Sunday, February 15, 2015

The American Gelding Pot

"You say you'll change the constitution 
Well  you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow..."
 The Beatles

     Who ordered the castration of the American Man?  Well Pards, if you can wrap your mind around this, it has been happening to you in earnest for over 50 years.  Yeah pal, ya got snookered by misdirect, fallout, collateral damage, and outright lies.  We thought we were being "open-minded" and wham!, from baritone to tenor.  Now bro's, its in the water supply.

     You ever wonder just why we geld male animals?  Why ever would we want to reduce the testosterone supply of Old Yeller?  Testosterone leads to territory control, pissing at every fire hydrant, fighting,  and humping your guest's leg.  Cut off the balls, stop the testosterone, stop the leg humping.  That's right Boyz, you got it.  It is snip, clip and put a bow on him.  Docile and sweet.

     Yesiree mates, we are here going to explain to youz all the ABC's of how you are gelded into  timidity, disguised as understanding;  to French-style surrender, disguised as "50/50 relationships;  and cowardice, disguised as sensitivity.  The "water supply"  in this case fellas is our modern testosterone-neutralizing culture.  Many historical forces have forged it.  The Old Doc will cut through the haze of battle and tell it to you simply and truthfully.  Man to Man.  Mano a Mano, Mano.

     Actually, it all happens now on cruise control.   You're sprayed  carwash-style as you waddle your way down the cattle shute of boyhood and come out the other end confused, but fat, sassy and tamed all right.  Unlike with poor snipped Snippy, however, the male Human still has a chance, still has the capacity to run full speed to the top of the hill to snort, stamp his hoof, and toss his mane until a pretty mare comes a'callin'.  You see dudes, the animal lives only by instinct, so when you cut of his balls, new ball game (pun intended), no choice, no free will.  You bro' have experienced a CULTURAL castration, and as will any Homo Sapien you use your mental powers to  overcome instinct in order to change behavior.  Happens that way, well, since  the Creation.  You let Eve talk you into a bite.....Yup.  You, YOURSELF, are cooperating in the systematic disassembly of our American boys into The Vienna Choir Boys.    Like the valiant French did in 1940, you hear the Germans boots marching along the Champs Elysee, and to hell with defending the homeland.  Throw the rifles down, do a 180 and run the hundred in 10 seconds flat!  YOU accept and act out the prescribed American Gelding Pot!

     First, let me explain the forces that have put the bullseye on your junk.  We start with something you have never experienced boyz;  and that is some real history.  Karl Marx was a German philosopher who in the 1800's put forward a philosophical playbook that turned envy, disunity, and victimhood into opportunities for bocu bennies.  Imagine, now an organized way to channel your resentments!  Whether Karlitos was sincere or not, subsequently some really sweet folks loved his ideas, and morphed them into some really neat trends such as social strife, dictatorships, gulags, re-education camps and groovy wars that butchered MILLIONS and MILLIONS of innocents.  The Old Doc calls them the Huggables -- Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Che -- the Marx Brothers!

     In addition to outright torture and death, these demonic but cuddly Marxists,  left an indelible imprint on anyone with a gripe.    Actually their most important contribution to Humankind.   They legitimized  the transformation of envy into a raison d'être to take away the possessions and rights of the coveted target group.  Yeah, if poor folks want your stuff, they can take it and they now have the guns and laws to enforce it, along with the ideological cover of course.   What does this have to do with America -- Land of the Free and Home of the Brave-- and yo' junk?  Well fellas, the beauty of Marxism is that it can be like a chameleon changing names and colors once good folks catch on to its original deceit and cruelty.  Names like communism, socialism are a bit harsh, so in America  the Marxists, with the aid of those ever so "useful idiots" as Lenin used to call them (see Greenpeace),  instigated and fueled movements such as Progressivism, Liberalism, Populism,  and the Democratic Party.  Gentler words, more subtly, but effectively taking away yo' shit.

     Despite the name changing, my friends,  always underlying is the idea that if we can deceive the offended group and convince them that they are downtrodden, and we can gin up enough anger to sustain a movement, then we can achieve not the equality and justice embodied in the slogans, but actual rule by diktat.  Marxists seek power,  and their "useful idiots"  simply KNOW that they know more than you, and that if you obey their wisdom, everything will be OK.  You know, they have the Power, they have the privileges,  and you foot the bill.  Happens every time.

Advised President Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinksy scandal, while himself having an adulterous affair.
The Democratic Party today uses rallying cries like Racism, Chauvinism, Sexism to gain votes, spawning whole new Marxist branchlets.  Civil Rights, Unionism, Gay Activism, Environmentalism and Feminism have made a wonderful coalition to bring home the bacon.  And the funny thing is, folks, and this is the real laugher -- the beauty of the "isms" is that the very folks deemed oppressed,  the very downtrodden that the smart schemers and their useful wackos seek to save, are eventually the very folks that end up suffering the most from the efforts.  Here's a Jeopardy quiz for you, category "Last 100 Years of History."  Answer, Creates Starving Masses.  Question, what is Communism?  That is CORRECT!   Whoa, wadddid I win?  Your prize, my friend is eternal misery........

      The truth  my friends....yes, the truth will set you free.  Go right down the line laddies, and see for yourself, and stop letting the placards, the slogans, and liars such as Brian "Stolen Honor"  Williams of NBC News provide you with your information.  The Civil Rights Movement, Illegal Immigration Pimps, Unions, Gay Rights,  and Women's Rights have left their purported clients worse off than ever.  The average Black person has lost badly since the Civil Rights Act of 1964;  the average illegal alien lives in a world of  drug cartels and shadowy slavery;  Unions reduce employment by destroying the companies that feed them;  and sexual politics have ruined the teamwork needed between Men and women to raise healthy, productive families.   Marxism sounded good to the cafe philosophers, but who were the real winners?  Yeah, dictators like Lenin, Stalin, Mao and their ilk;  Al Sharpton and his ilk;  Greenpeace and their ilk; Xena the Warrior Princess and her ilk.  They keep convincing you that "more is needed."  Yeah, tell that to the Gulag graduates......Which brings me, back to  your testicles, ma bruthas.

     Why this lesson on history and male anatomy?  Because Men, your testicles are now the very eye of the storm for the final epic conflict:    The dismantling of America,  the last and greatest hope for mankind.  Yikes!   You must realize that America was the very first departure from Kings, Royalty and peasantry -- ever.  The first time that the little guy every really had his chance.  The first time in history that a Man could own land, a gun,  start a family, care for his wife, and raise his kids with the freedom to achieve their hearts and ability's desire.  And since 1784 millions of American families have thrived and meshed together as a beacon of hope to all the rest of humanity.  And my friends, it has been families with a father, a mother, Christian faith and American work ethic that have created the country and the ideal of America.  The Devil really be hatin' dis shit.

     We put an American flag on the moon;  we build dozens of super carriers that bring stability to a world of crooks;  we produce the U.S. Marine that defines courage in Fallujah, and we literally rebuild entire countries destroyed by wars, famine and totalitarianism.  The bad guys around the  world know that in order to weaken America, and therefore advance their power and wealth, they need to destroy its foundation;  and America's beating heart is  THE AMERICAN FAMILY.   Drug cartels, organized crime, Radical Islam, Russia, China, N. Korea and all those countries honest enough to play Communism and Dictatorship, are lurking in the wings, waiting for Free America to falter.  And my bro's, Xena cannot stop them.  But you always have.......

Evil has always and will always factor into the human equation, and evil forces are hard at work, and playing to win -- and the balance is hanging, literally, by the thin cord of your testes.  Hang 'em low Boyz!

     Destroy the American Man, and the last thread of hope for the strong American Family is gone.  Notice how even now,  the Speech Monitors are calling "family" just about anything and everything that DOESN'T include a strong man, a father.  Your car dealer is a "family";  Heather's two mommy's are a "family";  and a gal, her chihuahua, and her tattooist are a "family."  Any combination and permutation EXCEPT, a Christian Manly Man, woman, and children.  That combination is actually HARMFUL if you believe TV shows that constantly drive home the point that religion and family structure are oh, so oppressive and restrictive.  "Friends" anyone?

     And notice too how our enemies are hunting bear with a bow on horseback,

 while our "men" are, well.....

          Your earliest images are now of Daddy changing your di-pee;  making Mommy dinner after himself working 12 hours;  and washing the dishes while Mommy watches TV.  Daddy is so obedient, he acts like Hop Sing from the old Bonanza series, so attentive is he to Mommy's every beckon call.  Too bad he can't make breastmilk.

     OK, so what transforms the young boy caterpillar into a Metro butterfly?  Well, you start school, and whoa!, no Men teachers to be found!  Yup, all gals (or "guys").  Immediately your little nuts are in a vise, what with no more recess play, no more "bullying",  gender propaganda and Ritalin now dispensed to you in hamster feeders.   Heck, you fellas are being grain-fed and bred to sit quietly and smoke dope, "grow" gender-neutral, and play video games;  all the while little Chinese boys are feeding little dogs to tigers and working on their Katas  to prepare them to rule the world someday.

     You reach adolescence, a young Edward Schissorhands, reeling from Girl Power and Pathos!  You are becoming sensitive, gentle and a "team player."  The ambitious few of you Lads become Cheerleaders, Drama Club presidents, and poster boys for Banana Republic, yeah, pouty, lips, skinny jeans, moody expression (ugh!).  Even those boys who make it to adolescence with some gumption are now forced to play Little League with girls!  Bunch of Madison Bumgarner's coming out of that league, fo' sho'.

All the while, you guessed it, Little Wang Chou in China is becoming Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.  Do you not also see that the Anti-Bully movement is just another way to girlify our boys and let the Chinese win?   The REAL bully hits  your boy in the mouth, and your boy gets suspended from school if he hits back, and "finishes it" like you and  our old time Fathers used to teach!  Talk about castration......

     By the time this teenage boy staggers into his 20's, he has been so mothered, neutered, and girl-ified, that it becomes a fait accompli that he will not be entering BUDS anytime soon, believe me.  He learns to hide in college dorms, at Starbucks, or in Mommy's basement.  He wanders in and out of Heather's  life, her pants, and her apartment, working the chow line skillfully since he's never even dreamed of gainful employ, supporting his woman, or raising children.  And he NEVER thinks about God and country....well, that is unless he is raised in areas where folks still stubbornly cling to their guns and their Bible......

     “I’ve lived the literal meaning of the “land of the free” and “home of the brave.” It’s not corny for me. I feel it in my heart. I feel it in my chest. Even at a ball game, when someone talks during the anthem or doesn’t take off his hat, it pisses me off. I’m not one to be quiet about it, either.” 
― Chris KyleAmerican Sniper: Memorial Edition

     All grown up, you young Men are facing an even more professional anti-Testosterone gauntlet.  Hollywood, the News Media, Talk Shows, and Politicians all join forces to make any Manly behavior seem actually criminal.  Remember when Dubya had the balls, er, I mean nerve to actually threaten the men of Peace and Religion that obeyed Allah and killed 3000 Americans who had committed offense against the Holy Land by showing up for work, September 11, 2001?  From the rubble he said with a bullhorn, ".....and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear us real soon...."  ....."Dead or Alive."  Man, you'd of thought he said that we should behead all Unbelievers, or something!  This Christian Man, this U.S. President was so bullied for eight years that the country simply had to subsequently elect a genderless President.  Twice.

     You Boyz face the same type of ridicule from the gals, and the gal-approved "guys."  If you stand up to her, you are abusive.  If she is screeching, out-of-control and you grab her arm to steady her, you have committed a hate crime.  If she decides to leave you, she gets all the stuff and the kids, and you get to beg to even see your OWN KIDS.  If you drink a beer with the fellas, you are abandoning your children.  If you smoke a cigar, you are Right Wing, and nasty.  If you load your own ammo, you are Skin-Head Militia.  If you vote Republican, you are in bed with the murderous Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Big Defense.  These legal businesses are daily shown by Hollywood to be secretive, murderous cutthroats that despoil the environment and hate Indians.... and are run by Men.    If you hunt deer, you've got PETA and Enviro Wackos like Greenpeace to contend with.  Heck, if you even wear your cap with the bill pointing forward, you are labeled a Hater and a Nazis, and a serial killer.   Even those seed-eating Vegans hate  you if you eat an egg for Heaven's sake!

     It is no wonder The American Man has become a Wuss.  Even our top Military Brass have been gelded.  Fourteen American soldiers were killed and 33 wounded INSIDE an American Military base at Fort Hood in Texas by a gentle and devout Muslim with  Al-Queda on his speed dial, and General Castrati declared that this was a "workplace grievance."  ........ Mommy, please hug me............!!!!!
And why the heck are our SOLDIERS UNARMED INSIDE A MILITARY BASE?  During a global war?  A WORLD War in which our homeland has already been hit?  Multiple times? AAAAUUURRGGGGH!!!!!

     World Wide Radical Islam loudly proclaims its fundamental goal is to kill Americans, and this Old Doc, for one, believes them.  Ol' Adolf said the same thing in "Mein Kampf" back in the day.  He was not kidding.  Khrushchev said in the 1950's, "....We will bury you!"  And he meant it.  So when the Mullahs in Iran vow to obliterate our friend, Israel, I take them at their word.  Our Girly Leader's response?  "Well, for one, Israel is not THAT good a friend, and OMG!, if we just let them build their Mosque on Ground Zero they'll be our BFF.  LOL!"  Yeah fellas, don't be such Haters....

     OK, ok me buckaroos, you surely tire of the Old Doc's endless harangue.  I really do not intend to "prove" anything to you.  The subject is deep, voluminous.  The proof is there with only a tad of effort on your part.  My intention is to sound the alarm.  "One if by land, two if by sea!" kinda stuff.  For your little boy?  The children? ......Hello?

"Sometimes it is not enough to do our best;  Sometimes we have to do what is required"
                                                              --Sir Winston Churchill

The stakes my Brothers, have never been higher.  There is more to lose here than zero "likes" on Facebook.  More than ever America needs y'all to dig deep and find the Manhood of your Forefathers.  Like General Washington when he had to winter in Valley Forge with only 2,000 barefoot and starving nearly frozen men in 1777-8;  like Old Hickory when everything rested on him and his loyal men at the Battle of New Orleans;  like Admiral Nimitz when he went after the Japanese Navy with only three carriers, and the West Coast of the U.S. at risk;  and like Colonel William Travis whose final letter bears reading in its entirety:

Commandancy of the The Alamo
Bejar, Feby. 24th. 1836
To the People of Texas & All Americans in the World—
Fellow Citizens & compatriots—
     I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna — I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man — The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken — I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls — I shall never surrender or retreat.  Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch — The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days.  If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country — Victory or Death.
William Barrett Travis.
Lt.  Col. comdt.
P. S.  The Lord is on our side — When the enemy appeared in sight we had not three bushels of corn — We have since found in deserted houses 80 or 90 bushels and got into the walls 20 or 30 head of Beeves.

      Think, fellas.  Harken back to a time when your ancestors were weened with The Good Book.  When boys became Men with Duty, Honor, God and Country embedded in their very hearts and souls.  When to die for the Righteous Cause was not the worse that could happen to a Man.  It was noble.  Go back to a time when the leadership of your father was awe inspiring and worth remembering.    Take your own little boy and read him a bedtime story.  Read to him about a hero named Chief Chris Kyle, USN:

“I am a strong Christian. Not a perfect one—not close. But I strongly believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible. When I die, God is going to hold me accountable for everything I’ve done on earth. He may hold me back until last and run everybody else through the line, because it will take so long to go over all my sins. “Mr. Kyle, let’s go into the backroom. . . .” Honestly, I don’t know what will really happen on Judgment Day. But what I lean toward is that you know all of your sins, and God knows them all, and shame comes over you at the reality that He knows. I believe the fact that I’ve accepted Jesus as my savior will be my salvation. But in that backroom or whatever it is when God confronts me with my sins, I do not believe any of the kills I had during the war will be among them. Everyone I shot was evil. I had good cause on every shot. They all deserved to die.” 
― Chris KyleAmerican Sniper

     Take it from an Old Doc.  Why would I lie to you?  I do not need your vote, nor your money.  And this Old Codger does not need your approval;   I simply want to help you grow a pair.......Doc