Everyman to his own, and shall leave me alone: And yet I am not
Alone, because the Father is with me. These things I have spoken
Unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world, ye shall
Have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
-- John 16:32-33, King James Bible
We began "Manhood Agonistes: Paradise Lost" with tongue lashings of you Men, particularly you wandering millennial Men. Using sarcasm and some tongue-in-cheek for the first several essays, this Old Doc has tried to sound an alarm so American Men would awaken from their decades-long somnolence about our historical, cultural, yes, Biblical imperative. About our Manhood. About our essential role in the family. In our last five messages to you, however, beginning with "American Savior...", I have tried to less stridently heap scorn your way, your Metro ways. I have tried to propose solutions: integrity, honesty, morality, spirituality. More encouraging......nurturing....training wheels......... a cleansing hug........ baby steps.
Let us here continue by nurturing your rehabilitation back to nature, Man's nature. Shall we? I mean, a big, sloppy tear runs down your face still when you see Elsa the Lion re-introduced back to the wild with the emotional song "Born Free" playing in the background, and Jane Goodall looking on proudly....right? The Old Doc is trying to do the same thing here. Big, bad world is a scary place Boyz, but the Old Doc will cradle your sleepy heads every step of the way. Back to being Men. Let us ramble on.......Consider Courage for a moment, then, shall we?
Indeed, Courage is a Man's bailiwick. Of course, many, many women are courageous. But a Man MUST be courageous. He must stand as a bulwark against danger to his children, his wife, and his country Most of all he must stand up for God, and His domain.
"Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's;
And unto God, those things that are God's."
-- Matthew 22:21, King James Bible
And yet, for many Men today, it is difficult to actually define Courage. We hear the word bandied about as are a lot of concepts today. Frivolous. Odd. Wrong. Gold medal winner of yore, Bruce Jenner, has the courage to dress like a woman; a given Homosexual male has the courage to announce on his Facebook page that he prefers inserting his penis into a male's rectum, instead of a woman's vagina; ILLEGAL Aliens have the courage emerge from the shadows; or that Metro-men have the courage to "stand up" for a woman's "right to choose."
Listen folks, the way you dress is your business, and where you stick your member is a matter of your private proclivity. But I, for one, do not want this indoctrination crap in the basic curriculum of American children in state-run schools! Now, ILLEGAL immigration is, well, ILLEGAL. And Men should be standing up and denouncing ISIS, larcenous politicians, taxations without representation, the killing of unborn babies. But so many of you metros and millennials (m & m's) apathetically sniff at the above perversions, and yet get their panties all twisted over a bad hair day, or an Apple OS upgrade that has a bug or two. Hey you guys, isn't chopping bell peppers for the already all-powerful American women enough? I give you permission to no longer be afraid of Xena the Warrior Princesess! Or is that Princii?
Avast Mates, a sharp eye out for the Chimera! Odd that such "powerful" modern women on the college campus have taken to scurrying to "safe rooms" when some guest speaker utters a "hurtful" word or two that might be contrary to their feminist narratives. Whoa, they just might inflict "micro aggressions!" Take a gander at the tribulations that a lecturer, scholar and a feminist, Christina Hoff Sommers must endure:
Because Sommers challenges the raging narrative that women are living in a violent, paternalistic rape culture, which she says is vastly overstated based on credible statistics, she has been “excommunicated from campus feminism” in order to protect women from uncomfortable facts.
Using one of many epithets, while Sommers commented on the “fainting couch feminists,” she says “there’s a move to get young women in combat and yet on our campuses they are so fragile they can’t handle a speaker with dissenting views.”
A former professor of philosophy who enjoyed exposing students to a wide array of differing competing view is now watching campuses become factories of certainty and increasing of dissent.
“Micro-aggressions have led to macro-foolishness,” Sommers says here.
-- Ginni Thomas, dailycaller.com, 7/4/2015
Hey, couldn't resist a dig at the "fainting couch feminists." OK, OK, so what IS Courage, exactly? Sure, sure you Fellas go to Webster's if you want. But consider the Old Doc's take on this: "Courage is the certainty a Man harbors in his soul that "the Father is with him", and that He tasks a Man to act in a manner that is morally right by His Sacred Commandments, whatever the costs." You aficionados, swirl that around for a minute....use your olfaction....smooth, like a well-wrapped cigar....."delicious."
This definition solves a lot of debate and confusion, doesn't it Lads? For instance, is killing a bunch of the "enemy" Courage? Well, not if you are working for ISIS and your targets are Christians who are kneeling with their hands tied behind their backs. How 'bout charging that hill in the face of withering machine-gun fire raining down on you; yeah, maybe that is Courage? Uh, if you are a Psycho, Sociopath, and think it is "cool" to taunt death, well friends, that is simply a crazy man, not a courageous one. So what about posting on Facebook that you are a warrior in the battle for a women's "right to choose?" Well, this merely means that you are misguided and wrong. Yeah, support for the "final solution" for millions of defenseless unborn has no moral underpinning...c'mon Boyz, you know that........
Now, on the other hand, for a middle-age Man who grew up and lives in East Los Angeles, whose circle is all second- and third-generation Americans of Mexican descent, posting a picture of George Washington on your Facebook page on the Fourth of July, is, no kidding, an act of real moral courage. Why? Because in his circle's narrative, America has "robbed" their Mexico of half of its territory; discriminates against "Mexicans", and only those that hate Donald Trump and Ann Coulter ("Adios America") are real Mexicans. Notwithstanding most of these judges of "real Mexicans" have never been to Mexico, know NOTHING about Mexican history, and are advocating a lifetime of illegal, if not immoral Un-American behavior. Certainly there is no courage in advocating a philosophy that does no productive good for improving the country that has embraced them and theirs with largesse unknown in the REST OF THE WORLD. I mean, in East L.A., the folks there really believe that Cinco de Mayo is a real holiday! The Fourth of July is just another reminder of the oppressive gabacho.
In order to not bore you to death while I ridicule modern "courage", and in the interest of brevity, allow me to list for you all of those actions which DO NOT reflect Courage: a politician supporting "single moms"; an actor announcing he is Homosexual; a women deciding to get an abortion; Robin Williams killing himself; Whitney Houston killing herself; Michael Jackson killing himself; writing in your college term paper that our Founding Fathers were racist, homophobic, sexist White slaveowners; a Black man blaming the White Man for keeping him down"; a Hispanic man blaming a White Man for keeping him down; a woman blaming a White Man for keeping her down; militant Islam hating Christians; homosexuals hating Christians; abortionists hating Christians, and Marxists hating Christians.......(White Christian Men: you Boyz have a real hill to climb don't ya?).
Seriously, "coming out" in Hollywood is actually a resume builder. Courage would be if a politician chastised moms for being single in the first place. Courage and killing an unborn baby happily swimming in warm amniotic fluid, in the same sentence? Really? Being weird or on drugs, and killing yourself instead of changing or getting treatment is courageous? Old Doc always thought that suicide was the most Mortal of all Sins. Coming out of the closet and posting on Facebook that you are White, and a Man, and a Christian, well Pards, that is the Triple Crown of Courage!
Saying what you mean, and meaning what you say, is indeed a major fault in today's cultural narrative. So if you proceed along these lines, well then, that can actually be courageous. But, in fact, Orwellian "doublespeak" is de rigeuer for an American Man these days. You Boyz have actually handed over enormous power and influence to teeny, tiny pouting segments of our population of 300 million. Do you millennials realize that the ACTUAL number of Homosexuals in the U.S. is under TWO PER CENT! Yet 50 percent of your cohort believe that over FORTY PER CENT of the U.S. population is Homosexual? Do you realize that you millennials are allowing a paltry few Fascist Homosexual Activists to terrorize mainstream Christian churches and businesses? So Fellas, when you innocently, say that you support "love", you are really saying, "Hey, full speed ahead, pulverize Christian believers, and the FIRST AMENDMENT to the U.S. Constitution. Didn't know that? Well Ace, WAKE THE HELL UP!
More minority interests -- American Indians, American Blacks, American Hispanics, American Muslims and American Vegans -- "they were here first;" "they were brought here in chains;" "we make them speak English;" "we are profiling when we are too rough on sleeper cells;" and "we make them watch Burger commercials. For goodness sakes Sparky, next thing you know we taxpayers are forced to pony up for massive land "reservations" replete with casinos and the mob; reparations, since 750,000 White Men dying to end slavery during the Civil Wars was not nearly enough; "returning California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Nevada back to the Mexican Drug Cartels; and a steady diet of free-range spinach sandwiches! Heck, America might as well just shrug, go back to Holland on the Mayflower, and leave North America to Squanto and Quetzacoatl.......
Does anybody care that at the time of the 1784 ratification of the U.S. Constitution there were more White Slaves (euphemistically called Indentured Servants) than Black Slaves? Besides, factually, it was actually Black African slavers that stole Kunta Kinte from his family and then shopped him on the international market. And Fellas, if we give America back to the Indians, do we take away the stainless steel knives, slot machines, and cotton clothes that we gave them?
Look alive Men, your words get twisted. When you say "A fair wage for a day's work," you are really saying that Public Labor unions can go on soaking the taxpayer for Royal pay packages and Soviet service (see any pubic school, or the DMV). Have you ever thought about the inter-galactic absurdity of allowing employees paid by YOUR OWN EARNINGS to unionize? I mean, they then turn around and use the force of laws to allow them to decrease service, yet increase pay, medical coverage and pensions? Do you realize a Congressman, elected to office for two years and then booted out of office for putting his penis on Facebook, actually gets LIFETIME medical coverage, and LIFETIME FULL PENSION, for him AND HIS WIFE! YIKES! And by the way, this is not that rare for most municipal workers. The Old Doc is literally pulling out his own hair........Let me stop....
We are squeamishly allowing the Saul Alinsky Marxists to manipulate splinter groups and their boo-boos into weakening America by lies, dishonest contexts, and natural human greed and envy. But, No group has been more maligned, assaulted, and ultimately manipulated than the American Man. Your courage has waned Sparky, and your yellow streak is bleeding onto your kids, your woman, your churches, and your country......ergo, we remind you of the concept, now nearly extinct in America, this anachronistic trait American Men once had infused into their breastmilk -- and of course, that trait is Courage.
Courage Mates! Courage! When Admiral John Paul Jones, Father of the American Navy was battling on his smoke-filled and sinking ship, The Bonhomme Richard, and was offered terms of surrender by his British opponent, he shouted, "I have just begun to fight!"
When Colonel William Travis was surrounded by a vastly superior force of professional Mexican soldiers at the Alamo, he wrote, "Victory or Death!" When the entire world was pressuring Ronald 'The Great' Reagan to make a nuclear missile deal with the Communist Gorbachev if "only" we would give up our missile defense shield, Ronaldus said, "NO." Folks around the Globe were besides themselves that Herr Reagan had the nerve to tell their hero Gorby that dropping our guard on a society that advocated world domination was a deal killer. And when John Wayne almost personally bankrupted himself making "The Green Berets", critics derided him, the public went to see it in droves, The Duke predicted our South Vietnamese friends would be slaughtered if we bailed on them....AND HE WAS RIGHT!............Courage. A few examples. America is full of them.......
But NOT the ones you millennial metros have been brainwashed with........I am asking you Boyz to wake up, take heart, have courage. Real Courage. Stand up and say the morally right thing. Stand tall and do the morally right thing. Be willing to take the heat for saying or doing the morally right thing. Set your jaw, endure the heat for saying or doing the morally right thing. And for Heaven's sake FIGHT BACK with a passion, with a ferocity and with courage if you have said or have done the morally right thing -- the Righteous Thing. If you stand up for God, for the Ten Commandments, for Jesus The King who died on the Cross for the lowest among us.....well, friends, you might take a hit on Facebood "Likes", but your courage will score big-time points for ultimate salvation and eternal life.
So, billionaire Donald Trump says, "Mexico is not our friend....they send us rapists, drug dealers and criminals." Immediately you Metros twist up your panties again and start panting, "Trump Hates Mexicans." Hey Fellas, you, Macy's, NBC and New York, all then excommunicate The Donald becuuuuuuuuz?..............he made a TRUE statement? And then you cackle up and down repeating lies and misstatements, parroting anything and everything the Left tells you to cackle? Courage Men! Use your OWN brain, speak for yourself, for your own observations, for your own experiences. Have the courage to defend the truth. Don't cower and pander like Chicken Rubio, Chicken Jeb, Chicken Patacki, Chicken Christie, and sadly, now Chicken Perry. You hate Trump's hair, his syntax, his money, got it. But shouldn't you place principles above personalities. Shouldn't you be more disturbed that NINETY PER CENT of illegal drugs in the U.S. come from south of the border? That thousands of criminals from Mexico are coming to the U.S. illegally looking for greener pastures, and better welfare and tasty little girls? That women and LITTLE GIRLS, both Mexican and American are being raped in the U.S. at rates that would make Genghis Khan blush? That disguised Jihadis can look just like a Mexican peasant? Nah, go on, bash Trump, it gets you WAY more "Likes.".........Did you know, by the way, that the Old Doc's heritage is Mexican?
But let me just tell you something right here and right now. This Old Doc has melted into an AMERICAN. Sure, I will extol the virtues of our Mexican heritage even to the point of advocating the doubling of Mexican LEGAL immigration; that is if I were King. But I am an American, and I bleed red, white and blue. Mrs. Doc's and my own ancestors came to America because they could no longer abide Mexico. They never even considered aspiring to move south to Guatemala. Anyone care to venture a guess as to why not? Sparky?
Your favorite Old Doc's departed mother, born of Mexican parents LEGALLY in America, finished the only the 3rd grade. Had to work. She spent her childhood picking cotton in the 100 plus degree, desert sun. At age 9 she was cooking for a dozen field hands. During the Depression she and her family ate dandelions that grew on the edges of the irrigation canals. Doc's father came here LEGALLY from Latin America with one thin dime in his pocket, a grade school education, and no English skill at all. Mrs. Doc was born in a small rancho in the poorest rural area of the Mexican state of Zacatecas. Her father had to LEGALLY emigrate to America to work to feed her nine brothers and sisters. They were so poor, her mother was forced to leave her with the Catholic Nuns for several years, along with one of her sisters. When Mrs. Doc came LEGALLY to America to join her father and family, her father died of leukemia suddenly. Mrs. Doc's mother was left with 9 children in a downtown Los Angeles pay-by-day hotel. When the manager found out she had nine kids, he tossed them all out onto the street. There, with a dead husband, nine children, no home, no English, and no benefactors, Suegra set about making a new life....Courage.
The Old Gal is gone some years now, but every one of her children married, had children, and now, many grandchildren; every one owns a home, long-term careers and steady jobs spanning decades, excellent pensions and health coverage. One of her sons became a Judge. One of them became Mrs. Doc.
Doc's family, came to America, and in one generation they had a kid in Medical School. Mrs. Doc came to America with nothing but a strong belief in God, and yet her little Doc's? A graduate from West Point; a Master's degree and career, a famous painter and sculptor....No, this Old Doc neither pines for lindo Mejico, nor wants to turn America into Mexico, or Guatemala, or El Salvador. Thank God the U.S. Southwest is American and NOT Mexican. Seriously, is that really what we are after? I mean, open the borders, no barriers, no acculturation, no melting pot, and watch America turn into Juarez, Mexico?
So all you ethnic groups out there with a grudge, I mean, BOO HOO, cry me a river. EVERYONE had it tough after leaving our no good, exploitative, often Communist/Socialist/Marxist/Leftist mother countries. Get over it Sparky! Who would argue that American Blacks, American Mexicans, and American Irish are not better off RIGHT NOW than their cousins yonder. I have never seen our current BLACK POTUS in chains. I guess the Old Doc's mom ought to ask for reparations since she had to work from dawn to dusk in the cotton fields, with no overtime or breaks. Yeah, no chains, but no options either. Just a lot of suffering, work, sweat and hope. And I assure you, you reparations buffs, MANY IMMIGRANTS SUFFER JUST AS MUCH EXPOSURE TO PHYSICAL ASSAULT AND ABUSE as did the White and Black slaves of early America! You are special because you suffered? Join the club pal.
But I digress. Message here is Courage. Using our brains, Gentlemen, analyzing objective observations, intelligent reading, studying, and standing up for what is right. Righteous. You can purty much ignore the Left Fellas -- honest injun'. Turn off NBC for goodness sakes, they just re-hired Brian "Stolen Honor" Williams, and continue to pay him $10 million a year to continue lying and delivering Democrat Party talking points. If you own a business, do you want to keep getting the "shake down" from local gangs, the Mob, homosexual activists, Jesse Jackson, and the Alinskyites?" Your business. Your right. But.......?
Our Secretary of State made it possible for the Russian dictator Putin to buy up the market on Uranium mines, yeah, in the U.S.! So why should you burn your Confederate Flag? Simply because Al "the Con Man" Sharpton tells you to? Our Boyz bled and died for Iraq, and John "The Original Stolen Honor" Kerry is just handing this country, liberated with American blood, to those sweethearts in IraN, replete with its oil, and a Nuke to boot! So why shouldn't you Fellas stand up and call the first Black President a failure; Feminism a farce; Militant Islamic terrorists, Militant islamic terrorists, Homosexual Marriage wrong, Mexico duplicitous, Jesse Jackson a crook, and Marxists Devils THE enemy? Why shouldn't you love Jesus, be a Catholic, respect Police officers, Border Patrol Agents and U.S. soldiers, airmen, marines and coast guards? Courage.
Say it loud Boyz! It was not a tragedy in Garland, Texas. It was AWESOME! Firearm proficient American Man puts down two murderous Jihadis within 15 second of emerging from their SUV with fully automatic rifles and extra magazines! GLORIOUS! Dozens of innocent American lives saved from two shitheads from Global Jihad who were hell-bent on spraying a large crowd of folks with bullets. I call that a Great Day for America! And you should too Men. You should clench your fists, knash your teeth and growl loudly over that woman, on vacation, killed in front of her father while strolling down San Francisco's Embarcadero. Illegal immigrant felon, SIX TIMES deported, shot and killed her. Random. Senseless. Makes the Old Doc mad. Should make you mad. Remember that Jesus upended the whole table where the Money Changers were peddling in the Synagogue. Got mad. Yelled and screamed. Standing up for His Father's House. Righteous.
"If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch,
And is withered; and men gather them and cast them
Them into the fire, and they are burned."
--John 15:6, King James Bible
Always remember this Men. The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were summa cum hombres. And big-time brave. Lose the war with the world's greatest power, Great Britain, and their John Hancock's were a certain death warrant. That is fact. So courageous were these Founding Men, that they inspired a people to bravely challenge the most certain bet at the time. The entire world bet that Great Britain would properly spank the upstart rebels, and hang its ringleaders....... Righteous Courage can lead to miracles. The very first time in all of human history that the common people were allowed to rule themselves. The rich White Men who had wrested all power from their British Masters, were now Masters of the new United Colonies. And they gave it all away! Yup, George Washington resigned as the Supreme Leader, and his colleagues wrote a document to protect the people from the natural greed and avarice of man and governments. The U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1784.
The Courage shown by the signers of the Declaration of Independence is almost mystical. After 150 years, another courageous man, 30th President of the U.S., Calvin Coolidge, made very important speech worth reading in its entirety. Here is but an excerpt:
"About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."
-- Calvin Coolidge, 30th U.S. President
150th Anniversary of the U.S. Declaration of Independence
July 5, 1926
There is a Right, and there is a Wrong ma Bruthas'. You must get smart enough to tell the difference and then grow the Christian pair of balls needed to stand up to the forces of Evil and Deceit threatening your children, your woman, your way of life, your country, your God.....A worthy fight friends......Righteous ..... A fight we really need to win...............Doc
“The real hero is the man who fights even though he is scared. A real man will not let his fear overpower his honor, his sense of duty to his country, and his innate manhood.”
-- General George Smith Patton, Jr.
Seriously, "coming out" in Hollywood is actually a resume builder. Courage would be if a politician chastised moms for being single in the first place. Courage and killing an unborn baby happily swimming in warm amniotic fluid, in the same sentence? Really? Being weird or on drugs, and killing yourself instead of changing or getting treatment is courageous? Old Doc always thought that suicide was the most Mortal of all Sins. Coming out of the closet and posting on Facebook that you are White, and a Man, and a Christian, well Pards, that is the Triple Crown of Courage!
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Remember Me? |
More minority interests -- American Indians, American Blacks, American Hispanics, American Muslims and American Vegans -- "they were here first;" "they were brought here in chains;" "we make them speak English;" "we are profiling when we are too rough on sleeper cells;" and "we make them watch Burger commercials. For goodness sakes Sparky, next thing you know we taxpayers are forced to pony up for massive land "reservations" replete with casinos and the mob; reparations, since 750,000 White Men dying to end slavery during the Civil Wars was not nearly enough; "returning California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Nevada back to the Mexican Drug Cartels; and a steady diet of free-range spinach sandwiches! Heck, America might as well just shrug, go back to Holland on the Mayflower, and leave North America to Squanto and Quetzacoatl.......
Does anybody care that at the time of the 1784 ratification of the U.S. Constitution there were more White Slaves (euphemistically called Indentured Servants) than Black Slaves? Besides, factually, it was actually Black African slavers that stole Kunta Kinte from his family and then shopped him on the international market. And Fellas, if we give America back to the Indians, do we take away the stainless steel knives, slot machines, and cotton clothes that we gave them?
Look alive Men, your words get twisted. When you say "A fair wage for a day's work," you are really saying that Public Labor unions can go on soaking the taxpayer for Royal pay packages and Soviet service (see any pubic school, or the DMV). Have you ever thought about the inter-galactic absurdity of allowing employees paid by YOUR OWN EARNINGS to unionize? I mean, they then turn around and use the force of laws to allow them to decrease service, yet increase pay, medical coverage and pensions? Do you realize a Congressman, elected to office for two years and then booted out of office for putting his penis on Facebook, actually gets LIFETIME medical coverage, and LIFETIME FULL PENSION, for him AND HIS WIFE! YIKES! And by the way, this is not that rare for most municipal workers. The Old Doc is literally pulling out his own hair........Let me stop....
We are squeamishly allowing the Saul Alinsky Marxists to manipulate splinter groups and their boo-boos into weakening America by lies, dishonest contexts, and natural human greed and envy. But, No group has been more maligned, assaulted, and ultimately manipulated than the American Man. Your courage has waned Sparky, and your yellow streak is bleeding onto your kids, your woman, your churches, and your country......ergo, we remind you of the concept, now nearly extinct in America, this anachronistic trait American Men once had infused into their breastmilk -- and of course, that trait is Courage.
Courage Mates! Courage! When Admiral John Paul Jones, Father of the American Navy was battling on his smoke-filled and sinking ship, The Bonhomme Richard, and was offered terms of surrender by his British opponent, he shouted, "I have just begun to fight!"
When Colonel William Travis was surrounded by a vastly superior force of professional Mexican soldiers at the Alamo, he wrote, "Victory or Death!" When the entire world was pressuring Ronald 'The Great' Reagan to make a nuclear missile deal with the Communist Gorbachev if "only" we would give up our missile defense shield, Ronaldus said, "NO." Folks around the Globe were besides themselves that Herr Reagan had the nerve to tell their hero Gorby that dropping our guard on a society that advocated world domination was a deal killer. And when John Wayne almost personally bankrupted himself making "The Green Berets", critics derided him, the public went to see it in droves, The Duke predicted our South Vietnamese friends would be slaughtered if we bailed on them....AND HE WAS RIGHT!............Courage. A few examples. America is full of them.......
But NOT the ones you millennial metros have been brainwashed with........I am asking you Boyz to wake up, take heart, have courage. Real Courage. Stand up and say the morally right thing. Stand tall and do the morally right thing. Be willing to take the heat for saying or doing the morally right thing. Set your jaw, endure the heat for saying or doing the morally right thing. And for Heaven's sake FIGHT BACK with a passion, with a ferocity and with courage if you have said or have done the morally right thing -- the Righteous Thing. If you stand up for God, for the Ten Commandments, for Jesus The King who died on the Cross for the lowest among us.....well, friends, you might take a hit on Facebood "Likes", but your courage will score big-time points for ultimate salvation and eternal life.
So, billionaire Donald Trump says, "Mexico is not our friend....they send us rapists, drug dealers and criminals." Immediately you Metros twist up your panties again and start panting, "Trump Hates Mexicans." Hey Fellas, you, Macy's, NBC and New York, all then excommunicate The Donald becuuuuuuuuz?..............he made a TRUE statement? And then you cackle up and down repeating lies and misstatements, parroting anything and everything the Left tells you to cackle? Courage Men! Use your OWN brain, speak for yourself, for your own observations, for your own experiences. Have the courage to defend the truth. Don't cower and pander like Chicken Rubio, Chicken Jeb, Chicken Patacki, Chicken Christie, and sadly, now Chicken Perry. You hate Trump's hair, his syntax, his money, got it. But shouldn't you place principles above personalities. Shouldn't you be more disturbed that NINETY PER CENT of illegal drugs in the U.S. come from south of the border? That thousands of criminals from Mexico are coming to the U.S. illegally looking for greener pastures, and better welfare and tasty little girls? That women and LITTLE GIRLS, both Mexican and American are being raped in the U.S. at rates that would make Genghis Khan blush? That disguised Jihadis can look just like a Mexican peasant? Nah, go on, bash Trump, it gets you WAY more "Likes.".........Did you know, by the way, that the Old Doc's heritage is Mexican?
But let me just tell you something right here and right now. This Old Doc has melted into an AMERICAN. Sure, I will extol the virtues of our Mexican heritage even to the point of advocating the doubling of Mexican LEGAL immigration; that is if I were King. But I am an American, and I bleed red, white and blue. Mrs. Doc's and my own ancestors came to America because they could no longer abide Mexico. They never even considered aspiring to move south to Guatemala. Anyone care to venture a guess as to why not? Sparky?
Your favorite Old Doc's departed mother, born of Mexican parents LEGALLY in America, finished the only the 3rd grade. Had to work. She spent her childhood picking cotton in the 100 plus degree, desert sun. At age 9 she was cooking for a dozen field hands. During the Depression she and her family ate dandelions that grew on the edges of the irrigation canals. Doc's father came here LEGALLY from Latin America with one thin dime in his pocket, a grade school education, and no English skill at all. Mrs. Doc was born in a small rancho in the poorest rural area of the Mexican state of Zacatecas. Her father had to LEGALLY emigrate to America to work to feed her nine brothers and sisters. They were so poor, her mother was forced to leave her with the Catholic Nuns for several years, along with one of her sisters. When Mrs. Doc came LEGALLY to America to join her father and family, her father died of leukemia suddenly. Mrs. Doc's mother was left with 9 children in a downtown Los Angeles pay-by-day hotel. When the manager found out she had nine kids, he tossed them all out onto the street. There, with a dead husband, nine children, no home, no English, and no benefactors, Suegra set about making a new life....Courage.
The Old Gal is gone some years now, but every one of her children married, had children, and now, many grandchildren; every one owns a home, long-term careers and steady jobs spanning decades, excellent pensions and health coverage. One of her sons became a Judge. One of them became Mrs. Doc.
Doc's family, came to America, and in one generation they had a kid in Medical School. Mrs. Doc came to America with nothing but a strong belief in God, and yet her little Doc's? A graduate from West Point; a Master's degree and career, a famous painter and sculptor....No, this Old Doc neither pines for lindo Mejico, nor wants to turn America into Mexico, or Guatemala, or El Salvador. Thank God the U.S. Southwest is American and NOT Mexican. Seriously, is that really what we are after? I mean, open the borders, no barriers, no acculturation, no melting pot, and watch America turn into Juarez, Mexico?
So all you ethnic groups out there with a grudge, I mean, BOO HOO, cry me a river. EVERYONE had it tough after leaving our no good, exploitative, often Communist/Socialist/Marxist/Leftist mother countries. Get over it Sparky! Who would argue that American Blacks, American Mexicans, and American Irish are not better off RIGHT NOW than their cousins yonder. I have never seen our current BLACK POTUS in chains. I guess the Old Doc's mom ought to ask for reparations since she had to work from dawn to dusk in the cotton fields, with no overtime or breaks. Yeah, no chains, but no options either. Just a lot of suffering, work, sweat and hope. And I assure you, you reparations buffs, MANY IMMIGRANTS SUFFER JUST AS MUCH EXPOSURE TO PHYSICAL ASSAULT AND ABUSE as did the White and Black slaves of early America! You are special because you suffered? Join the club pal.
But I digress. Message here is Courage. Using our brains, Gentlemen, analyzing objective observations, intelligent reading, studying, and standing up for what is right. Righteous. You can purty much ignore the Left Fellas -- honest injun'. Turn off NBC for goodness sakes, they just re-hired Brian "Stolen Honor" Williams, and continue to pay him $10 million a year to continue lying and delivering Democrat Party talking points. If you own a business, do you want to keep getting the "shake down" from local gangs, the Mob, homosexual activists, Jesse Jackson, and the Alinskyites?" Your business. Your right. But.......?
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Failed Chick-Fil-A Boycott |
Our Secretary of State made it possible for the Russian dictator Putin to buy up the market on Uranium mines, yeah, in the U.S.! So why should you burn your Confederate Flag? Simply because Al "the Con Man" Sharpton tells you to? Our Boyz bled and died for Iraq, and John "The Original Stolen Honor" Kerry is just handing this country, liberated with American blood, to those sweethearts in IraN, replete with its oil, and a Nuke to boot! So why shouldn't you Fellas stand up and call the first Black President a failure; Feminism a farce; Militant Islamic terrorists, Militant islamic terrorists, Homosexual Marriage wrong, Mexico duplicitous, Jesse Jackson a crook, and Marxists Devils THE enemy? Why shouldn't you love Jesus, be a Catholic, respect Police officers, Border Patrol Agents and U.S. soldiers, airmen, marines and coast guards? Courage.
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Garland, Tx -- Texas 2, Jihadis 0 |
"If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch,
And is withered; and men gather them and cast them
Them into the fire, and they are burned."
--John 15:6, King James Bible
Always remember this Men. The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were summa cum hombres. And big-time brave. Lose the war with the world's greatest power, Great Britain, and their John Hancock's were a certain death warrant. That is fact. So courageous were these Founding Men, that they inspired a people to bravely challenge the most certain bet at the time. The entire world bet that Great Britain would properly spank the upstart rebels, and hang its ringleaders....... Righteous Courage can lead to miracles. The very first time in all of human history that the common people were allowed to rule themselves. The rich White Men who had wrested all power from their British Masters, were now Masters of the new United Colonies. And they gave it all away! Yup, George Washington resigned as the Supreme Leader, and his colleagues wrote a document to protect the people from the natural greed and avarice of man and governments. The U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1784.
The Courage shown by the signers of the Declaration of Independence is almost mystical. After 150 years, another courageous man, 30th President of the U.S., Calvin Coolidge, made very important speech worth reading in its entirety. Here is but an excerpt:
"About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."
-- Calvin Coolidge, 30th U.S. President
150th Anniversary of the U.S. Declaration of Independence
July 5, 1926
There is a Right, and there is a Wrong ma Bruthas'. You must get smart enough to tell the difference and then grow the Christian pair of balls needed to stand up to the forces of Evil and Deceit threatening your children, your woman, your way of life, your country, your God.....A worthy fight friends......Righteous ..... A fight we really need to win...............Doc
“The real hero is the man who fights even though he is scared. A real man will not let his fear overpower his honor, his sense of duty to his country, and his innate manhood.”
-- General George Smith Patton, Jr.