"The Word
tells us, "You shall know them by their fruit."
-- Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator, Texas
Yeah, I know what you're thinking, you most jaded, cynical, and misguided Men out there in readerville, especially you Millennials. "The Old Doc has finally shown his true colors." You are deathly afraid of a Political lecture. "No point reading on" you say. Well, my friends, sorry to disappoint you, but this Old Doc has ZERO interest in this great country's greasy, slimy, putrid cesspool. Hey, these Washington D.C. snakes drove this Doc out of medicine, with a good 10-15 productive years left! This has been nauseatingly chronicled in "doctor-confidential.blogspot.com." It describes how the Socialist, Godless bureaucrats in government have driven a wedge between my patients and me. Yup, made me vomit -- and pack up and leave town.
So yeah, I do have something to say, an axe to grind, skin-in-the-game, horse-in-this-race......a cross to bear. Which reminds me. Remember that Fella that tried to help when Jesus' burden of the Cross became so overwhelming that he fell, on the street, under the Cross? Yeah, that guy was whipped by the Roman guards for helping, and forced to carry the Cross with Jesus the rest of the way to Golgotha. His name was Simon of Cyrene.
"Oh here we go again with the religious stuff!" Well yeah....how else are you
dudes ever going to become Men!?! This Old Doc's intimate communique's with you may be the only real education you Fellas are ever gonna' git! You millennials, do you think you are really gonna have Social Security when the time comes? Hell, the U.S. is so busy enriching other countries with Ford plants in Mexico, Apple, Inc. in China, and millions for opium growers in Afghanistan -- you really think that Social Security lock-box has anything in it? You think $250,000,000.00 Hilary Clinton even CARES about you? Well, except insofar as every single penny of that 250 mil was made from taxpayer dollars, U.S. Military secrets, strategic Uranium mines sold to Putin, and our U.S. Consulate in Benghazi; oh, and throw in a couple of no-count Navy Seals
who fought until their magazines were empty to defend the Consul and the precious flag you millennials think is just a colorful piece of cloth.
Nah, ma Bruthas', once the fog of your legal marijuana clears, and you graduate from Commie boot camp with a BA degree in Peace, you really think you are going to find a job? With the Socialists pushing for minimum wage of $20 an hour; mandatory Obamacare; and quotas for races, sexes, and sexual preferences, you Fellas really think Joe Blow The Job Producer out there is gonna plow his life savings, AND his mortgage into starting a new business so the wacky, but loud, parasites out there can lawyer him to actual death, if not bankruptcy?
In the face of all this future gloom, why do you Millennial Men care more about the latest iPhone, which Selfie you post on FaceBook, or which butt-cheek is going to get the next, really cool Japanese calligraphy tattoo, than your own Manhood? Family? Country? Salvation? This Old Doc insists that it is because you have ceased to trust anyone, especially the politicians. And yet, that really isn't true either, is it Boyfriends? You DO believe lots of folks. You believe everything Tim Cook, CEO of Apple tells you. You believe the hot, bimbo media-babe that just despises guns. You believe the gangsta hip-hop star, I mean, you dress like him anyway. ....Gosh, Fellas, you believe abortion is OK because, after all, it is HER body; you believe in any politician that's never had a private job, merely BECAUSE he or she has never had a private job; and you believed the grizzly bear was "endangered" even though it really never was. Some of you even think ISIS is cool, because they are so committed. Well, the U.S. Marines are committed, but you really hate them, don't you, you Sheilas!
Valiant ISIS Warriors |
Let the Old Doc help you Boyz. Listen up.....All of this back and forth, weird belief systems, and frivolous lives mean one thing. And that is, confusion. Yep, you Boyz are confused, befuddled, bamboozled, fuzzy-brained, lost.....uh, anchorless. You have no anchor. You have no go-to morality. You lack character values. You are the Captain of your own ship and you sit at the steering wheel. Yet the wheel is attached to nothing. You are spinning the wheel back and forth like a baby in his high-chair driving an imaginary car.

You millennial Men, especially, you think the country is in a shithole, and in a lot of ways, you are right. The problem with you sissies is that you think you are helpless to change these things. Let me tell you Fellas, you yourselves are actually the big part of the problem. Yeah, you Boyz are in the deepest, stinkiest shithole of them all. Think about it Pards. If you step away from the iPhone and marijuana for one weekend don't you think you could write out on one page the "How To Fix America" prescription? OK, ok, let me help you. Last tat still stinging too much to concentrate? Poor baby.......
OK, try these, just off the top of my head:
1) Flat tax, 10%, EVERYBODY pays; fire the 110,000 IRS employees tomorrow
2) ZERO corporate tax. Let U.S. companies come back to America, so YOU junior can get a job.
3) Make Affirmative Action illegal. All people are created equal, and all should be judged by the
content of their character, not the color of their skin, genitalia type, or preferred location
of penile penetration.
4) Eliminate U.S. Departement of Housing and Urban Development
5) Eliminate U.S. Department of Energy
6) Eliminate U.S. Department of Education
7) Eliminate U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
8) Closure of ALL of our Borders to ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION; a big Fence would be nice
9) Term limites on all elected officials
10) Department of Defense charged ONLY responsible for fighting wars: yes, that is killing the
enemy and breaking things; no Homosexuals at all in the military, and no women in combat
11)Throw out Roe vs. Wade, Obamacare, and Homosexual Marriage as U.S. law. See 10th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
12)When an elected leader swears to uphold the U.S. Constitution, terminate his term immediately
for the FIRST violation of our Founding Document
13) Eliminate the EPA, and for goodness sake California, cut loose your emotional attachment to
the Delta Smelt!

Whaddya' think Fellas? Lucky Thirteen, I call them. Oh quit whining with all of your Commie protestation! You know that all of those Cabinet positions do nothing but further Lenin's Communist International. Yeah, bloated government bureaucracy's incest with company-strangling labor unions, culturally perverting family-busting advocacy groups, the alarming illegal immigration industry, and taxpayer defense of Planned Parenthood, unborn-baby killers, to the tune of billions and billions of our tax dollars! And ponder, if you will, all of the taxation enforcement apparatus needed to pay for this redistribution of the incomes of those that work and earn them honestly and productively. Look into each and every one of my suggestions, and honestly ask yourself if doing them helps or hurts the forces that are destroying the Founding Fabric of this great country. Our income literally stolen for Unconstitutional expenditures; our unborn babies being killed LEGALLY; our ethnic groups being pitted one against the other; Militant Radical Islam being allowed to take root in our SCHOOLS; our Freedom robbed; our National Honor stolen. Implement my Lucky Thirteen tomorrow, and all of this garbage goes away in a week! And it took me, maybe, five minutes to compose this list.
Hang with me there ma Bruthas'. I will get to my point. But first consider this. Doc's Lucky Thirteen is about taking powers AWAY from government. Yeah, like George Washington, et al intended. Their idea was revolutionary indeed. The U.S. Constitution was constructed to prevent "government mischief" as Thomas Jefferson put it. Now, last fact about government abuse, and then I'll get to my point. Consider this. Since Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty in 1964, when the poverty rate in the U.S. was 10% of the population, the government has used 10 trillion of our tax dollars to "wipe out" poverty. Today, the percentage of the poor in the United States is.... TEN PER CENT! Over 10 trillion of our hard earned dollars to make a ZERO percent dent in the U.S. poverty rate. THAT, my friends, is really how government works. Depressive. The poor are still with us, but boy oh boy have the Poverty Pimps raked in the bucks. Think Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition; Barack Obama and ACORN; and Al Gore and the EPA.

Now Boyz, the Founding Fathers produced a document that was ratified by the 13 Colonies. This U.S. Constitution was the new country's set of rules that gave the Federal government the powers to raise an Army to defend our borders, to regulate interstate commerce, and to levy taxes to pay for these functions. And that is purty much it! In the main, this document enumerates what the Federal government CANNOT do. In essence, it was a National design to insure each American had the greatest amount of freedom to achieve anything their individual talents, brainpower, and work ethic would produce for life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. Never guaranteed a minimum wage. Never promised happiness. Well, my friends, the rest is history. The most spectacularly successful civilization the world has ever seen. Releasing the ingenuity and industry of the individual turned out to be the best way to build a secure, wealthy and powerful nation. And even thinking young Men, even.
Greatest Hope of All Mankind |
Honestly Pards, I am not trying to convince you of
my Lucky Thirteen. I am honesty not even talking politics. This Doc is much more interested in your heart; your soul. Here I am simply attempting to demonstrate how easy it is to really
think if you might ever want to put that space between your ears to
productive work. There are some things worth tearing yourself away from your iPhone. For example you might want to ponder this. Why ever would you Men sit back and allow the degeneration of this dream, this wonderful success story, this beacon for millions of downtrodden over the last two centuries from all around the world?......Without even uttering a peep in protest?
OK, here is my real point. I will tell you why. Ready? Here you go -- you have left God out of your life; you have forgotten the Ten Commandments; and you deny The Christ his sacrifice and promise of Eternal Life. Yeah Fellas, you never read the Good Book, so you are fooled by charlatans, thieves, con-men, and the Golden Calf. You never learned to know Men "by their fruit." Hell, Moses leaves for a few days, and you Fellas went wild!
"It may be truthful to say that we live when there's more media than ever. We have currently the most ill-informed or uninformed population at any time in our nation's history, even going back to the founding. The things people think they know that are wrong and don't know, every day there are more and more examples of this that actually, frankly, are hard to believe, 'cause there's an absence of common sense. They don't refute anything. They don't disbelieve anything they see in the liberal media. Nothing. They accept it as Bible. "
-- Rush Limbaugh, June 30, 2015
Wake up Lads! Living for the next App; the next tat; or for Star Wars XIII will help no one, and you will certainly never evolve to true Manhood. It is just not possible, for as we have said in previous blogs, a Man who humbles himself to the Almighty is a guardian; a sentinel; and ultimately a warrior. He defends The Word.
There. It is really quite simple Men, and yet you have not received the same Manly cultivation for the Divine that this Old Doc's generation received IN THE DRINKING WATER. Sure, I get that. You are being the eight ball. As I have said before, you Millennial Fellas are even afraid to utter the word "Man." Guys, dudes, bro's are so much more culturally approved. My point, then has even greater weight. Without God, you will never find your direction Boyz, you will wander erratically, and ultimately you will become just another comedic cliche'. You can have no capacity to judge, to evaluate whether that politician, salesman, or gal is telling you the truth, or merely trying to interest you in an ocean view in Arizona. You cannot learn to judge another Man's fruit without help.
"Because you are not alone though they want you to think you are alone. You have to remember that. The wildfire may burn all around you, but through the smoke and flames there are others just like you.
Those of you who are Christians are commanded to “go”. You cannot withdraw completely. You have to go into culture and make disciples. But you can retreat to rural towns or suburbia and commute into cities. You can raise your family in the country, only coming out of your monastery for your day job. Some of you will have to change careers. Small businesses are going to be popular among the next generation of Christ followers. They’re less likely to make you swear allegiance to Moloch.
Just remember — wildfires have a way of consuming themselves and burning out. The question for you is not whether you take a break from it all and step back to protect your family. The question for you is whether, after you do step back, you prepare yourself to step forward into the rubble, smoke, and char to help rebuild civilization once the fire burns itself out.
Crazy rules the day. It will probably get worse. But the madness will recede."
Eric Erickson, Red State re: SCOTUS Rulings
It would be most presumptuous of me to prescribe for you, me Lads, exactly how to go about your re-discover God plan. But at some point you have simply got to put on the brakes; pull up on the reins; yeah, for a while, go from 60 to Zero. Think. Contemplate. I mean for goodness sake, whaddaya' gonna do when they TAX THE INTERNET! Maybe you might wanna do as a scarred-up, old warrior recommends:
"I won't back down, no I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell,
But I won't back down.
Gonna stand my ground,
Won't be turned around.
And I'll keep this world from dragging me down.
Gonna stand my ground,
And I won't back down."
-- Johnny Cash, "American Solitary Man"
Millennial Men need to stand fast, stand "your ground." What ground? Well Fellas, the most fertile and valuable ground. God my friends; family; unborn babies; YOUR COUNTRY! Just try those for starters anyway. Stand up, stand strong, and stand fast for Him and them. Shed all that static in your brain that comes from radio station K-FemNaz, or K-Dope, or K-Tat, or K-Lib, or K-Marx or K-Hell.
Sure, sure, I know, sometimes instincts take you to the dark side. I'm way ahead of you on that. Radio K-FemNaz is right now, at this very moment telling you that "standing your ground" is dangerous, subversive, and not conducive to 50/50 compromise. That is why you should turn OFF K-FemNaz! Look to God for the righteous path. Methinks that right now Fellas, your problem is lack of a rigid spine; yeah, you got a noodle there instead, so you are in no danger of OVERdoing it in the "stand your ground" department. Believe me on that. And another DON'T. Don't denigrate outright my sources for these pertinent quotes. You far too easily reject what you don't know, or have even investigated. Try, for once to ponder, to ruminate what I, and they, say. Put a little WD-40 on that white matter.
"'There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation.'" - Herbert Spencer
Wisdom of the ages my friends. There are no NEW antiques. You simply cannot believe anyone who tells you that human morality and culture common to all Men for thousands of years, is now overnight all wrong because Hillary or SCOTUS says its so. Courage, honor, integrity, humility, devotion to God are ancient and timeless, yet you choose to believe the charlatans. You are being duped Pards, wool-over-your-eyes, sold a bill of goods, a wooden nickel, a lame horse, snake oil.....

There is a U.S. Presidential election coming up sooner than you think. You judged the fruit very wrong the last two times. Yeah dudes, you put a Commie in the White House -- TWICE! You did not even bother to see exactly what kind of fruit this loco weed had EVER produced.....he pal'd around with a 60's convicted terrorist, now professor, William Ayers; was Illinois State Senator for five minutes, but managed to be the ONLY vote for partial birth abortion (yup, exactly how it sounds, baby actually birthing, and killed by sticking a spear into its skull to kill it before it has time to mess up mom's life); ran with a marijuana "choom" gang; never published ONE article with the Harvard Law Review; refused to release his college and law school transcripts and was a U.S. Senator for five minutes. Bingo, got your vote!
Professor William Ayers |
Your favorite Doc is using the Presidential election as a prop. You gotta start judging the fruits of the Man, Lads. But there are many other examples, don't you agree? Who to marry? Whether to marry? Which guy is going to build the patio onto your house? In the area of personal character, there are many decisions as well. Will you support a politician who was for Global Cooling before she was for Global Warming? Do you stand firmly against "the rich" and for taking their possessions by force? Should you support Homosexual marriage, aiding and abetting the assault on the Christian Church while leaving the Mosque free to proclaim its anti-Homosexual stand loudly and militantly? Will you continue to support those who continue to vote for killing unborn babies at will?
These helpless babies need you Pal. Your family needs you, all of you, WITHOUT earphones on for a change. Your country needs you. Needs you to think. Evaluate. Ponder. Contemplate. Judge the fruits of a Man, using your brain. Chuck your brain library card in the wastebasket for good.
Ask the Almighty for guidance, He does not need you; YOU, my friend, need Him.
"Well, I, ain't ever done nothin' for nobody.
I ain't never got nothin' from nobody, no time,
And until I get something from somebody, sometime
I don't intend to do nothin' for nobody, no time
When Summertime comes
All warm and clear
And my friends see me, drawin' near,
Who says "come on in and have a beer?
-- "Nobody" by Johnny Cash, American Solitary Man
Think hard about Judgement Day, me Lads. Do something wild and crazy, yea, unthinkable, and read Revelations in the New Testament. What if they all were right about this, all this time? You know General Washington; Thomas Jefferson; Ronald Reagan. Or how 'bout all those Christians that prayed as the jaws of a hungry lion were chomping down? Or the sword falling as an ISIS coward lopped off their heads? Or how 'bout all those folks that actually SAW the Christ and wrote their "testaments" down, you know, of what they saw with their own eyes? Like Simon of Cyrene. Think they all lied? Hallucinated?......You ever think of the alternative?...........Doc