-- Bear Claw to Jeremiah Johnson
in "Jeremiah Johnson"
Steady Boyz. Here is where we start gettin' down to brass tacks. Yeah, all the haters have been either shaken out of the game by now; or they are out conferencing with their Legal Aid Lawyers; or they are getting their lovely protest-march signs ready and their best camera scowl faces on. Either way, you are in a safe zone. No one can hurt you for reading on......'sigh.'
The Old Doc feels your pain fellas. You're scared. Jelly-leg. Fifty years of Feminism have taken their toll on your Y-Chromosome. The X side of you is hypertrophied to the point that it is drowning out the Y screaming to get out. The Fem-gals snicker haughtily about you at the water cooler; they shout down your input at meetings; they ridicule your stupidity and Southern drawl for owing an gun and eating the duck you just shot; they only "let" you see your own children once a month and you can only take them to the Mommy-park where the safety climbing toys are; and they ridicule you in the news, TV, movies and talk shows. In a word, they Punk you on a daily basis. Yeah Boyz, they sure got your nuts in a wringer.
Again, our straight talking guru, Bear Claw:
"I never could find no tracks on a woman's heart. I packed me a squaw for ten year, Pilgrim. Cheyenne, she were, and the meanest bitch that ever balled for beads. I lodge-poled her at Deadwood Creek, and traded her for a Hawken gun. But don't get me wrong; I loves the womens, I surely do. But I swear, a woman's breast is the hardest rock that the Almighty ever made on this earth, and I can find no sign on it".
Now before you start nitpicking, know that we are talking about sincere Men here, good Men. We are talking about building healthy families, kids with integrity, honor, patriotism. We are talking about sincere women, good women; women who want healthy families but who, along with so many Men, are misguided by evil, by ideologues, by a sick culture. We are talking about how to build a strong and good Nation; yeah, kinda like our Founding Fathers did. So, as your mind sidetracks on the exception, keep this in mind, wouldja Pards?
So, what on earth does the Old Doc mean when he says that your entire being is designed to serve the woman? Baby steps bro', baby steps. Let us first examine a Man's watershed point; the moment the river changes direction from eastward to westward. The age at which boy becomes......a girl-toy. The 30 year old 4-pronged buck. (Used to be the 20 year old, but with all that extra time playing video games, adolescence is now extending into the fourth decade}. You all know the archetypal of which I speak. Baby boy born 30 years ago. Parental flower-children still smoking Wacky Weed and reminiscing all those Vietnam Protest marches, free love and God-awful hairdos. Parents who refuse to do anything their own parents did or believed in. They eschew a Biblical name and go with "Justin", a nice-sounding meaningless moniker, after no one in particular. Boy grows up, long girly hair, no more baseball cap, no Army toys, only Sesame Street-approved Elmo dolls. Mommy edges Pop out of the upbringing in order to "hear her roar." Justin learns "whole language" in school, and therefore grows up illiterate. Since he can't read, his mind wanders and that gets him tagged "Attention Deficit Disorder." That buys him a ticket to the Yellow Submarine with a lifetime of Ritalin (Amphetamines, fits right into Parents Druggy past don't it?). "Shockingly" he starts smoking dope as a teenager, and, in addition to being a "dope" he is also becoming "sensitive," no more sports, or ROTC. He hates football players. He graduates from High School without ever having a paying job, or even chores at home. Next to dope and skinny jeans, he finds his true passion in video games, and at age 25, permanently roosts in Mommy's basement since Mommy won't cut the chord. Maybe tries his hand at "taking some classes." His fifth-wheel father broods on the sidelines at what a loser his son has become.
Justin's folks are becoming a "real drag" by age 30, so he shacks up with Ashley, the most convenient Mommy replacement....... Sound familiar dudes? The new American Male! Boy, those Chinese Minions just can't wait to attack a country defended by this army of pouty-lipped special farces.
This, then is the New Man, the Nuevo Hombre. This is the new American Male. The proud synthesis of our philosophical nemesis -- Marxism. One hundred years of Marxist fairy tales slow-dripping into our culture, tactically implemented by Feminists, has produced an American Man who no longer gives his all to provide for his woman. We now have a parasite who lives only under the care and tutelage of any woman. From dependable, to dependent. From heroic to pathetic. "The dude abides!"
Wherever does a Fella start to change this? To reclaim his noble state, that is. Well sir, let's give 'er a whack, a start. Biologically, a Man's very being centers on his woman. Either he is a good man, and devotes his every fiber to providing for his woman and her children; or he is a loser who devotes every fiber to finding a Mommy replacement, a woman who will care for, think for, and provide for him. It is not always black or white. As usual, often the edges are blurred. But either way, his every orientation is about a woman. And, fellas, this is why Feminism has been so devastating in weakening American families. Men are largely molded by their need for their woman's approval -- approval to get in her pants, or approval to build a life and family together. He'll go either way.
A good, sincere "pioneer" woman (Miss Kay, "Duck Dynasty"), rewards a Man's hard labors, courage and determination with a loving tenderness, praise, and yes, hot meals. He works from dawn to dusk, clears the land, fights off invaders, and stands tall to adversity, and she is grateful that he has made it possible to raise her children, "the right way." Like a good horse or hunting dog, she pats him on the head, scratches his ears, gives him a bag of oats, and works him like hell again the next day, and her Man LOVES it! Here then, is the million-dollar life-tip muh bruthas' -- find yourself a woman who will treat you like the Old Timers treated a good horse or a sled dog. (NOT a lap dog). You will achieve your potential, and she will be happy and build a happy home. The children will know Jesus, and will build on the foundation of their forefathers. America will stay strong and righteous.........
Bro', maybe you're on the Metro fence at this very moment. Henpecked to death by the gals in your family or work circle; doubting yourself, your very manhood, You are torn between standing tall, or pushing aside your apron, getting on your knees and changing the baby's diaper after working all day at your job merely because "we agreed this would be 50/50 and it's your turn." Whatever is a Lad to do?
You sensitive Chaps, skip the next few sentences; way too harsh for you, seriously......So, start with biology -- bend over slightly, reach between your legs, grab the ovoid ornaments hanging there, give 'em a squeeze to squirt out some testosterone, and COWBOY UP for Mankind's sake! Face the Devil head on, yeah, put on your Cowboy boots, wear a shirt that doesn't match, don't worry about the dab of shaving cream still in your ear, tease the little kiddies until they cry, and DO NOT apologize for it! The kids will love you later on for it; the gals will swoon when they realize a Manly heart is still pumpa-thumpin' in there, and the Nation will finally get back to severely punishing those folks that behead our people with a dull knife on TV, instead of Metrosexually urging compassion and understanding.
OK, you tender boys can start reading again.......You wanna know what ACTIONS you can take in order to change the course of your personal, and this nation's history? Try some of these on for size:
Start going to Church, pray, and at least act like you care about God's will for you
Find women to date at the church social not at the bar or night club
Reject as a wife any girl with a tramp stamp
Chuck the pointy shoes (cowboy boots excepted)
Dress yourself, don't let her do it
Get a job, mowing lawns if you have to, and work every day
Forget about how you look, and worry about what you are becoming
Get out of a room of gaggling gals, EVERY time, post haste!
Smoke a cigar with the Men if you care to
Don't use a breath mint after smoking your cigar
Call your friends Men, not guys
Marry her. Don't live with a gal that is not your wife
Marry her FOR LIFE. 'Til death do us part....
Dump the gal who tells you she is not ready for marriage, but gives you a key
Be kind, loving and gentle to your wife, but do not be a doormat
Start taking up your rightful place in childrearing, teaching little boys and girls Manly examples.
Take them to Church, pray with them, read the Scriptures to them
Take them to see "American Sniper"
Take them to Airshows and Rodeos
Encourage ROTC, military academies, and service in the U.S. Armed Forces
Get him in Boy Scouts instead of SAT courses
Teach them the manly disciplines of sports
Take them hunting, take them to baseball games
Teach them how to competently use firearms
Teach them American History
Read to them tales of King Arthur
Read to them Grimm's Fairy tales
Read to them Horatio Alger books
Read to them Louis L'Amour westerns
Throw away Sesame St, and "Heather Has Two Mommies"
Teach them about the Bible
Emphasize the Christ
Gather them at Christ-Mass for their spiritual memories
Gather them at Thanksgiving for their spiritual memories
Teach them to drive a car
Teach them the joy of doing chores and manual labor
Teach them about Good and Evil because they do exist
Stand tall before your children, even if you intimidate them
Intimidate the children in order to better teach the tough disciplines
Be like the turtle, comfortable in your own shell
Teach your little boy how to be a man
Teach your little girl, how to treat a man
Because, fellas, being a Man does NOT mean a carefully coiffed 2-3 day beard as "a look." It does not mean engaging in girly "high-fives" for every trivial occurrence. And it does not mean shacking up, hooking up, or cleaning up on each and every promiscuous, misguided gal that offers to show you her tramp stamp. Have some pride, ma bruthas' and do the RIGHT thing even in a age when doing the WRONG thing is so easy, and so accepted. Remember, a lot of the gals out there are competing to see who can engage the most frequently in coitus; but on the other hand a lotta other gals out there still value decency, modesty, honest, integrity, and Manliness. Yeah, all the Old Time stuff. The Pioneer stuff. The Founding Father stuff.
Forget about the inanity of "fairness." As Mrs. Doc always says, "The Fair is in Pomona." There is no such thing as equality of outcome or diaper changing, because there is no such thing as equality of intelligence, physical ability, effort or courage. Forget about teaching your kids about Bill "House of Cards" Clinton; about Martin Luther King, about Cesar Chavez, about the First Gay Mayor and his courageousness; about all the social climbers out there in 12-step programs, about those "courageous single moms". Hell, the schools, the news, the magazines, the songs, and the paintings have saturated your kids minds ad nauseum with these "heroes."
Try teaching them instead something new, something they have never ever heard of. General Washington's Atlas-like heroism in founding our country; General George Patton's manly skill at destroying the Satanic Nazis; Sam Houston's determined crusade to defeat and conquer Mexico's dictator, Generalissmo Santa Ana; President George W. Bush's courage in the face of Leftist cowardice, in crushing the leadership scum of the September 11, 2001 murders; and Andrew Carnegie, a poor Scottish immigrant whose steel brought American into world dominance, who became one of the richest men in American history, and by the time he died, he had given it all away to charity.
And now that I think about it, in overwhelming our kiddies with "plights" of various and sundry "oppressed" peoples, why not teach your kids this never taught story of a minority Man putting it all on the line for HIS country, instead of protesting against it?
Corporal Joseph H. De Castro (1844–1892) - De Castro served in Company I, 19th Massachusetts Infantry and was the first Hispanic-American Medal of Honor recipient". During the battle, De Castro attacked a confederate flag bearer from the 19th Virginia Infantry regiment, with the staff of his own colors and seized the opposing regiment's flag, handing the prize over to General Alexander S. Webb. General Webb is quoted as saying:
"At the instant a man broke through my lines and thrust a rebel battle flag into my hands. He never said a word and darted back. It was Corporal Joseph H. De Castro, one of my color bearers. He had knocked down a color bearer in the enemy's line with the staff of the Massachusetts State colors, seized the falling flag and dashed it to me".
Yup, you boyz have got to quit scratching your facing-the-floor belly-button, kick all your loser friends out of the garage, quit using a six-pack to stimulate your success plan, and grow up for heaven's sake. Stand up FOR your woman, but also stand up TO her, if need be. Find yourself a woman that is worth running your paws bloody in a minus 50 snowstorm, determined to keep pulling that sled even if it kills you. THAT, my fellow Men is a woman to ride the river. Maybe worth your life?
America owes everything to Men of courage and their pioneer women that built this country from its beginnings as a wild, dangerous land of prehistoric men, into the greatest civilization Mankind has ever witnessed. Brave, ambitious Men have made this land a haven for business, innovation, and dreams. It has been a Godsend for the poor, the immigrant, the ethnic minority, and the woman, who have all faired light-years better off here than in any other civilization in history. You fellas, quit buying into the "yeah, but how 'bout all the abuses, yada, yada, yada?" That is weak talk that is subversive, that is dissociative, and that is feminine. The American Man is tough, noble, courageous and righteous. He is not cruel. Real cruelty is belittling a Man's sacrifices; cruelty is sending our men out to fight a savage, cruel enemy, and demanding suicidal Rules of Engagement; and cruelty is not getting your precious princess ass up from the couch to greet and feed him when he comes home with bloody paws after 14 hours of working for you and the kids..... Do yourself a favor pal. Look up what the Marines did during the 17 sub-zero bloody days at the Chosin Reservoir, Korea 1950. The Manliness of those fellas and so many like them'll bring a tear to the eye.......
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Rest In Peace |
Only one perfect man has walked the earth. He gave His all for the world's lowliest, its sinners. Many, many imperfect Men are giving their all for honor, integrity, their families and their Manhood. The Old Doc's Old Man had no education, was an immigrant, never spoke very good English, but he tried....worked every day until he couldn't, stood at his wife's bedside every day her last few demented years, and sent his son to Medical School. An American Man. A Man's Man......Doc
Rest In Peace |