My legs and my feet have walked
'Till they can't hardly move from tryin' to please you
And my back is sore from bendin' over backwards
To just lay the world at your door
And I'm trying hard to put a smile on a sad face
While deep down it's breakin' my heart
And as sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
Not knowin' if I've done my part
While deep down it's breakin' my heart
And as sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
Not knowin' if I've done my part
'Cause you take me for granted
And it's breakin' my heart
And as sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
Not knowin' if I've done my part
And it's breakin' my heart
And as sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
Not knowin' if I've done my part
And as sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
Not knowin' if I've done my part
Not knowin' if I've done my part
— Merle Haggard, “You Take Me For Granted
But let’s let bygones be bygones, shall we? Let us ruminate over some ideas from a real expert, ay Guv’na? Let us hear from the Old Male-Father-of-Three Doc, M.D. Excellent qualifications if I do say so me-self, especially considering the stellar character of Mrs. Doc's three offspring (again, if I do say so myself). You’re just gonna have to take my word on this friends….. Who else you gonna trust? Rosie O’Donnell? Oprah? Hilary? Brian "Stolen Honor" Williams? Patty Hewes? Or are you prepared to throw the dice, yeah bet all the marbles on that babe with a tramp-stamp you get high with? Maybe you're just gonna trust the unmarried shack-up and tat-up couple who have produced a brood of their own? You've all seen some of those "finished" products of failed parenting. Perennial losers. Those Thirty-something "kids" that must, simply must, take more Psych or Poly-Sci classes at the party-college , on Daddy’s Visa of course. Yeah, go ahead and ignore the Old Doc. Lot's of childrearing "experts" out there that will tell you exactly what you want to hear. A second helping of BS...... mates?
A young father today is really very much behind the eight-ball. Beleaguered on all fronts, the butt of today’s scorn and snickering. Even more egregious, he is the subject of a growing body of statutes that are designed to keep him away from his own children, what with restraining orders meted out like medical marijuana; and custody rules that generate legions of heroic "single moms." Sure, sure, you can dump all over Pop, make comedy shows about his buffoonery, but holy hate-crime Batman if you even think of telling an ethnic joke today; or the worst offense of all -- joking about "moms". Can’t joke about Jews, Muslims or Atheists. Can’t joke about women, Heavens no! Can’t even tell the TRUTH about women. Look what happened to Larry Summers, Clinton’s Secretary of Treasury. After his stint with that "woman-friendly" Prez, he was tarred-and-feathered out of his HARVARD PRESIDENCY when he had the temerity to repeat the FACT that --drum roll -- women do worse than Men in mathematics........ And this was not even said to insult the “fairer sex.” Hell, he wasn't even poking fun! He was actually soliciting solutions FROM WOMEN that would serve to IMPROVE Harvard’s recruiting of Females into the Math Department. Sheeesh! …… But I digress.
No, no, you can’t joke about all those sacred cows (no offense to our holy bovine friends), but go right ahead and joke about Christian Fathers until your face is in permanent Joker smile, no problem. Yeah, the BIG yukker today is the American Father. But ask yourself lads, how has this culturally disastrous scenario come about? What happened to the esteem with which we all held for the vaunted indomitable American Male and Father; the Can-Do, by the boot-strap, independent, fearless, anything’s possible go-getter? What happened to the esteem we once held for the Men who braved wilderness and Indians to spread America from coast to coast; the Cowboy who brought beef over thousands of wild miles; the citizen G.I. who saved the world from tyranny, several times over; or the great Men whose vision and genius built the Panama Canal, the Golden Gate Bridge and the railroads with Carnegie Steel?
Yes, that's right. ALL the world’s females are at risk from this Manly plague. The gal-dominated schools now teach our kids that Andrew Carnegie was evil; John D. Rockefeller was evil; J.P. Morgan was evil; Gen. George C. Patton was evil; Gen. George Washington was evil; Ronald Reagan was evil; and George W. Bush is Satan himself having committed heresy as a Macho Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces, by flying a WARplane and landing on a carrier during WARtime...... Never mind that Carnegie made the steel that literally built American infrastructure; and John D. produced enough oil to fuel America's machinery; and J.P. made enough money to have literally financed America out of a recession; and Patton saved America from Adolf and Co.; and The General founded America; and Ronaldus rescued all Mankind from Commies and Mutually Assured Nuclear Destruction (MAN-D); and “Dubya” was a Macho, Christian, devoted husband, who rallied America to kill Radical Muslim Terrorists before they destroyed yet another American city.
Perhaps a Woman will someday rise to this lofty level of Manly achievement, especially now that the jack-boot of the Man has been taken off her neck. But I am still not sure why Men would willingly relinquish this earned leadership and their esteemed Fatherhood roles, a combination that built and still protects the greatest civilization Mankind has ever witnessed. Why fellas, are you so willing to hand the keys over to , ….. Susan Sarandon?!!?! And Company?
What does Gen. George Washington and the cabal of "Evil Christian White Men" have to do with Childrearing and Fatherhood you might inquire? The answer is Leadership. Men are naturally evolved to lead, whether it be a tribe, a platoon, or a family. This has been true for eons. Leading is not simply being installed as the company's Affirmative Action CEO. The Leader needs inborn toughness and vision. A Leader is recognized and accepted, not designated.
-- Anonymous, "The Infantry Journal"
A Leader needs courage to endure setbacks and doubt. Sometimes the Leader must take his tribe across miles of freezing gales in order to find the buffalo; or to order his men up the hill into the teeth of murderous machine-gun fire. Some followers might not make it. He knows the weight of this while deliberating. But he must weigh for the greater good. These are serious tasks, hard tasks. Weighty matters. They require a hardness. A toughness. They are NOT the byproduct of social engineering.
A good Mamma on the other hand must be practical, focused on the here and now, on the short-term, imminent and vital tasks at hand (.....OK, just STOP with the wailing protestation! You one or two gals still reading this, along with your empathetic "guys" out there....just stop and think before you wail, moan, tear at your hair and nash your teeth and shut off your brains. If you are so correct, then another point of view can't be that harmful, hmm? Painful maybe, but not really harmful...............)
As we were saying before a protester self-emoliated ....... Mamma needs to make sure there is a roof overhead with a hearth so she can get her babies out of the rain, and feed them properly without interference from those hungry dire wolves. She needs to insure a homestead, and she needs to actually nurture the home and hearth; to get her man to church on Sunday; to keeps the holes patched up on Junior’s jeans; and to fill the HOME with love, warmth.....and yes, cookies. She needs to be the catalyst that binds productive ties with healthy extended family and in-laws in order to create an effective socializing network for passing on work-ethic, integrity and faith. If she does not contribute her particular talents, why then, her Man and her kids simply do not have a nest. What they have instead is a chaotic collection of twigs and leaves that result in a family without cohesion, and therefore without healthy function. Again, hard-wiring here…..easy girls….easy Metro Guys…..hear me out. Remember, the Old Doc was not around when these hard-wiring decisions were made.
Papa is a Dreamer, my friends. He looks out at the horizon and sees opportunity for his woman, his children, and his people. He then sets about working his paws bloody to clear out the brush and stumps and finally seed that hard-scrabble north 40 acres that everyone tells him is worthless; or heads west through storms and Indians to find that Cattlemen’s Paradise; or buys the Louisiana Purchase against the "best" advice; or takes command of a bedraggled Continental Army in 1776 to oppose the greatest Military the world had ever seen; or promises her that he will love, honor and cherish her ’til death, and with his own calloused hands, feed and clothe her kids until they can fly on their own, so help him God......... Honor. Character. Discipline. Risk. Vision. Loyalty. Fidelity. Righteousness. Big Dreams. Leader. Certainly, many women have these traits, more or less. But this is the featured presentation of a Man. He has no uterus, no milk-breasts, no innate tenderness, and no real instinctive nurturing skills. Can't make a sow's ear into a silk purse; can't turn Xena into Aunt Bea Taylor. So Boyz, we had better go with what got us here!
With the proper, unselfish and non-competitive mothering, Mamma will quickly teach her babies that Papa is a formidable creature, worthy of awe and respect. This larger-than-life first impression is vital to the healthy psyche of this new human baby. Whether boy or girl, this baby must have a deeply ingrained awe and even intimidation of their Leader. For the baby boy, this awe consequently fosters a natural discipline that grows and evolves with time. A boy's Discipline is prerequisite for a Humility that is vital for true leadership and success. Awe of her Papa stimulates your baby girl's innate loyalty and devotion so that she learns to relate tenderly to not only her father, but her brothers, future husband, and future sons. Admiration, respect and adoration.
Why is this incipient imprinting so vital? Because it cultivates the most fundamental inspiration for any Man. And here, fellas, is the Great Fact for us -- every man needs for his woman to treat him as if he is a hero. Not complex. Not multi-faceted. No grey zone. Treat him like a hero ladies, and teach the babies to do the same, and he will act like a hero and will achieve heroic feats for you. BUT HE NEEDS TO KNOW THAT HE IS YOUR HERO!
Why is this incipient imprinting so vital? Because it cultivates the most fundamental inspiration for any Man. And here, fellas, is the Great Fact for us -- every man needs for his woman to treat him as if he is a hero. Not complex. Not multi-faceted. No grey zone. Treat him like a hero ladies, and teach the babies to do the same, and he will act like a hero and will achieve heroic feats for you. BUT HE NEEDS TO KNOW THAT HE IS YOUR HERO!
If he does not get this vital nutrient, his roots fail. He drifts. He is malleable. He is weak. He succumbs to the deceit of the easy, the expedient, and the banal. He has no interest in matters greater than himself, in the vision, in the Divine. He ceases to dream, intent only on the carnal. He is the Metrosexual; the "Gender Dysphoric"; the Hip-Hopper; the Raver; the Meth-head; the Loser. He believes only in self-gratification, and since he has eschewed Leadership, he has only sex, drugs, alcohol, video-games, eye-make-up, tattoos, highlights, and endless trivia to fill his useless days, months and years. Nothing else to fall back on. Of no use to a woman, to kids, or to his community. Or worse, he becomes President of the United States some day....Ahem.
So, my fellow Fellows, what is a Man to do today, in this era of the Feminist, the Anti-Child, and the Anti-Man? I mean, Heroism is fast becoming a greater evil than Terrorism, Atheism and Carnivorism combined. And as Clint points out, we are wearing down even our good Men with impossible mandates, expectations and choices.
So, my fellow Fellows, what is a Man to do today, in this era of the Feminist, the Anti-Child, and the Anti-Man? I mean, Heroism is fast becoming a greater evil than Terrorism, Atheism and Carnivorism combined. And as Clint points out, we are wearing down even our good Men with impossible mandates, expectations and choices.
"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father,g 15 from whom every familyh in heaven and on earth takes its name. 16 I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, 17 and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. 18 I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
Ephesians 3:15
Armed thus, fellas, you can and you must hold firm against the firestorm that follows when you Father-up and take the reins of your Family. If you are right with your own Heavenly Father, and your own personal inventory, your decisions will be righteous. And lads, you must ALWAYS be willing to sacrifice your own immediate need for approval. I warn you -- once you stop acting like a MetroGuy, all hell will break loose even in your own home. The nod of approval will be rare. Despite these headwinds, put your head down and march forward. Wipe off that paste-on silly smile chanting that everything is "OK, we're good, I'm well." It obviously is not OK at all! Sound the alarm, ring the warning bell, turn on the emergency siren! "One if by land, two if by sea!" If in your own house your Fatherly needs become even less important than FiFi's , well sir, you simply must speak up, and do so assertively. If EVERY time you want to have a Masculine and hearty laugh with the fellas at a family get-together, and she demands an abrupt change of subject, well Boyz, deliberately light up that seegar, lean back, put your boots on the table and PROCEED apace. Steady as she goes. Sure mates, more disapproval and isolation, but hang in there, por favor.
What else would you expect Pards? Your Fem-Bred wife will of course rebel at first, but you have got to stop groveling for her naive and misguided approval. You need to be a HUSBAND and not a string puppet. Your Manly leadership will eventually guide her away from her inner Xena and towards a divine acceptance and even celebration at her destined role of Mother and loving Wife. The new Man in the house will so inspire the kids that they won't think of him as a buffoon and doormat anymore. The peanut gallery will become uneasy true 'dat, but your precious family and Manly pride will be preserved. Fortitude is often unpopular, but oh, such fantastic Family fodder.
Now fellas, if you picked a gal that is a through and through loser , well then you are shit-outta-luck, as the wise man said. But if your gal has a spark of self-honesty; if she has God in her life, then maybe you might be able to right the foundering ship. Having said this, we must also be clear. You yourself Fellas, cannot force-change her and her spoon-fed indoctrination overnight. At first she will feel that having complete devotion to her husband and children is nothing more than an admission of failure. Xena failure. But God can and will help if you only git' out of the way and let Him. And by God, you actually can help Him by growing a pair, taking your eyes off of your wife, and show the kiddies you can rope and ride on your own. Do what a Father must do and stop aspiring and perspiring to achieve a Gloria Steinem Merit Badge. And quit with the squatting down to your boy's eye level and calling him "Buddy." It is demeaning to your Manhood and denies the little tyke that experience of awe and wonder when looking up at his Redwood-sized Dad who "can do anything!" Call him by his real name. Everything counts.
Remember, building a family is like playing volleyball. If everyone rushes to the ball, good luck on that weak side spike. A strong family needs a Father to be a Father, and Man to be a Man. Everyone needs to bring their best game to the table, NOT try to prop each other up. Do not doubt me on this me hearties.
So fellas, you stand firm. Throw out the highlights; throw out the $80 haircuts; and throw out that silly, pasted-on empathetic look and constant giggling. Reject the 50/50 relationship BS; it is a mere smokescreen for Wife 100%, Husband take it or leave it! Do not allow quantitating of diaper changes, dishwashing, cooking dinner and grocery shopping. Of course you are going to help her when you can, but if you are up from dawn to dusk plowing, hunting and staving off renegade Comancheros, well then, your wife has just got to take charge of homemaking and quit whining already! She ought to be building you UP in the eyes of your impressionable kiddies, not finding "fairness" chores for you to do. It is beneath your dignity as a Man to work full-time and yet at the same time to also take on the surrogate Mommy role. The kids are watching this struggle VERY CLOSELY and will NEVER FORGIVE YOU should you surrender your Manly dignity and self-respect as well. Hey, the Old Doc is not to blame for this lesson in reality. This is nothing new. Ancient truths. It has simply been intentionally discarded by our modern culture. I am only the messenger of hope here. I had no part in setting this whole thing up!
Forming a baby's a healthy psyche requires adoring gazes, warmth, breast-milk, and lots of cooing But it requires these things from Mamma, not YOU ma brutha'. You Fellas, get out of the way; get out of the nursery; get out of the kitchen, and get out of the feminine hygiene aisle! You are not capable of gazing adoringly even if you tried, and you have no capacity to produce milk! But AFTER babyhood, then and only then are your Man skills required. This is when Pop takes the stage. It is at this moment that discipline is needed. This is YOUR time pal, this is what you are born and BRED to offer the child. And recall, as St. Paul has said:
Remember, building a family is like playing volleyball. If everyone rushes to the ball, good luck on that weak side spike. A strong family needs a Father to be a Father, and Man to be a Man. Everyone needs to bring their best game to the table, NOT try to prop each other up. Do not doubt me on this me hearties.
So fellas, you stand firm. Throw out the highlights; throw out the $80 haircuts; and throw out that silly, pasted-on empathetic look and constant giggling. Reject the 50/50 relationship BS; it is a mere smokescreen for Wife 100%, Husband take it or leave it! Do not allow quantitating of diaper changes, dishwashing, cooking dinner and grocery shopping. Of course you are going to help her when you can, but if you are up from dawn to dusk plowing, hunting and staving off renegade Comancheros, well then, your wife has just got to take charge of homemaking and quit whining already! She ought to be building you UP in the eyes of your impressionable kiddies, not finding "fairness" chores for you to do. It is beneath your dignity as a Man to work full-time and yet at the same time to also take on the surrogate Mommy role. The kids are watching this struggle VERY CLOSELY and will NEVER FORGIVE YOU should you surrender your Manly dignity and self-respect as well. Hey, the Old Doc is not to blame for this lesson in reality. This is nothing new. Ancient truths. It has simply been intentionally discarded by our modern culture. I am only the messenger of hope here. I had no part in setting this whole thing up!
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Vox Clamantis in Deserto |
Forming a baby's a healthy psyche requires adoring gazes, warmth, breast-milk, and lots of cooing But it requires these things from Mamma, not YOU ma brutha'. You Fellas, get out of the way; get out of the nursery; get out of the kitchen, and get out of the feminine hygiene aisle! You are not capable of gazing adoringly even if you tried, and you have no capacity to produce milk! But AFTER babyhood, then and only then are your Man skills required. This is when Pop takes the stage. It is at this moment that discipline is needed. This is YOUR time pal, this is what you are born and BRED to offer the child. And recall, as St. Paul has said:
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.* Because of the joy* awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. 3 Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people;* then you won’t become weary and give up. 4 After all, you have not yet given your lives in your struggle against sin.
5 And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children?* He said,
“My child,* don’t make light of the Lord’s discipline,
and don’t give up when he corrects you.
6 For the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.”*
7 As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? 8 If God doesn’t discipline you as he does all of his children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really his children at all. 9 Since we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn’t we submit even more to the discipline of the Father of our spirits, and live forever?*
10 For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. 11 No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
12 So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. 13 Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.”
— Hebrews 12:10
Love your family Men, admire your family as it grows, of course. But discipline yourselves to admire from an effective, Manly distance. Sure, sure, move closer when appropriate, but when baby is able to do nothing more than suck and gaze, you are basically a fifth wheel. So get the heck out and make yourself useful by creating a successful future for your growing family. Go clear the north forty; build your fortune, establish your Knighthood, bring home the bacon lads. These are tangible contributions you can make for your wife and nursing baby. Make it clear to your wife that although you are willing to lay down your life and limb for her and baby, you simply cannot do HER job for her......And if you do these things, do not get jelly-leg when she cries, "he is never 'there' for me." That is bullshit designed to set you back on your heels so that you will cosign her arrant nonsense and martyrdom..... Best have these conversations BEFORE Junior arrives, but you do what you have to when you have to do it. If you are already supporting a brood, then wake up and get to it before too much damage is done.
Be an example to woman and child(ren) of dignity, strength, and humility. Waging these early skirmishes allows for smoother establishment of your Father credibility. Be larger than life to them. The kiddies really need that, and right away. Dump the sideways hip-hop cap, cover the tattoos, pull out the earlobe hoops, wear some long pants, don’t call your pets "kids”, and for Heaven's sake, NEVER agree to pose for a Family photo without your shoes and socks on your feet. Do not look to pick fights with your wife, but goodness Boyz, if your righteous Manly duties cause conflict, well then this is a battle worth waging, a war worth winning. Stand up to her Man!
Wipe that annoying insincere grin off your face. Remember, your wife is sorely and often naively misguided by a generation of man-repellent inbreeding; and in many ways so are you. That's right, you too, my friend. You bro' are even afraid of the word “Manly”; it makes your knees weak to even say it to yourself. OMG! what if I accidentally grab her by the hair and drag her to the next cave! Such is the pervasiveness of this anti-Masculine age my young bruthas'. Hell, even buying a CIGAR makes you feel sooooo rebellious, somehow anti-woman. C’mon admit it!
And the wreckage from this capitulation? Just take a look around you Boyz at the annoying, arrogant, sniveling, in-your-face, un-disciplined kiddies out there — whether it be at the restaurant, the grocery store, or the theatre. How do you think they came to be? Disgusting kids that you can hardly stand to be in the same room with — well, they are produced, by PARENTS, girly-Men and "roaring" gals. Men, you must save yourself and the kids from the cultural swirl of this toilet bowl. Do NOT be a party to this familial travesty.
Nothing exists in the kiddies head at conception; you two both PUT everything in there. An able Manly Father shields silly cultural dumbing agents from soaking into your child's neurons. The 50/50 daddy, on the other hand, stupidly agrees with the "progressives" that you shouldn’t teach the kids religion because they “should have the benefit of making their own decisions about this when they are old enough to know the difference.” Yikes! Can we talk REAL WORLD here! The difference of WHAT? Whether to be a follower of Christ or not? To be able to select from a tray of Hari-Krishna? Taoism? Islam? Vegan-ism? Save-the-Whale-ism? Are you kidding me?
YOU need to model their vital cultural and religious mores so they will not grow up half-cocked and confused, following any cockamamie moron out there touting some hairy-fairy guru B.S. — well yeah, like Feminism, Marxism, Globalism, Environmentalism, Lesbianism… uh, Useful-idiotism! Listen Pop, as your kids grow older, you can no longer leave the disciplines to your wife's nurturing discretion. Otherwise you will have a 12 year old sissy-boy, breastfeeding and marching for a woman's right to choose. (Right to choose to kill little brother, presumably). News break fellas — you do NOT learn from the kiddies -- they learn from you!
Their minds come into this world empty, and you must fill them with the tools, knowledge and behavior with which they can thrive in the REAL world. YOU make them into decent, productive, patriotic, heroic people prepared to take up the mantle of courage and dignity better men have forged for you in your own life. YOU need to tell them Tattoos are stupid; drugs are evil; marriage is sacred; girls are to be honored and respected, and have doors opened for them; and that Black Hip Hop is NOT to be emulated in ANY way. By what intergalactically moronic logic has it become wrong to tell your kids NOT to smoke dope just “because I did at their age”? So really, because you were a wild love child, you actually want to groom your kid to be wild AND ignorant AND a dope head? C’mon, c’mon fellas! Someday you just got to grow up and grow a pair!
This is the way of Mankind fellas, this striving to insure your kids are better, and better off than you. Always has been. I am not making up some New Age tripe here. This is from the Mesozoic pards! You simply must give them all you've got, you've got to make this so. You Man! You are the main “NO” force in your Family’s life. Mamma simply is not equipped to say “no” to anything. She is hard-wired to cuddle and nurture. And if you still doubt the Old Doc on this, just take a look at the wreckage out there produced by “single” moms.
YOU need to model their vital cultural and religious mores so they will not grow up half-cocked and confused, following any cockamamie moron out there touting some hairy-fairy guru B.S. — well yeah, like Feminism, Marxism, Globalism, Environmentalism, Lesbianism… uh, Useful-idiotism! Listen Pop, as your kids grow older, you can no longer leave the disciplines to your wife's nurturing discretion. Otherwise you will have a 12 year old sissy-boy, breastfeeding and marching for a woman's right to choose. (Right to choose to kill little brother, presumably). News break fellas — you do NOT learn from the kiddies -- they learn from you!
Their minds come into this world empty, and you must fill them with the tools, knowledge and behavior with which they can thrive in the REAL world. YOU make them into decent, productive, patriotic, heroic people prepared to take up the mantle of courage and dignity better men have forged for you in your own life. YOU need to tell them Tattoos are stupid; drugs are evil; marriage is sacred; girls are to be honored and respected, and have doors opened for them; and that Black Hip Hop is NOT to be emulated in ANY way. By what intergalactically moronic logic has it become wrong to tell your kids NOT to smoke dope just “because I did at their age”? So really, because you were a wild love child, you actually want to groom your kid to be wild AND ignorant AND a dope head? C’mon, c’mon fellas! Someday you just got to grow up and grow a pair!
This is the way of Mankind fellas, this striving to insure your kids are better, and better off than you. Always has been. I am not making up some New Age tripe here. This is from the Mesozoic pards! You simply must give them all you've got, you've got to make this so. You Man! You are the main “NO” force in your Family’s life. Mamma simply is not equipped to say “no” to anything. She is hard-wired to cuddle and nurture. And if you still doubt the Old Doc on this, just take a look at the wreckage out there produced by “single” moms.
If you choose to eschew Manly discipline, and bring to your family only empathy, smiles and an overgrown need for approval, you will most certainly become the ultimate Fall Guy at some point anyway. Disgusted, she will leave you in 3-5 years for a “real” man; even though she was the one who snipped your balls off in the first place — while you handed her the scissors and held them for her, by the way. Really tragic if you produced two little brats in the meantime. She will go on and divorce you and win custody, raise your kids as a “single mom d'arc", with you getting to visit them maybe once a month, provided you beg purity-please. And your kiddies will get to experience the endless parade of boyfriends and stepguys trying to goo-goo and gaga YOUR kids in order to get into their mom's jeans. Yup, Christ-Mass morning taxi-ing them around to three locations to see all the Step-families. And how 'bout those kiddie soccer games with a bleacher full of all the Ex's and Step’s each vying and carrying-on to show the world just who the kiddies love the most. Hell, a kid has gotta take Ritalin just to cope with such 50/50 insanity!
OR fellas………you can go back, A-WAY back and get tribal again. Think fellas; what was most valued by the people of the small village, the tribe? Yes. Yes. The Warrior, the Hunter, the Elder……THE WISE AND MANLY FATHER! Get in touch with your inner Warrior, not your inner child for goodness sake! Today, more than ever your kiddies need more Manly Warrior and less barefoot Selfies. Discipline. Sacrifice. Duty. Words that are today the punchlines for silly Metro jokes. Don’t be a joke, my friend and stop being a fool…..your kids need a Father. A Warrior. A Man……Doc