Well Pards, here in "Manhood Agonistes: Paradise Lost" the Old Doc has been trying to encourage you Men, young and old, to harken back to the day when your Manliness was a vital element in the fabric of American society, and American well-being. You Fellas can rest assured -- we are close to the end of this discussion, so hang on to your chonies! Emasculating you in order to convey lessons on Masculinity will soon be over, my emotionally scarred Bruthas'.
In our last visit, I asked you to turn your attention to something more practical than merely theoretical debates on Masculinity, Metrosexualism, and Feminism. Yeah, I asked you to begin to consider the well-being of your country, the United States of America -- the last, great hope of Mankind. My secret intent was to see if, on fledgling and shaky legs, you might begin to pay attention to a watershed Presidential election upcoming. I put forth the arrogant implication that all elves, hobbits, wizards and Men are now needed to overcome the growing, and mighty forces of Mordor -- the evil envelopment of America by the shameful septic tank of ignorant Leftism, wrapped in the putrid sewage of Marxist despotism. It is real, my friends, it is on the horizon albeit you doubt me. The Old Doc believes that it is only real American Manhood that will endure, persevere, and ultimately defeat this gangrenous and foul societal decomposition.
It just so happens that due, perhaps, to happenstance, American Manhood is on full National display these days. In fact, it has been the subject of some very engaging debate, again on a National level. I mean, how 'bout them American Boyz vacationing in France who with their bare hands saved dozens of innocent Frenchmen and women riding the French train. Yeah, they were snoozing away and were startled awake by gunfire and screaming. While the French employees quickly ran to the Employee-Only room and hid like surrender monkeys, locking out escaping passengers, these Manly Men, still half-asleep, ran TOWARD the danger. An unarmed American Airman, an unarmed American National Guardsman, and an unarmed American student jumped the Vermin, who was armed with a Machine Gun. They disarmed him, and saved the day. One of these heroes was wounded with a boxcutter the Jihadi asshole was carrying. They have been awarded France's highest Medal, their highest honor for Bravery. (Which in France is more or less equivalent to paying the IRS every April 15th. But hey did not mean it as an insult. Best they could muster, I reckon).
And then, whadda' 'bout that 'ol Presidential race? The Old Doc is not at all interested in the Anti-American, International Marxist, job-killing, economy-destroying, culture-perverting Democrat nomination process. So no, we would never waste your precious time talking about America's sworn enemies. What is of interest to American Men, I contend, is the scenario playing out somewhat in the Republican field. The nominating race includes 17 fine candidates, thus far; anyone of these 17 being head and shoulders superior to the best the Democrats have to puke upon our country. But our interest here is in American Manhood, so allow the Old Doc to focus in, a bit, on the subject of interest to all Men. He also happens to be the overwhelmingly popular choice at the moment, a tsunami, a movement, if you will. And this American Patriot, this American Man is, you got it, the American capitalist, Donald J. Trump.
Easy Boyz, easy! I promise, I am not campaigning, and would NEVER, EVER IN A MILLION YEARS try to influence your choices on anything or anybody, much less who you ultimately exercise your free vote on. No sir. But right into our very laps has fallen a priceless "teachable moment" as Rush would say; a moment ripe with all manner of Manhood lessons, visuals, and reactions. Wholly cow, this Manly Man has hit the American Political stage like a magical zephyr, a refreshing "cleansing breath" for you psycho-absorbed Californians. He stands now daily, before America, and says what he thinks; means what he says, politically correct prattle be damned! There is not an ounce of "I feel your pain" touchy-feely psychobabble nonsense from the mouth of this Bull Elk, you can count on it. Among other important National discussions this Man has initiated, ALL Men should be particularly interested in his assault on Political Correctness.
You know, that PC plague that has been foisted on our country's discourse by the Left which prevents any real American debate. PC-BS makes it RACISM to criticize a Black thug who assassinates a uniformed police officer with a back-of-the-head shot, and TWELVE to the prostrate back, just to make sure. That makes it a "War on Women" to criticize the Feminists who are murdering unborn children at Planned Butcherhood, ripping them open while the feeling baby's heart is still beating, and selling their parts while chattering away amidst wine and laughter. That makes it homophobic to criticize Homosexual Activists that harness government-backed destruction of Older Christian couples, and cake shops. And that makes it xenophobia AND White Supremacy to imply that unregulated ILLEGAL INVASION into America of millions and millions of 3rd world peasants who have no intention of "melting" into the American pot, may need some rethinking and re-adjustments. Yeah, I mean, the only thing we can freely talk about in any serious way in this country anymore is, well, how stupid White Christian Men are!
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Christian "homophobes" Dick and Betty Odgaard |
Unless you have been on the spacecraft currently taking pictures of Pluto, you have surely been aware of the eruption of invective heaped upon Trump's Y-chromosome. Bully, bombastic, mean, blowhard, racist, sexist, obscene, grotesque, and worse of all, a Democrat -- are just a few of the insults hurled his way. So much bile is flowing that the Old Doc has felt compelled to comment. Surely all of this rage comes from more than just policy disagreement, ay Lads? Let me cut to the chase. Trump has castigated the arrogant Big Media bimbos and himbos; he has destroyed the Grapes of Wrath dreamworld America has been pretending that exists on our Southern border; he has disrupted the coronation of the "loving" Royal Donor Lapdog, Jeb!; he has accurately described the anatomical configuration of Rosie O'Donnell; he has called for the imprisonment of Hillary, the "smartest woman in America" ; and he has chased that Carlos Slim Mexican media-chihuahua, Jorge Ramos, out of his press conference with tail between his legs -- and all done to thundering applause and the approval of millions. This, my Bruthas', is no Gelding!
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Not Your Grandma's Depression |
That's right MILLIONS are cheering from their homes at this American Man speaking up for his country; for his success; and for those of us little guys that vote and pay taxes, and who always end up picking up the tab for this country's elected officials and their lawless looting of the U.S. Treasury. At the same time, however, a surprising MILLIONS more seem to hate him with a passion. Why the dichotomy? Well it is the Old Doc's humble opinion, that this TrumpFear is the subliminal dread among so many, especially of the male castrati, of the resurgence of Manly American Manhood. Thats right, the Masculine expression of a Man's opinion; his belief; his faith; his actions. The phenomena most feared by all the dictators of the world; all the Leftist identity groups; all the corrupt politicians; all of the Crony capitalists; all of the feminists; all of the gelded males; and all of the ILLEGAL INVADERS -- is the RISE AND NEWFOUND ASSERTIVENESS of the brash, courageous, Patriotic, and victorious American Man.
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America Loves a Winner |
You Men pay attention to what is going on this election season, even if it is the only one you ever do. That important, you can bet your gonads on this one. You do your own research, and form you own opinions. But here is what I really wanted to emphasize to you Manly Men out there, both young sopranos, as well as you more seasoned, battle-scarred bulls. Make up your own minds, and please, purty please with sugar on top, do NOT let WOMEN make decisions about another Man's Manliness for you. I present to you, two journalist discussions on Manliness by women, Peggy Noonan, and Mona Charen, and I want to focus on these two female pundits as an illustration of a Woman's Eye-View of Manliness.
Peggy Noonan is a New Yorker society-type that writes a lot of human interest stories, and does political punditry during election times. She writes for the Wall Street Journal, and is syndicated nationally on other well-read on-line journals. She wrote some very poignant pieces, including a book right after the 9/11 attacks, "A Heart, a Cross and a Flag." Very moving, well written, often dealing with Manliness and American Manhood. She was describing the courage of Men, particularly the firefighters, carrying hundreds of pounds of equipment and water hoses up hundreds of flights of stairs; and carrying people they rescued out of the buildings, descending hundreds of flights of stairs in return. She discussed the upcoming retaliation against the Murderers of the American non-combatants, and how Men would answer the call to battle in order to bring justice to the bad guys that attacked America. The Men who ran TO the burning towers; the Men who would be running TO the sound of gunfire. Very inspiring, very sobering, very true. I appreciated her tip of the cap to the American Men during that somber time that was so frightful for so many.
Another woman, Mona Charen, is a columnist who just posted an article entitled, "Manliness: An Unsung Trait of the Train Heroes." Several on-line journals run her column. It is a nice tribute to the Boyz I discussed above, who literally saved dozens of French innocents from yet another Jihadist murder attempt. So how do these two tributes relate to this rare Manly National figure named Trump? Well it has to do with the fact that both of these journalists are WOMEN. And women are NOT your best judge of Manliness -- they can be understandably fickle on the matter.
Both of these female authors have written movingly about Manliness in the physical, battle-type scenarios. When a Man uses aggressiveness to "protect" other soldiers, civilians, the innocent in battle or during criminal acts, everyone is thankful, even the male castrati. Those Men are real heroes, no doubt. It seems, however, women can be very selective about when SHE thinks it is appropriate to exert Manliness.
Both of these female Manliness writers have lambasted Mr. Trump, repeatedly. They have written at great length about what a bully Trump is; how arrogant Trump is; how rude Trump is; how divisive Trump is; and what a woman-hater Trump is. They bleat plaintively on how he has offended Mexicans, Mexico, China, women, the Republican Party, and Jeb! and Megyn. In other words, to these women, Manliness does not extend to spheres that are not female approved.
Interesting to note, many gelded male pundits, politicians and regular folks out there are equally offended at Mr. Trump's manner, brashness, and boldness, and Manliness. These girly-men are quite intimidated by his straight talk, his directness and candor. They possess a Stockholm Syndrome-type uneasiness with a Man who acts, well, Manly. This is the quintessential teaching moment for Men to pause, contemplate, and ingest. Our present Feminized culture TOO OFTEN determines the appropriateness of a Man's behavior. She wants to DEFINE Manliness. Should she not approve, then it is threatening, menacing; and the castrati twist their panties all in a bunch agreeing with this diktat. Boys grow up conditioned their entire lives to internalize the Feminine rules of comportment. Like Pavlov's dogs, Men salivate when the PC Gals snap their fingers, knowing that treats will be forthcoming if only they "behave." Is this too harsh? The Old Doc thinks not. It is IGNORANCE of this reality that would be disastrously "harsh."
I am not intending here to denigrate in any way the work of these two female authors. But I do have a message for you Men. Manliness is vital to the health of your family. The family is the core of America's strength. America's strength is the key to prosperity and peace for all Americans, and in fact for the entire world. Men must return to the time when we would think freely, assertively, boldly with Patriotic passion, and with the spirit of independence from Feminine morality and sensitivities. Our free society needs both a woman to be and think like a woman; and at the same time our families, our little girls, our little boys, our country needs Men who think and act like Manly Men. American Men. This God-provided division of labor is too vital to monkey around with. Pards, I urge you to study these words, from another woman author, who apparently has a deeper appreciation of these points that this Old Doc is incompetently attempting to make. Here she is discussing The Manly Mr. Trump:
"I mean, I must admit, like everybody else, there is something compelling about this kind of talk when these guys are talking against each other, when Trump has no political correctness button that he pushes. I think one of the reasons why he is attracting so much attention now is for years the journalists have gone after candidates when they make one silly mistake, they make a gaffe, they say oops or they say 47 percent or they say something that they then have to claim, I misspoke, I didn't mean what I said. They have to be defensive.
Trump has not an ounce of defensiveness. He turns it against the press. It may be that partly what we're seeing is for so many years we have asked our candidates to be authentic, but they fear if they say something that will get them into trouble, they have to put a girdle on themselves.
You feel like all the candidates have put this girdle on. They talk from a teleprompter. They talk from a script. And we are not seeing them. We are seeing Trump as he is. And maybe that's part of the appeal."
--Presidential historian, Doris Kerns Goodwin, CNN interview
Your Old Doc has attempted with this "Manhood" series to, in essence, to do just what this Manly Ms. Goodwin has suggested: urge you Boyz to TAKE OF THE GIRDLE! A Woman that understands the Manly is a Warrior, and merits your attention and consideration. A male castrati, on the other hand, who is filled with feminine empathy should not influence your Manliness and your Manhood decisions in the least. The distinction is not subtle, but agreed, it can be confusing. American Men must make the decisions of life events within their own minds, hearts and soul. Men must develop their relationship with God in order to temper a drift into arrant nonsense. American men must return to their pioneer roots of adventure, courage, and a deep, abiding faith in the Almighty, and His blessing of this great United States of America.
For the sake of your children; for the sake of your family; for the sake of your marriage; and for the sake of your country, Men, you must regain that boldness, brashness, and that rugged independence that has been so much a part of making America the beacon of hope for the entire world. Our leaders have become girly-men and panderers; our businessmen have become weak internationalists; and even our Military is becoming a huge feminine and homosexual social experiment. If you take no other advice Men, look at the insane perversion American culture has become; how Balkanized and irrational our institutions have become in large part as a result of the MISSING Y-Chromosome; the missing American Manly Man. You young Bucks think this over carefully. The Old Doc has maybe 2-3 decades left on this planet, God willing. You young fellas are going to have to live with the decisions you make today. And so will your kids. Your call. Your legacy...............Doc