one day you find yourself pushing your wife's little skirt-wearing lamb in the baby stroller. Just ponder this example from current events. Governor Chris Christie, Republican from New Jersey, and Rand Paul, Republican Tea Party Senator from Kentucky are publicly questioning whether we ought to "force" our mothers to get their kiddies VACCINATED. This is so intergalactically looney on so many scientific and medical levels that this Old Doc will sidestep the health arguments for the moment.
Relevant to our discussion, however, are two points. One, "Republican" is basically, the Man's party. Women vote Democrat, fact. And, two, withholding lifesaving VACCINES from the kiddies is largely a Gal issue, being driven my Mom's who recoil at baby Moonbeam getting so many painful boo-boos. Yeah, makes her cry. Running out of Flintstone band-aids. So Christie and Paul, jump on the Girl-Wagon to score some points with the Fem-Vote, and quicker than you can say, "Measles Epidemic", families are being put in Pre-WWI danger as thousands of un-immunized neighbors contract formerly ERADICATED diseases, some LETHAL. (yeah folks, most patients with Meningococcal Meningits either die, or have permanent brain-fry!). All so Miss Christie and Miss Paul can be "sensitive" to the FemeQuack agenda!
I am asking you fellas to take a look. I am not the only "vox clamantis in deserto." Check out "Manliness," by Harvey C. Mansfield; "The Book of Man: Readings on the Path to Manhood" by William J. Bennett; "Manliness, Manvotionals: Timeless Wisdom and Advice on Living the 7 Manly Virtues", by Brett and Kate McKay; "The Death of Character: Moral Education in an Age Without Good or Evil," by James Davison Hunter; "The Case for Marriage: Why Married People are Happier, Healthier, and Better Off Financially," by Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher; "PC M.D.: How Political Correctness is Corrupting Medicine," by Sally Satel, M.D.; "The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order," by Francis Fukuyama; "No More Christian Nice Guy; When Being Nice Instead of Good Hurts Men, Women, and Children," by Paul Coughlin; "Mere Christianity," or ANYTHING by C.S. Lewis. If you prefer REAL LIFE Men in action, check out "Undaunted Courage: Meriweather Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and the Opening of the American West," by Stephen E. Ambrose; "We Were Soldiers Once....And Young: Ia Drang -- The Battle That Changed the War in Viet Nam," by Lt. General Harold G. Moore (Ret) and Joseph Galloway; "Ulysses S. Grant: Personal Memoir," by General Ulysses S. Grant; "The Courage to be Free," by Charlton Heston; "The Warrior Elite: The Forging of SEAL Class 228," by Dick Couch; "Hondo", or ANYTHING by Louis L'Amour as just a tiny nibble of what is out their, pards.
Remember amigos, Manliness does not mean ignorance. Hollywood loves portraying you dudes as him-bos, bro-mancing silly stupidity in your man-caves. You are incompetent, directionless, pointlessly stubborn and unreasonable, incorrigible, unfocused, childish, deceitful, and tiresome to that incredibly competent, strong, visionary, practical women that is ever so burdened with your daily care and feeding. SHE must always swoop in at the end to save the day. See pal, I actually am asking you to dump the eye shadow, don't fret if you forget to floss once in a while, and for your family's sake grow a pair. You got 'em and she don't.
Be Manly in all you do and keep gazing out at the horizon. It is what you do best. You are the big thinker, you are the visionary, and you are the leader.
Don't play small-ball. That is your women's forte, muh bruthas. Yeah, she evolved to have babies via a special physical anatomy; feed them from her breasts; make the fire, keep up the tepee, load the musket, chat away with the kiddies to teach them to talk, and make her man those doe-skin shirts to keep him warm for the winter hunt. SHE must play small-ball, by evolutionary necessity, and YOU, my friend, need to reassure her that she is doing what God meant for her, so that she can relax and quite trying to compete with you; or to be that high-powered Xena-Attorney she and her burn-the-bra Mom always admired. It is not YOUR role to own HER role for some silly, sophomoric concept of "fairness." I warn you -- she will tire of you and dump you quick if you do that; and your kiddies will be embarrassed by you. Try this on for size fellas. Insist that your gal treat you like a working horse or dog. You work hard. Get groomed regularly, get fed adequately, and once in a while get a pat on the head. It'll make you wanna go out there and work for her like a son of a gun. Lotta gals treat their man worse than their animals. Trust me on this
Aw, c'mon, for sure -- if a gal wants to try BUDS, run Ebay, or do brain surgery, by all means fellas, we do not stand in principle against sincere goals. But when her "accomplishments" require YOU to walk on your tip-toes, take cotillion dancing classes instead of mixed martial arts, or let her into the Man Club with inferior qualifications -- well boys, a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do............Doc
OK fellas, so what is the Old Doc's point? (Not an academic one, that is for sure. We only deal in my anachronistic opinions, clear)? As we all know, descriptive words change over time, don't they? Listen, for example, to the average gal as she uses the word "Macho." She invariably curls her lip, rolls her eyes and delivers a dollup of scorn and derision at the male target for some perceived behavioral infraction. Umm, let's say, like finishing his cigar instead of immediately standing to and throwing out the garbage on her command. Furthermore, she is typically using the word as a adjective, so that she can emphasize a more accurate description of "that Macho asshole."
I have two points to make here. One, Macho was originally a noun; yeah, a mule or a goat. I guess both have the literary rap of being stubborn, but as a scientist, the Old Doc would rather "determined." And two, why the heck, fellas, are we letting the gals pejoratively define us he-goats anyway? Why do they get to call our work or recreation areas "man cave?" Why do we not call them on it when they gang-judge you in front of the girls with, "whoa, real macho man, huh!" Why do we assimilate into our own vocabulary and thought those condescending attitudes the gals proclaim when they nod knowingly and roll their eyes with, "you know, its a guy thing." Why do we just play along and let them make us squeamish about even uttering the words Machismo, Manly, Manliness, Manhood, and yes, even "Man?" And why do gals just love those dreamy "guys" like Raymond (as in "Everybody Loves....."), Seinfeld, Ben Affleck, Bill Clinton, Brad Pitt, and nearly every single Hip-Hop artist? (Come on fellas, don't be fooled by their shocking references to "bitches" and "ho's" -- that is artistic cover for a bunch of mamma's boys acting out (more on that later).
It is the Old Doc's overinflated opinion that our fellow fellas are today succumbing to the tentacles of the female-dominated culture, and I am here to chew some ass to get you to stop it! Stop blindly giving the gals what they demand of you, because fellas, THEY THEMSELVES DO NOT REALLY KNOW WHAT THEY REALLY WANT. There, I actually did say that. ..... and lovingly.....with all sincerity. As the FemNazis start marching me to the firing squad wall, let me get in a few parting licks before I slump down in a pool of blood. Remember fellas, first, and foremost the Old Doc is a friend to Family women. The Feminists are another matter; they are ideologues. They are the purveyors of the Anti-Family and enemy to sincere women. Feminists gin up division and within the context of their own pathologies and political agendas, they exploit other women and they decimate families. The Old Doc is trying to save Families from these grifters.
Unfortunately women today often unwittingly drink the Feminist Kool-Aid, convinced that they must demand that you be sensitive like they are. They demand that you "listen" like they do. They demand that you dress and do your hair like they want you to. They demand that you only say those things that they approve of. And, they demand that you lower Manly standards of competition and performance so that they can "crack" the "boys" Golf Clubs, the Police and Fire Departments, Little Leagues, and the Navy SEALS. Heck boys, they even demand that you start to LOOK like them, what with highlights, eye liner, and those pouty lips. Failure to meet these demands slows your progression into their tight fittin' jeans; leads to sex-discrimination suits; and forces male institutions to "pony up." Yup, they have Man-control down pat in many, many ways ma bruthas.
My point, bro's, is not to incite revolt. And, we are not antagonistic to women themselves. If this is your roll, you are stupid, stop reading now, and go to confession. What we should aim to destroy is the growing dominance of modern Feminist cultural values that seek to create unnatural and harmful relationships between a Man and a Women. This ultimately harms families. So, even though you do DO all that they demand, just take a good, long look at what it gets you. Just more whining, more complaining, more demanding. Ask Dubya. He tried the juggling act, but he just oozed so much Man that they crucified him for eight years. His crimes? About the man who slaughtered 3,000 Americans he rallied, "We'll get him. Dead or Alive." His favorite book is the Bible. He is Texan. And boy did they slam him for appropriately showing the Fighting Men under his command what a Macho he was by landing an attack jet on an aircraft carrier!
Goodness, no matter what you do boys, male Sexism, Racism, and Lip-ism might just never end! Too intoxicating. Power is addictive. But just as women are creating a grievous catastrophe by teaching their little girls to be more "man-like", I contend that dudes are getting all Stockholm Syndrome, tripping all over themselves to be stamped with the Seal of Gal-Approval. Women need their Man to be a Man; and Men need their women to be women. (Remember that hilarious Seinfeld episode when Jerry falls in love with a gal who was exactly like him? Brrrrr! It makes one shudder). I feel compelled to remind you that for the sake of your little boys and little girls out there who are watching you VERY closely, you must stand your ground and stand up for your inherent manliness. Not revolt. Resistance. Stay the course, stop whimpering and "be a man!" as Don Corleone would say.
Johnny Fontane: [discussing his problems] I don't know what to do, Godfather. My voice is weak, it's weak. Anyway, if I had this part in the picture, it puts me right back on top, you know. But this... this man out there. He won't give it to me, the head of the studio.
Don Corleone: What's his name?
Don Corleone: Woltz. He said there's no chance, no chance...
[Meanwhile, Hagen finds Sonny and summons him]
Johnny Fontane: A month ago he bought the rights to this book, a best seller. The main character is a guy just like me. I wouldn't even have to act, just be myself. Oh, Godfather, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do...
[All of a sudden, Don Corleone rises from his chair and gives Fontane a savage shake]
[gives a quick slap to Fontane]
Don Corleone: What's the matter with you? Is this what you've become, a Hollywood finocchio who cries like a woman? "Oh, what do I do? What do I do?" What is that nonsense? Ridiculous!
[the Don's unexpected mimicry makes Hagen and even Fontane laugh; around this time Sonny comes in]
Don Corleone: Tell me, do you spend time with your family?
Johnny Fontane: Sure I do.
Don Corleone: Good. Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
[gives a quick look at Sonny and affectionately embraces Fontane]
Don Corleone: You look terrible. I want you to eat, I want you to rest well. And a month from now this Hollywood big shot's gonna give you what you want.
Johnny Fontane: Too late. They start shooting in a week.
Don Corleone: I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. Okay? I want you to leave it all to me. Go on, go back to the party.
Doc's definition. Simple. But embracing as the sea breeze, ay me Lads?
OK, so I just lost half my audience. Only 1 or 2 of you left. Harrumph! You folks will read anything, any garbage out there on the Web or YouTube, but mention G _ D, and "Ah'm outta here!" Indeed. Well boys, never me mind all the fame, adulation, fortune and pouty lips. At my advanced age and decrepit intellectual state, I have become more or less infatuated instead with The Truth. Reality. The Market. The Family. The Little Boy, The Little Girl. The Country. So let's gamble!
Since most of you younger fellas have never learned vocabulary or grammar, let me explain my concept of Manliness or Machismo. God made us. (Oh, there you go again, puffing up with all that Marxist propaganda popping into your Ritalin-soaked mind, right now, , no, really, yeah, got it, Fidel Castro and Darwin created Man, yeah, the "Nuevo Hombre." Right. Stop intellectually masterb....., er, I mean, arguing with me for just a nanosecond and listen. Yes, as if your life, corporeal and eternal, depends on it. And, yes, I know you 30-year old bro-hams out there woke up just yesterday and knew, JUST KNEW, that you were the smartest, most awesomest dude in the universe; and any and everything that the Old Man says anymore is merely the prattle of an ever so out of touch geezer. I get that. But humor this Old Doc a smidge, OK?)
After Creation, God endowed Men with various and sundry biological characteristics that, combined with evolution, have imprinted traits and patterns of behavior on our DNA. For you Bro-Hams, that means your genetics, you know, the shape of your nose and how well you throw a spear (at least when compared with your wife). Evolution, combined with His Grace, has strategically honed a Man's DNA to optimally carry out vital tasks for the successful propagation of the species, which includes the gals, and the kiddies, yessir. These vital tasks include finding food, fighting off Cave Bears, physically keeping the over-the-hill tribe from stealing your women and making her a slave (or a meal), and working at the office or factory 12 hours a day, 7 days a week (including vacations so as to earn that extra check, for years and years and years. Kinda like my Old Man did to feed his woman, and little ones). Just look at your body, compared to Susie's. You have larger shoulder and neck muscles, bigger thighs, and a deeper voice. Heck, how you gonna scare away those bad, bearded, club-welding barbarians that have just attacked your village, with only a squeaky falsetto and a purse to hit them with?
The Old Doc is herein not going to give you a full anatomy lesson. I know that since the First grade your Girl-Teachers have insisted on instructing you on sex ed, not on anatomy. So you are well-schooled on where to find your private parts.......or how OK it is if you want to share your private parts with little Johnny, but that, my brothers, is for another day.
So, me hearties, if our physical is so different from the gals, then do you not accept that the same could be true of our behavioral and emotional? Guys? Bro-dudes? Do you think that when ancient man was running full blast to catch and kill that buck to feed hungry mouths at home, that he was thinking about how abandoned he felt when his best girl looked at him funny that morning over roasted beetles?
Naw dudes, he was concentrating on the practical, no doubt. "If I trip over a tree branch and break my leg, I will not be able to hunt for weeks, and therefore my family will starve to death." So when this Apocalypto Man gets home, dead deer on his back and blood around his jowls from eating the raw liver, he is not really gonna be able to comprehend a discussion on how unfulfilling her day, and her life are. And he is certainly not going to get into a conversation about taking her on the hunt with him next time because "staying at home and chewing on his moccasins to soften them is so unfair. Oh Runs Like The Wind, I need, absolutely need to become a Navy Seal-let someday!"
This Old Doc is here to tell you Faux-Men out there, that you do not have to do the Michael Jackson makeover to find your dream girl. If you become Metro-Guy, diggin' the fine wines and helping her chop the bell peppers, she is still going to dump you after, say, 3-5 years for a "real" Man; you know, the one that really "understands" her. And she will keep recycling these "guys" until she is old and wrinkled and can't wow them with her physical charms anymore. She is then become the perennial "Single Mom", and her life is just so "hard." How unjust. In the meantime, your little kiddies are having to suffer a step-dad or step-dude who is really repulsed by your red-headed daughter, and, well, you know how the saying goes. All because you thought early on that actually agreeing to act against your biological nature would expedite getting into her pants!
You will find on the contrary fellas, that being a Manly Man will make her the happiest and most fulfilled in the long run. Hey, doubt me if you want, but it was she that first ate the apple, not him! Oh sure, you may still often disagree on, well, EVERYTHING. But hasn't that been the way of the world, like dude, FOREVER? As a wise sage once said:
"I'm gonna love you forever, forever and ever, amen.
As long as old men sit and talk about the weather
As long as old women sit and talk about old men..."
Randy Travis
"Forever and Ever, Amen"
Sure folks, loving disagreement by a Man and a woman on tactics, even strategy, is not only NOT disharmonious, but it is the best thing for your new family. You love your wife. She opposes you painting the entire upstairs with a giant green image of the Incredible Hulk. You are lovingly fit to be tied, but a little time goes by and you are thinking about it, just like Runs Like A Deer concentrated and thought "how good that deer is gonna taste when I ketch 'im." Then it comes to you...."heck, I can paint this mural in my garage, and let her girly-out the upstairs".
You come to an agreement, she wins the upstairs, but you win the garage, the beat goes on. You hone your techniques and guess what? Your wars are teaching examples for the little imprintable kiddies. The finer points of disagreement and resolution are hashed out and the Family bonds and thrives. What a concept! You have not damaged your Manhood; you have not co-signed your wife's "I-am-woman-hear-me-roar bullshit"; and you have improved your Family's station in the world. Yeah, more meat, more hides, better tepee, more horses, and more esteem among your peers. And maybe your marriage will last for 34 years, or 50, or 60. And just maybe your kids, grandkids, and so on, will respect you as a Man, and not a surrogate Mom. Remember, the kiddies ARE going to hold YOU responsible if you do not lead the family into some better hunting grounds. They might feel sorry for "poor Mom, "; but they will have contempt for a weak, aproned, henpecked, doormat Daddy Dearest.
The cultivation of weak Men is pervasive and sneaky boys. You think you are rejecting it, and boom, one day you find yourself pushing your wife's little skirt-wearing lamb in the baby stroller. Just ponder this example from current events. Governor Chris Christie, Republican from New Jersey, and Rand Paul, Republican Tea Party Senator from Kentucky are publicly questioning whether we ought to "force" our mothers to get their kiddies VACCINATED. This is so intergalactically looney on so many scientific and medical levels that this Old Doc will sidestep the health arguments for the moment.
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Thousands of the "Iron Lung children" dying horrible Pre-Tetanus Vaccine deaths |
Relevant to our discussion, however, are two points. One, "Republican" is basically, the Man's party. Women vote Democrat, fact. And, two, withholding lifesaving VACCINES from the kiddies is largely a Gal issue, being driven my Mom's who recoil at baby Moonbeam getting so many painful boo-boos. Yeah, makes her cry. Running out of Flintstone band-aids. So Christie and Paul, jump on the Girl-Wagon to score some points with the Fem-Vote, and quicker than you can say, "Measles Epidemic", families are being put in Pre-WWI danger as thousands of un-immunized neighbors contract formerly ERADICATED diseases, some LETHAL. (yeah folks, most patients with Meningococcal Meningits either die, or have permanent brain-fry!). All so Miss Christie and Miss Paul can be "sensitive" to the FemeQuack agenda!
I am asking you fellas to take a look. I am not the only "vox clamantis in deserto." Check out "Manliness," by Harvey C. Mansfield; "The Book of Man: Readings on the Path to Manhood" by William J. Bennett; "Manliness, Manvotionals: Timeless Wisdom and Advice on Living the 7 Manly Virtues", by Brett and Kate McKay; "The Death of Character: Moral Education in an Age Without Good or Evil," by James Davison Hunter; "The Case for Marriage: Why Married People are Happier, Healthier, and Better Off Financially," by Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher; "PC M.D.: How Political Correctness is Corrupting Medicine," by Sally Satel, M.D.; "The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order," by Francis Fukuyama; "No More Christian Nice Guy; When Being Nice Instead of Good Hurts Men, Women, and Children," by Paul Coughlin; "Mere Christianity," or ANYTHING by C.S. Lewis. If you prefer REAL LIFE Men in action, check out "Undaunted Courage: Meriweather Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and the Opening of the American West," by Stephen E. Ambrose; "We Were Soldiers Once....And Young: Ia Drang -- The Battle That Changed the War in Viet Nam," by Lt. General Harold G. Moore (Ret) and Joseph Galloway; "Ulysses S. Grant: Personal Memoir," by General Ulysses S. Grant; "The Courage to be Free," by Charlton Heston; "The Warrior Elite: The Forging of SEAL Class 228," by Dick Couch; "Hondo", or ANYTHING by Louis L'Amour as just a tiny nibble of what is out their, pards.
Remember amigos, Manliness does not mean ignorance. Hollywood loves portraying you dudes as him-bos, bro-mancing silly stupidity in your man-caves. You are incompetent, directionless, pointlessly stubborn and unreasonable, incorrigible, unfocused, childish, deceitful, and tiresome to that incredibly competent, strong, visionary, practical women that is ever so burdened with your daily care and feeding. SHE must always swoop in at the end to save the day. See pal, I actually am asking you to dump the eye shadow, don't fret if you forget to floss once in a while, and for your family's sake grow a pair. You got 'em and she don't.
Be Manly in all you do and keep gazing out at the horizon. It is what you do best. You are the big thinker, you are the visionary, and you are the leader.
Don't play small-ball. That is your women's forte, muh bruthas. Yeah, she evolved to have babies via a special physical anatomy; feed them from her breasts; make the fire, keep up the tepee, load the musket, chat away with the kiddies to teach them to talk, and make her man those doe-skin shirts to keep him warm for the winter hunt. SHE must play small-ball, by evolutionary necessity, and YOU, my friend, need to reassure her that she is doing what God meant for her, so that she can relax and quite trying to compete with you; or to be that high-powered Xena-Attorney she and her burn-the-bra Mom always admired. It is not YOUR role to own HER role for some silly, sophomoric concept of "fairness." I warn you -- she will tire of you and dump you quick if you do that; and your kiddies will be embarrassed by you. Try this on for size fellas. Insist that your gal treat you like a working horse or dog. You work hard. Get groomed regularly, get fed adequately, and once in a while get a pat on the head. It'll make you wanna go out there and work for her like a son of a gun. Lotta gals treat their man worse than their animals. Trust me on this
Aw, c'mon, for sure -- if a gal wants to try BUDS, run Ebay, or do brain surgery, by all means fellas, we do not stand in principle against sincere goals. But when her "accomplishments" require YOU to walk on your tip-toes, take cotillion dancing classes instead of mixed martial arts, or let her into the Man Club with inferior qualifications -- well boys, a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do............Doc