Sunday, March 29, 2015

Manism: The American Manifesto

Clint Eastwood's main advice to actor son: 'be a man'

     In our previous essay entitled "Machismo", this Old Doc defined Manhood, Manliness, "being a Man", or Machismo as  "a human male's intelligent striving to approximate, as best as he can, God's purpose for him on earth......"  Ay Mates.......the ring of it hits the ears as does the beauty of the dinner bell.   Like the bracing salt spray that hits your face from the bow of the USS Ronald Reagan.  Perfect.  I admit it.

     Clint's advice for his son to heed the Old Doc was headline news all over the Web.  Strange.  Such common advice from father to son just a generation ago.    Today what startling heresy!  OMG! What EVER does THAT mean anyway?  How yesterday!!  

     Indeed.   How yesterday. 

     Stiffen your spines you Men, and stick with the Old Doc.  He's got your back.  In "Manhood Agonistes" we have discussed, though pathetically so,  how Marxism has eroded American Manhood over the last 60 years using the jackhammers of Atheism, Feminism, Environmentalism, and Veganism as the tools methodically destroying the freedom of  American ethos.    Well, your Old Doc is convinced that the surest way to counter these corrosive "isms" is to rally you Men to flock  to the most monumental Human Doctrine yet seen in the Modern Era.  Yup, another "ism."  And that is,  Manism.

     Catchy, don't you think?  And likely to cause the most massive tidal wave of Human advancement since the American Industrial Revolution and the discovery of fire.     And surely the most important antidote to the sickening Marxist cultural umbrella that is smothering our "shining city on a hill."  Huge all right, but no, we do not need to call it Doc-ism.  No, no.  Manism will do just fine, thank you.

     We are going to keep it simple here fellas.  No high-falutin' phrases ostensibly meant to sound learned, but actually crafted to deceive.  No divisions, resentments.  No pitting the Man against the woman;  the old against the young;  the rich against the poor;  the laborer against the owner; the meat-eaters against the plant eaters; the Liberals against the Christians.  None of this "haves" against the "have-nots."  No, no, friends, while Marxism or Marx-schism is a destructive philosophy that fosters enslavement, incompetence and the Yugo,   Manism, unites Men and woman in the common cause of freedom, courage, capitalism and American exceptionalism.  Simple to say.  And believe it or not, simple to do......simply, stop allowing yourselves to be controlled by your Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Wrath, Envy, and most of all Pride.

     "There is one vice of which no man in the world is free;  which every one in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else; and of which hardly any people,  except Christians, ever imagine that they are guilty themselves.  I have heard people admit that they are bad-tempered, or that they cannot keep their heads about girls or drink, or even that they are cowards.  I do not think I have ever heard anyone who was not a Christian accuse himself of this vice.  And at the same time I have very seldom met anyone, who was not a Christian, who showed the slightest mercy to it in others.  There is no fault which makes a man more unpopular, and no fault which we are more unconscious of in ourselves.  And the more we have it ourselves, the more we dislike it in others.
     The vice I am talking of is Pride or Self-Conceit;  and the virtue opposite to it, in Christian morals, is called Humility.  You may remember, when I was talking about sexual morality, I warned you that the centre of Christian morals did not lie there.  Well, now, we have come to the centre.  According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride.  Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison;  it was through Pride that the devil became the devil;  Pride leads to every other vice; it is the complete anti-God state of mind."
                                                                                  C.S. Lewis, from "Mere Christianity"

     Stay with me now Lads, do not shut down.  The Old Doc does not intend to proselytize and shovel religion at you.  Heaven forbid that you should contemplate God when you've got so many Selfies still to post on Facebood.  But you Teacher's Union-educated Core readers out there might just want to go ahead and explore, for the very first time, the events around the founding of the United States of America.  You are in for a surprise.  (Oh hell, if you like picture books only, pick up the "Rush Revere" series on the founding of this country then).

Even a cursory skimming of America's founding shows that the Founding Hombres were deeply devoted to God, His Divinity, and His Christian exhortations.  Fact.  

"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."   --Declaration of Independence

     Now, since our State-run schools do not teach American history anymore, you may have never seen these inspiring words.  No, you are much more familiar with how Sitting Bull was cheated out of the contiguous 48 states,  and Alaska, and Hawaii.  Yeah, and I guess you know all about bringing back Hawaiian Queen Lili'uokalani since we also ripped her off.  No more George Washington or Honest Abe's birthdays.  Nah, white Christians, so yesterday.

     But 56 Men, all Christians, signed this above-quoted document, knowing there was a good chance that in doing so they were signing their death warrants.  The British had the largest, most effective Army and Navy the world had ever seen, and their hanging ropes were quite sturdy and plentiful.  Ideal for punishing rebel upstarts.  The American colonies, meanwhile, had pitchforks, triangular hats and spitballs with which to challenge this juggernaut.  Oh yeah, and they also  had Manly Courage;  they had General Washington; and they had the  Christian belief in the Almighty as the "Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions."

     So Gentlemen, throw away "The Communist Manifesto" and instead pick up the American Declaration of Independence;  the U.S. Constitution as ratified in 1784;  the Federalist Papers;  or the personal letters of General Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Madison, and Alexander Hamilton.  All just a Google away.  And maybe pick up a book entitled, "His Excellency:  George Washington", by Joseph J. Ellis.  He describes a touching scene in our early history, one of many indeed.  The war is won, the British are defeated, and America is on its way to nationhood.  The prominent Men of the Revolution gathered, all eager to follow the General into the next phase of nation building.  They were all there:  Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, Hancock, Madison, et al.  Yet, when The General entered, a hush fell over this large room of prominent Men.    A room filled with these greatest of Men, future Presidents.  The greatest collection of Men human history has ever produced, and yet they deferred humbly to the greatest of them all.   These giants of human history bowed before The General,  and addressed him as,  "His Excellency."  ......Wow.

     The General was indeed the Hombre of all American Hombres.  Yet, although I have read many, I do not recall one letter of his that failed to mention God and His Divine Providence.  You feel what I'm getting at here Fellas?  Not only is open devotion to God Almighty NOT un-Manly, why, it is the fundamental criterion for Manliness!  Period.  So puuuleeeeze cut the crap,  and unbunch your bloomers every time someone mentions God, especially as it relates to America's future.   BEING A GODLESS COMMIE IS THE LOSING TEAM FELLAS!!!   In fact,  Manism requires your personal relationship with The Almighy.  Marxism is anti-God and based on the devil's Pride.  And please note that the devil's Pride is not what is commonly called "A Man's Pride."  A Man's pride is usage referring synonymously to "A Man's Honor."  Get that straight Boyz, and you can stop pretending that you are confused.  Now you know.

     Manism is John Paul Jones screaming at the enemy who taunted him to surrender as his own ship was sinking, "I have just begun to fight!"  Manism is Abraham Lincoln seeking to bind the Nation's wounds.  Manism is Ronald Reagan rejecting the Communist Leader's sly Reykchavik proposal to reduce nuclear weapons if only the U.S. would stop developing a defensive shield known as Star Wars.  Manism was Calvin Coolidge who insisted on the dull but honest road of sticking to the letter of the U.S. Constitution which he had sworn to uphold, rather than violate his oath by taking a more Populist and expedient road.  Manism is your Old Doc Adams resisting the clamor to jump on the pass-out-opiates-like-gummy-bear bandwagon that  today is causing so much addictive grief to so many.  Manism is the husband who risks strife by standing up for his children by challenging his wife's Feminist upbringing that is certain to doom his family.  Manism is Senator Ted Cruz admitting he loves Jesus, when so many use the name for an epitaph.  Manism is St. Paul enduring whippings, imprisonment and stoning to bring Christ to the four corners of the world.  Manism is knowing the difference between Good and Evil, and lending a hand to the Good while lending your sword to fighting the evil.  Manism works for the benefit of Mankind.  Marxism has NEVER WORKED at all.

     Manism is asking her father for her hand in marriage, and humbly sitting attentively as her father says his piece.

Manism is changing the plastic lining of the trash can without mommy-wife telling you to do it;  changing the baby's crap-butt diaper when your wife is at wit's end;  doing the dishes as a special treat for your hard-working, loyal wife;  making the bed because your wife is making you breakfast;  vacuuming the rugs to spare your wife the exertion, dust and the yuk of changing out the dust bag;  and taking her out to eat because she is always cooking your meals.

     Marxist feminism on the other hand has you changing the trash bag because she is keeping 50/50 statistics;  ditto for changing the diaper;  ditto for doing the dishes;  ditto for making the bed, vacuuming the rugs, and various other tasks that fall within her traditional domain, but which are now beneath her dignity as an "oppressed" class.  Marxism has you Fellas marching lock-step down her job lists because you must "amend" your behavior in having  "subjugated" her for so long.  Thats right, now  she and her sisters-in-the-struggle can move on to break out of their chains and glass ceiling, and basically teach you Boyz a lesson.  You know, dictatorship of the proletariat and all that Commie stuff.  Quite a formula for enduring love, loyalty and happiness, ay Men?

     Which philosophy then,  do you think will better create the more successful, loyal, devout, respectful, faithful, humble and courageous family?  Well if you say, Marxism, then good luck pal.  Jong Kim watching his family starve enshrouded in darkness in N. Korea might argue with you on that;  ditto for Juan Valdez in Venezuela;  Marco Rubio of Cuba;  Pavel Chekov of the now defunct Soviet Union, and all those Chinese they find baked to death in ship containers in failed efforts to make their way to America as sex slaves.

     Nah  my friends, on the contrary.    It is Manism that is productive of  unbreakable bonds between Man and woman.  This bond  creates healthy families that breathe freedom; that work their butts off to build companies and communities;  and that make America The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.  Simple as that.  Less whining and more winning......Why would your Old Doc lie to you Pards?  General Washington was the Father of our Country, or he wasn't;  The General believed in God or he didn't;  His Excellency was a fool, or he wasn't.  THINK Men!

     Perhaps we should formally define Manism for you Boyz that may be having trouble connecting the dots.  Let's put the spurs to 'er shall we Men?  Manism is the spiritual and cultural philosophy that guides a Man to  search out God's will that he may strive to act honorably in being a wise and faithful husband;  to lead his family with courage, integrity, loyalty and devotion;  to produce disciplined children of faith, character and patriotism; and to better defend the values of his Manhood, his  family, his community and his country against any and all enemies, even at the cost of his life.  Gentlemen, that is the cold, hard truth......

"....You think that you're a real man
But you're nothing but a fool
The way you run away from love
The way you try to play it cool
I'm gonna say this just one time
Time is running out on you
You best remember me my friend
I am the cold hard truth
You best remember me my friend
I am the cold hard truth."                                     -- sung by George Jones, "The Cold Hard Truth"

     What?  You cannot accept that some dopey, but megalomanic Doc can define a revolutionary new social, economic and political movement and create a new world order?  A simple definition that can destroy Karl Marx' "Das Kapital?"   A new idea that can wipe Feminism, Unionism, Classism, Sexism, Racism and Hip-Hop off the face of this earth?........Well yes.   And a sheepish, well......

          "This IS a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth  a good work.  A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach.  Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;  One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?). Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.  Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without;  lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.  Likewise MUST the deacons BE grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;  Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.  And let these also first be proved;  then let them use the office of a deacon, being FOUND blameless.  Even so MUST THEIR wives BE grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.  Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.  For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.  These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:  But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God,  the pillar and the ground of the truth.  And without controversy, great is the mystery of Godliness:  God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.   

                                                                  ----  The First Letter of St. Paul to Timothy:  3

     So you can clearly see, Fellas, I am describing something that is NOT new or innovative.  Something known, in fact, in very ancient times.   These are the Human FUNDAMENTALS.  There is no such thing as a NEW FUNDAMENTALS.  No, no, NEW ANTIQUES.  Sheesh, no wonder you keep being sold a bill of goods!  Heck, St. Paul wrote this 2000 years ago Pards!  Yeah, and St. Paul was an Hombre.  He was on his way to Damascus one day to find and imprison some reported Christians.  Yeah, his job was to round up those who followed Christ, throw them in the klinker where they awaited death-as-catnip for the hungry lions.  Real sweatheart was this Paul.  Sorta like the now defunct Soviets, Plutarco Calles's 1920's Mexico, and today's Red Chinese and Islamic states, don't you think?

     Anyway, on the road to Damascus, Jesus did a takedown on him that would make Chris Weidman blush;  caused him to be blind;  then asked him why he was hassling Him, or something to that effect.  Long story short,  Paul the Enforcer eventually pledged allegiance to Jesus, and dedicated the rest of his life to spreading the word, and for the rest of his life he became the hunted one.  Imprisoned, whipped, stoned, nearly drowned....numerous times.  He never wavered.  He never lost Faith.  He even ended up writing a lot of the New Testament.  Which is a testament to what he witnessed.  Get it?.......It is always easy to fall in with the faddish or popular.  It is courageous to take the righteous road while in the midst of sinners.  And you know it too........  You know in your heart we are NOT talking Religion here.  We are talking Faith, integrity, character, courage.  We are reminding you that there is a God, and you, my friend, are not Him.


     So why is the Old Doc so insistent on talkin' God with you Fellas?  Simply because if you continue to pretend that He is not important, then this disastrous philosophy of yours will  make your attaining true Manhood impossible.  This retardation will then carry over to your son, propagating weak families, weak communities, and an America that abandons our courageous allies,  like Israel, while at the same time buying "We Heart Ayatollah" buttons.  Oh wait, that's already happened! 

    Go ahead and name one true American Hombre that you admire, and who was an atheist.  Which reminds me.  If you think you are Atheist or Agnostic, then you are not mature enough to read this treatise and you should go back to all your college sophomore boyfriends and tap a keg, and spend the rest of your life shitfaced.   Get out of here right now!   You are too petulant and immature to even matter.  And I am too old to debate with the deceived and the deceivers.  I am interested only in you dumbos who DO believe in God but who are confused, while being dragged around by your nose rings into listlessness;  shacking up;  50/50 marriages; and feminist sensitivities.  Yeah, you guys that get on your hands and knees to make sure you are on "the same non-threatening level"  with your little boy;  who perpetually talk to him in baby talk;  and who call little boys "Buddy" in order to show the gals that you are "relating" to your future stepson.   You, ma Brutha's are not being effective Manists.  But the Old Doc still cares.  You still have potential.  The Old Doc abides!

     C'mon, give in you hardcore knuckleheads!  Give in to the Old Doc.  I am giving you the "real heat" here.  Be a disciple of Manism.  Your wife will thank you.  Your sons will thank you.  Your country will thank you.  You say you'd rather tattoo stupid crap on your fat legs, wear your hat sideways with baggy shorts that go from mid-buttcrack to mid-calf?  Then, congratulations, you have become a clown.  The laughingstock.  You say you would accommodate to your wife's misbegotten and family-poisoning feminist instincts, rather than stand up for your kids and grow your God-given pair?  You'd rather doom your son to pea-sized testicles?  Well then, there is the make-up room.....  

     Fellas, fellas, c'mon back, C'MON!  Don't stomp away AGAIN, in a hissy, sissy fit.  Wipe away this Marxist-based wreckage of your past, take freely of what you find here, and join us!  Even Robert Duvall sings about Heavenly themes, and hell,  HE's GUS!

I'm gonna liver forever, 
I'm gonna cross that river
I'm gonna catch tomorrow now

You're gonna want to hold me
Just like i always told you
You're gonna miss me when i'm gone

Nobody here will ever find me
But i will always be around
Just like the songs i leave behind me
I'm gonna live forever now

You fathers and you mothers
Be good to one another
Please try to raise your children right

Don't let the darkness take 'em
Don't make 'em feel forsaken
Just lead them safely to the light

When this old world is blown us under
And all the stars fall from the sky
Remember someone really loves you
We'll live forever you and i

I'm gonna live forever
I'm gonna cross that river
I'm gonna catch tomorrow now

As Sung by Wayne in "Crazy Heart"

     Men of the world unite!  You have nothing to lose but your chains!  And your apron.....Grab a cigar; listen to Rush; go to Church on Sunday and ask Him for guidance.  The answers will come if your own house is in order.  Unite behind our Heavenly Father.  Only He can guide you to family leadership;  to Manly devotion to your wife;  to be an inspiration for your sons and daughters.  Discard the pretenders from your life, from your son's lives.   And remember, not everyone will get to Heaven.  Listen Pal, you certainly do not want to end up in Dante's Eighth Circle, Ninth Pouch.  Yikes!

     "No barrel, even though it's lost a hoop
        or end-piece, ever gapes as one whom I
        saw ripped right from his chin to where we fart:
        his bowels hung between his legs, one saw
        his vitals and the miserable sack
        that makes of what we swallow excrement."              -- "The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri

     Clint exhorting his son to "be a man,"  and Don Vito's bitch-slapping of Johnny Fontaine are at least attempts at Manism.  But let us appreciate their efforts in denouncing Marxist-feminism by their Masculine proclamations.  A crude Manist is by far superior to a confused and dangerous Marxist and Feminist.  Some of the most dangerous Feminists today are males;  pretenders who damage the psyche of our young men in government,  media, schools, colleges, and iTunes. 

     Think Fellas....think for the sake of your own fulfillment....think about your growing boy.....think about your country......think about Divine Providence.......or keep stinking up the joint with "minimum wage", "gun control," exchanging deserters for Taliban leaders,  abandoning brave and isolated Israel, and bowing to Iranian bullies so they can get nukes.....Your son is watching.  Be thinkers, not stinkers........Doc...........

     Oh, sorry Fellas....hate to bother, but just one more question.  Why is it that the Marxist Left is sooooh accommodating to building a Mosque on Ground Zero, and yet are so avidly working to ban The Nativity from U.S. Courthouses and Christian prayer from your son's schools?    Just asking........

Friday, March 13, 2015

Father Dysphoria

                                        " A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle."
                                                                                                                -- Gloria Steinem

     Some strange happenings in current events Me Lads.  Seems the famous folks are daily making the Old Doc's Manhood rants more and more relevant.  You Men, especially you young fellas,  ought to stick close to the Old Doc.  Danger lurking.  As Putin grabs for more gusto;  as IS grabs for more heads to lop off;  and a China grabs for more MSG  to weaken American take-out buffs, American Men are dazed,  glassy-eyed, wobbling rubber-legged in the center of the ring.  Taking some heavy shots.  May not make it to the bell.  West Point, decorated Green Beret gets his Medals taken away by our illustrious Commander-in-Weep for, drum roll....having taken out a confirmed Muslim bomb maker and confirmed killer of many American soldiers.   In theatre......  Our genderless Prez has deemed that this decorated Soldier, this Man who has risked it all in the face of enemy fire,  did not follow ROE's to the letter.

     So the Man is "Branded", stripped of his honors, sword broken and tossed to the ground.  At the same time a Military analyst  threatens to cut his own balls off until the U.S. Military relents and provides him with the Hormones needed to turn him into a sheila.   Seems he was afflicted with Gender Dysphoria.  The Military relented and agreed to pay for the switch.  Heeshee is rewarded of course;  the hero is cursed.   This  new "disease"  interests a Medical Man like the Old Doc.  Hmm!  "Gender Dysphoria"......Marvels of modern Medical Science!  Now, was it Man without a without a man....or bicycle without a seat?  Ouch!

     Anyway, our O' Great One, our Genderless-in-Briefs just unveiled his defense strategy to combat the growing, worldwide Fascist Islamic War.  Yeah, he is going to fund "jobs" programs in Muslim countries, and then drop in on the UN from time to time to see how they are doing.  Whoa, testosteroni-with-cheese flowing like a river from that eunuch!

Jeepers Mr. Wilson, the bike again.  Ms. Steinem was really on to something!

     To tell you the truth, Old Doc is minimally troubled by the hee's out there that want to be sheila's.  In a way, can't blame 'em.  The gals are the winning team right now;  rat's leaving a sinking ship and all that.  Join the winners boys;  Be A She and All You Can Be!   I reckon we Men who want to continue being Men have got bigger fish to fry, ay lads?

     Let's leave the poor gals alone from a while, shall we?  Let's focus on the XY's, from boy to Man.  Previously, we have discussed the damage Xena has done in weakening Manhood in general.  So much so in fact that fully half of my 4 readers are actually considering making the "switch" just to get the Old Doc off their backs!  So let's hone in on the fledgling boys, some of whom will survive to true Manhood.  Like hatchling Sea Turtles trying to get to sea, they indeed have a rough road ahead.

     Let us talk about raising boys to successfully become honorable Men.  Again, we are talking regular ol' Fellas married to basically honest but perhaps misguided gals.  We are not addressing the hardcores.  The Activists.  The pathological.  What does this have to do with Gender Dysphoria?  Well, other than being a neat sound-biscuit for describing why a Military Analyst was threatening to cut his own balls off, it is also the latest snappy name for "unease or dissatisfaction" for one's birth sex chromosomes.  You see, Men are born with X and Y chromosomes;  women only X.  And don't evermore say the word "gend_r."  (Nor "issues", "man-cave", "price-point", "Kashi",  or any French phrase).  Use of these sound-bite ready, politically fashionable words will deplete your Masculinity every time you say them.  Leave language like this to the girls, or trained professional like the Old Doc;  or to the CCC's, or the "Chromosome Confusion Crowd."

     Let's do, then,  talk about the new "diseases" facing boys today as they make their way down the beach towards Manhood, assaulted daily by the gauntlet of our predatory culture.     There is the latest of the fabricated diseases, or "Gender Dysphoria".   (The Old Doc can safely say "gender" because his is a trained professional).   There is the old tried and trues, like Gender Confusion, Bipolar, Depression, and Attention Deficit Disorders.  And there are the permutations from this well, like Defiance Disorder,  Oppositional Behavior Disorder, and the myriad of Childhood Anxiety Disorders that can apply to purty much any situation.  Label you boy, forever.  Not intended here to be a Medical Treatise here, merely a wetting-of-the-beak for you fellas with falteringY-chromosome syndrome.  But heed this warning from an Old Doc you Men.  Just because Doctors are bamboozled into accepting the Activist's phraseology for "new" diseases;  and just because the Activist Doctors work to create scientific acceptance for these politically opportune "diseases"; and just because these ready-for-lawsuit names begin to pop up in the Medical literature -- does not make them legitimate scientific phenomena.  Doctors have always been influenced by social trends and do OFTEN deviate from sound scientific principles in order to avoid persecution,  like tar and feathering.  Hey sports fans, I mean, wasn't General Washington doomed when his Doctors stuck leeches all over him to suck out the "bad humours?"  The confused Presidential Doc might 've been run outta town on a rail if he had suggested steam treatment for the General's epiglottitis.   Sans the leeches.

      OK, so we are for the moment going to drop the he/she, boy/girl, Man/woman.  All "he" for a while because this Old Doc wants to bore in on you fellas for a bit.  Might be a bit rough, but for a moment embrace you fear, ay lads?  We are attempting to rescue you from this wanton cultural (NOT medical) assault on your Y-chromosome!  No, no, don't get up and hide behind the gal's skirt; don't hide from Manly discourse;   hang in there a bit Boyz!  Yes, you really DO need to hear this.  Or maybe you are more comfortable with the hackneyed cliche the gals really favor:  "We need to talk......."   "You got mud in your ears or what?"

     Sitting quietly at Mass this morning, trying to concentrate on a bit of a higher plane, my own serenity was shattered by two  boys in the pew just in front of your favorite Old Doc.  About two and three years old.  I was indeed exasperated.  And inspired to compose this written payback.  Their father's painful confusion during the entire service was impressive, to say the least.  Let us coin a new medical term.  Let us heretofore call this "Father Dysphoria."  Hey, I can play this game to, ay Pards?

     Actually, I was not so irritated by the ignorant boy cubs, but I was really steamed and dismayed at their MetroDad!  Mrs. Doc and me arrived a bit early for services,  quiet meditation........ We sat in our favorite pew.    In the midst of my big-time Mea Culpas, in walks a nice looking family of 41/2;  pregnant mom, Pop, and two male rugrats.  No problem there, nice family, teaching them boys early about their Heavenly Father.  Old Doc is certainly a big advocate of this family worship;  not seen often enough with today's Selfie generation.

     Well sir, no sooner do they sit down then do the two Devil Boys start fussing, whining, and SPREADING OUT.  Search and destroy, heads on a swivel, looking for anything that they might vandalize.  Trained Family Doc that I am, I failed to notice the 6-6-6's on their scalps.  Grabbing the prayer books, running up and down the pew.  Both parents looking on adoringly with cult-like smiles transfixed on their clueless faces as noise and destruction rained down upon bystanding parishioners.  When the decibel level reached jackhammer range, MiniDad was finally compelled to try to hush the devil boys, quite unsuccessfully I might add.  Each time he attempted to "convince" the 2 and 3 year olds about the "quiet as a Church mouse" lecture series, they became dangerously agitated.  So agitated, MiniDad actually even threatened a time-out.  Holy Children's Services Batman!

     At this point, MiniDad watched lovingly as mom then began unpacking the two large baby bags and accessories they had carried in.  Out came the snacks, the crackers, the pretzels, the sweets and the picnic blanket, all nicely packed in zip-locks.  The boys ran from bag to bag, loudly pulling out all of their contents scattering them onto the benches, the pews, and the floor.  These boys were in a frenzy, believe me!  Finally, as the pies de resistance, mom pulls out the toys, including a full sized wooden train that clanked hideously against the wooden benches as they rolled it along  25 feet clackity-clacking all the while the  Padre inaudibly delivered his homily.   It looked like the Monsignor was lip-syncing.

     Back and forth the Union Pacific Railroad barreled hideously right under the Old Doc's hands clasped in prayer.  Mom arose after an eternity, and at this point I actually thought she was going to put a stop to this heretical rioting.   Instead, she lovingly walked the 25 feet or so down the pew, again right in front of the Doc, sat herself down, and actually began to smile approvingly at the noisy boys rumbling that wooden train up and down that hard, wooden bench.  She looked up at MiniDad who was also enchanted, and both smiled again.  May our Heavenly Father forgive me for my impure thoughts at that moment.......

     Now, here is where the Old Doc is at a disadvantage in your confused eyes.  From my point of view this is all preventable.  From your naive perspective and Kool-aid soaked brainwashing, these baby godzillas are "just children."  What do they know about solemnity and worship? How, ever, can we control this?  Boys will be boys, right?  What do they know, indeed.  Well fellas, they "know" at this point, everything and anything you have taught them to know, that's what.  The corollary is that they don't know what you haven't taught them, sports fans!

     And here's the jist of it Boyz -- with mom's help, you have failed these little boys right out of the shute.  From the moment they are born, you stand by and watch as they become the show ponies for your "happy" marriage.  They become like little iPhones that you can show off to your friends, your relatives, and innocent bystanders like the grouchy Old Doc in church, in the market, in the restaurant, or in the movie theatre.  You feign that they are "so precious" when there is an audience to applaud you, and then you neglect them when no one is watching.  In Public, EVERYTHING they do is ever so cute;  in private, you just can't be bothered to properly parent them, so busy are you just trying to cope with your high maintenance wife and her incessant demands and perpetual misery.

     Sure fellas, you let them be paraded around the neighborhood like little show poodles, with all the latest in strollers, Bjorn carriers, injury-proof toys, and little $100 running shoes.  Yeah, two-year olds with the Reebok running shoes!  Grooming them with that Metro-Magic all right.   The brats are fully iPhone and iPad ready by the time they are two years old. When no one is watching, you stick one of these electronic devices in their little faces like a pacifier, so they won't bother you and your wife as you puff up your chests in front of friends and smile knowingly at just what parents-of-the-year you are, I mean, "just look at those cute curls!"  And this is your little boy you are pointing at!  When everyone is watching, and just begging for a demonstration, why you and the wife just wind 'em up and let 'em perform. All the while you look on adoringly, confirming to the ostensibly admiring crowd that you are in NO WAY like your own Father.   Yeah, unlike your Pop, you do deliver on that "quality time."

     So when these boys really need you, in private, when no one is looking, you abandon their disciplines to the iPad babysitter.  Then when the crowd is watching, you engage in every bit of self-indulgent "parenting" just guaranteed to create a first class narcissist apprentice.  But with cute curls......  You Pop, are allowing for the creation of a monster -- a selfish, self-centered baby godzillette who is destined to make everyone around them suffer their show-off antics;  their attention-craving behaviors; and their disruptions of the Old Doc's attempt at communion in Church.  Just watch them Fellas, any and everywhere you go -- they are fidgety, whiny, roving, searching for anything that they can touch, knock over, bang on the table or throw on the floor.  Decent folks are repulsed by them.  They are uneasy because they have never been taught calm, dignity, politeness, or discipline.   In public and in private Pop, that is your job, your responsibility, even if fem-mom is not completely on board yet.

     What is a confused, bewildered, dysphoric Pop to do?  No Lads, do NOT make The Switch.   You bewildered Y's can remember the words of the best Therapist for Father Dysphoria that this Old Doc has ever witnessed.  Yup, Don Vito Corleone who poignantly thundered, "you can act like a Man!" 

Yes, you and mommy are the problem, Pards.  Your boys are not suffering from a Ritalin deficiency.  Labeling them as "ADD-ers" isn't going to do anything more than to make your boys future drug addicts, marijuana smokers, and losers with a built-in rationale to be "dysphoric" about anything that will get them free room and board.  And you, you my self-righteous Daddy, you get away scot free.  No responsibility at all for the dirty deed of creating this mess, and then covering it up with a drug -- yeah, daily doses of amphetamine prescribed by the women in the life of your precious little boy.  (The scandal is real Fellas, millions of little boys,  now on Ritalin, and the drug addiction is a medical fact.  Oh, and really, only a rare little girl is put on this stuff.  You think this "gender" assault is exaggerated?  Extract your Male head out of your arse Gents, facts certainly are stubborn things).

     In order to prevent your boy(s) from contracting Gender Dysphoria, you Fellas need to first prevent Father Dysphoria, and you can start with your own sensitive and self-absorbed psyche.  Above all, start with a few basics, you know, kinda like playing pepper before the first inning of a baseball B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L.  America's sport?  You know, the one with the wooden stick, and hard round ball, a leather mitt, hey batta batta?......Sheeesh!

     First of all you have got to stop letting the boys call you Daddy.  Number one.  I mean each time your boy addresses you or refers to you with this feminine moniker, you lose Testosterone production and your boy induces his own testicular retardation.  You Boyz listen to the Duke, and correct this miscalculation post haste;  or stamp it out like the plague it truly is before it catches on.  Honest fellas, hear me on this.

"You can call me Dad, you can call me Father, you can call me Jacob, and you can call me Jake.  You can call me a dirty old son-of-a-bitch, but if you EVER call me Daddy again, I'll finish this fight."
                                                                                                                         -- Jacob McCandles
                                                                                                                             "Big Jake"

     You should be trying to demonstrate to your boy the Manly Virtues, not feminine sensitivities.  Yeah Pards, avoid the "SSS" or Sissy Sensitivity Syndrome.  Chuck all the girly psycho-tripe, psycho-babble and pyscho-bullshit!  Liberate yourselves from these ovarian claptraps!  Male Gonads UNITE!..........

     Now listen, there are traits which are definitely appropriate for the women-folk.  Sensitivity, tenderness, emotional verbosity, nurturing, bet, in the right proportions mixed with dollops of courage, devotion and loyalty;  then hey you have got a gal to ride the river with.  No question.  But Men, you are just plain 'ol gonna confuse your boy if you mirror your wife's psyche.  I realize that this is what some Activists actually want, but surely you do not want your boy to be straddling the fence when it comes to his Masculinity....Fellas?

     OK so get rid of these truly insane notions about your "issues."  Your "issues" are irrelevant when it comes to a successful environment for raising boys, and I would add, for a successful marriage.  Stuff the "intimacy" issues;  the "anger" issues;  the "abandonment" issues;  and the "tissue" issues.  They are concepts that are fundamentally propagated in the modern culture to weaken the fabric of American Masculinity and you OWE IT TO YOUR BOY TO EXCOMMUNICATE THIS GENDER CLAPTRAP FROM YOUR REPERTOIRE......NOW!

     So much of this cultural pycho-babble essentially weakens the authority, discipline, stoicism, courage and leadership roles Men have held for eons.  You assimilate this doctrine of blather and you condemn your boy to a future of confusion, inadequacy, cowardice, uncertainty, docility, and frivolity.  Gone is the dogged loyalty and devotion;  gone is the undaunted courage;  and gone is Duty, Honor, Country.  You become unsure of your country's time -honored values;  cynical about masculine pursuits;  frivolous about marriage and  family;  and sacreligious about God,  Heaven and Hell.  You can no more teach your boy to be a Man than can a "fish ride a bicycle (sic)."

     As the Old Doc has said before,  get right first and foremost with your soul, stand up for your Manhood, and defend these ancient gifts from God as if you boy's life depended on them.   Because it does.  From the moment of your boy's birth you are on stage, you are being watched and you are being evaluated by this new male being.  Specifics?  Well, for starters, think twice about all this La Maze crap, breathing in tandem with your wife in labor.   Think twice about standing in the Labor and Delivery Room with that stupid hat, booties and mask on.  Consider instead staying in the waiting room with the Fellas and passing out cigars when your baby is born.  Hey, just a thought, tongue-in-cheek I guess.  Go on, go into the Delivery room with your wife if you want, but without the bewildered, stupid grin;  without the synchronized breathing;  and for Heaven's sake WITHOUT the video camera!  I mean, you really should NOT be all that comfortable with the same outfit on that all the nurses are wearing.  Go ahead, you compare the dignity involved then...........

........and now,

     You might think,  "ah, what the heck, what does it matter to the boy at that age anyway?"  Well think again Pards.  New evidence suggests that your boy is processing your conversations with mom, and even music,  while inside the UTERUS!    For you college grads, that means BEFORE birth.  You bet, your boy is groovin' to  iTunes while still doing the back stroke inside mom.  So everything you do in front of Junior matters.  Everything.

     We have already touched on some other early babyhood Pop basics.  Needless to say, you want your growing boy baby, boy infant, boy child and young boy to experience you Fellas in as Masculine a light as possible, at all times.  At all times you want to display Manly behaviors, which Junior will quickly and thoroughly begin to emulate.  Display girlie behavior, and that will be emulated.  Be sure of that.  Right off the bat see to it that you and your wife discuss and get unified on your boy's need for Pop to be a masculine role model.  Your wife may at times lean to the girlie side, because, yah, she is a girl.  But you my Manly friends, dump the Bjorn Baby Carrier;  keep it simple with the stroller and make the color a masculine black;  and X-NAY on the pictures with you lying barefoot on the floor with baby on your chest as if you are breast feeding.  In fact, keep your own picture-taking to a minimum so that you do not engender the Selfie syndrome in your boy.  Speak in your normal voice when addressing Junior, and avoid Hollywood-style "quality time."   And  avoid on-your-knees goo-goo gaga games.  Go ahead and read to the boy, at any age, but dump the Little Mermaid and stick to the "El Cid" or "King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table" or Grimm's Fairy Tales.  And a word about buying toys for your boy.  Don't.......Buy him a .22 rifle, a pocketknife or a baseball mitt.  But stuff the "Tickle-Me-Elmo."  And jeez Men, get that girlie-curls boy of yours a damn haircut!

     But above all, begin lessons in discipline and behavior  -- and do so often and early.  This is your strong suit Lads.  When Junior is still latching on to Mamma's teat you can begin Man training.  The gruff voice of displeasure.  The sternness of your physical guidance.  The solemnity you demonstrate during solemn occasions -- yeah, Church services and funerals.  The restraint you show them at restaurants, theaters and the dinner table.  Anywhere you may go, you must demonstrate proper behavior to your boy no matter what age he may be at the time.  He is watching.  He is recording.  He is assimilating.  There is scientific evidence that your boy identifies with you as a Male within weeks of birth, and maybe sooner.  Therefore your actions become a modeling template for his modus operandi.  You act like a weenie, your boy will very quickly begin acting out with disruptive, boisterous, inappropriate and exasperating behaviors.  The older and more physically capable, the more disgusting.

     On the other hand, shushing during Church services ;  engaging in the disciplines that disincentivize  tantrums in restaurants or markets; and maintaining a steady, serious habitus and demeanor will help Junior evolve his behavior appropriately.  You Pop;  it is you that largely determines how obnoxious Junior is allowed to become.  You control him at home, you control him in Church, you control him at the market.  Consistent seriousness on your part will engender respect and calm on Junior's part.  Just a look will often calm his incipient outburst if you have laid the Manly groundwork for him.  All this works even better with you and your wife on the same radio band frequency Pal, believe me.  You've got your work cut out for you there Pard, no doubt.

     The most far reaching, enduring, effective disincentive to your boy acting-out with bad behavior  IS NOT RITALIN for Heaven sakes!  It is plain, old-fashioned, roll-up-your-sleeves Manly demeanor, frowns, gruffness, sternness, firmness, consistency....yes, principled discipline.  You cannot effectively discipline your boy if you are a scatter-brained, Metro Mess dealing with your intimacy issues, your anger issues, or your abandonment issues.  You must stand like a mighty oak tree in the howling wind.  Let your wife parent with the flexibility of  the weeping willow since that is her strength.  But your strength IS strength,  and although from time to time you may be accused of being inflexibly "brittle" your boy nevertheless needs to see the constancy of your Manhood.  Let everyone else around him lean, bend, wrap-around and compromise with every breeze, but your boy needs to see your feet firmly on the ground -- ready, willing and able to confront any and all eventualities and threats.  Hard-wired Fellas.  Ancient truths.

     Good, polite, courteous, generous, well-behaved children were expected in past generations.  The switch, the paddle, the punishment, the extra chores, the clear expression of disapproval and disappointment all used to be standard issue with parenting.  Believe me fellas, the trend toward spanking-free homes is a clear and present danger to your boy especially since boys are physical, rambunctious, and daring simply because their DNA prescribes these traits.  From time to time a physical show of force will deter Terrorism on the international stage;  as will it with your active, growing boy on the home front.  Don't be frightened Men.  This is NOT hate talk.  This is truth.  Proven.  Time-tested.  Fo' rills.

     Getting right with yourself Men, first and foremost. This is the key to Boyhood Development.  You, your head, your heart, your Soul.   Quit with the debate society.  Bow your head, on your knees and ask Our Heavenly Father for Manly Courage and Wisdom, and the answers will come, but only if your own house is in order.  Quit with the Gender confusion and gender dysphoria, and just stop saying, thinking or hearing "gender" period.  Stop doing things simply because the girls approve, simply because your wife demands it.  Evaluate every thing you do, every action you take, every word you utter, and every thought you think through the filter of your own eyes, your own ears, and your OWN MIND.  You are the final arbiter of your Manhood, and ultimately that of your boy.  Do not relegate this to his mom, his female teachers, female principal, and female pediatrician.  You messed up if you "compromised" when he was a little boy and let him grow up to become a  devil-worshipping, skinny-jeans, dope-smoker who is perennially trying to get into a rock band.  By the time your boy is 13 it is all over my friends;  that is unless you are prepared at that age for some battle royales, let me tell you.  Easier to start when they are babes.  Start 'em out right, grow 'em right and watch with pride as they grow straight and strong.  Patriots.  Integrity.  Courage.  American.

     Remember what Robert MacGregor told his son:

Son: Father, will the MacGregors ever be kings again? 
Robert Roy MacGregor: All men with honor are kings. But not all kings have honor. 
Son: What is honor? 
Robert Roy MacGregor: Honor is... 
[Mary looking on]
Robert Roy MacGregor: what no man can give ya. And none can take away. Honor is a man's gift to himself. 
Son: Do women have it? 
Robert Roy MacGregor: Women have the heart of honor. And we cherish and protect it in them. You must never mistreat a woman, or a lame man. Or stand by and see another do so. 
Son: How do you know if you have it? 
Robert Roy MacGregor: Never worry on the getting of it. It grows in you, and speaks to you. All you need do is listen.

     Listen Mates.  Listen to those animals in the pew in front of the Old Doc.  Listen, and then take action.  Stop that kid from shattering my few moments of serene contemplation.  Stop that little boy before he becomes irreversibly lost to insignificant, parasitical, selfish, self-centered narcissism.  America needs him.................Doc


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fatherhood Lost

       My legs and my feet have walked
'Till they can't hardly move from tryin' to please you
And my back is sore from bendin' over backwards
To just lay the world at your door
And I'm trying hard to put a smile on a sad face
While deep down it's breakin' my heart
And as sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
Not knowin' if I've done my part
'Cause you take me for granted
And it's breakin' my heart
And as sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
Not knowin' if I've done my part
And as sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
Not knowin' if I've done my part
                                      — Merle Haggard, “You Take Me For Granted 

     Well friends, let us share some more ideas about Fatherhood, shall we (See Part I,  "Masculine Non-Proliferation Treaty")?  To repeat,  it is the most important consequence of true Manhood.  Lately, every Female with an audience of one or more is willing to bloviate on this subject.  Odd, since she does such a crappy job with MOTHERHOOD (See "Childrearing: Motherhood".........This essay is taken from a series elsewhere composed by Doc Adams on "Childrearing", Editor Note).   

     But let’s let bygones be bygones, shall we?  Let us ruminate over some ideas from a real expert, ay Guv’na?  Let us hear from the Old Male-Father-of-Three Doc, M.D.  Excellent qualifications if I do say so me-self, especially considering the stellar character of Mrs. Doc's three offspring (again, if I do say so myself).  You’re just gonna have to take my word on this friends…..  Who else you gonna trust?    Rosie O’Donnell?  Oprah?  Hilary?  Brian "Stolen Honor" Williams?  Patty Hewes?  Or are you prepared to throw the dice, yeah bet all the marbles on that  babe with a tramp-stamp you get high with?   Maybe you're just gonna trust the unmarried shack-up and tat-up couple  who have produced a brood of their own?   You've all seen some of those "finished" products of failed parenting.   Perennial losers.  Those Thirty-something "kids"  that must, simply must, take more  Psych or Poly-Sci classes at the  party-college , on Daddy’s Visa of course.  Yeah, go ahead and ignore the Old Doc.  Lot's of childrearing "experts" out there that will tell you exactly what you want to hear.  A second helping of BS...... mates?

A young father today is really very much behind the eight-ball.  Beleaguered on all fronts, the butt of today’s scorn and snickering.    Even more egregious, he is the subject of a growing body of statutes that are designed to keep him away from his own children, what with restraining orders meted out like medical marijuana;  and custody rules that generate legions of heroic "single moms."   Sure, sure, you can dump all over Pop, make comedy shows about his buffoonery, but holy hate-crime Batman if you even think of telling an ethnic joke today; or the worst offense of all -- joking about "moms".   Can’t joke about Jews, Muslims or Atheists.    Can’t joke about women, Heavens no!  Can’t even tell the TRUTH about women.  Look what happened to Larry Summers, Clinton’s Secretary of Treasury.  After his stint with that "woman-friendly" Prez, he was tarred-and-feathered out of his HARVARD PRESIDENCY when he had the temerity to repeat the FACT that --drum roll -- women do worse than Men in mathematics........  And this was not even said to insult the “fairer sex.”  Hell, he wasn't even poking fun!    He was actually soliciting solutions FROM WOMEN that would serve to IMPROVE Harvard’s recruiting of Females into the Math Department.  Sheeesh!  ……  But I digress.
No, no, you can’t joke about all those sacred cows (no offense to our holy bovine friends),  but go right ahead and joke about Christian Fathers until your face is in permanent Joker smile, no problem.  Yeah,  the BIG yukker today is the American Father.  But ask yourself lads, how has this culturally disastrous scenario come about?  What happened to the esteem with which we all held for the vaunted indomitable American Male and Father;  the Can-Do, by the boot-strap, independent, fearless, anything’s possible go-getter?  What happened to the esteem we once held for the Men who braved wilderness and Indians to spread America from coast to coast;  the Cowboy who brought beef over thousands of wild miles;  the citizen G.I. who saved the world from tyranny, several times over;  or the great Men whose vision and genius built the Panama Canal, the Golden Gate Bridge and  the railroads with  Carnegie Steel?

 Today even the American Father himself staggers into the ring with his gloves dangling at his side. He PARTICIPATES in his own beat downs.  He has surrendered his own cultural leadership and now allows himself to be DEFINED by Feminists, Metrosexuals and the Propaganda Ministries of our foreign enemies.  His signature brand  is no longer "Father Knows Best"; it is now “Everyone Loves Raymond.”  Fathers are now those wacky, hair-brained, self-centered, childish, bell-pepper -chopping, salad-eating Metrosexuals.  Those Bro's, those dudes, those "guys."    Basically,  my doubting friends, the Father today is broken, subjugated, humiliated, tamed, trained, and neutered  in order that American culture can "move forward"; so that Third World countries can  be freed from the shackles of Imperialism; so that  Females the world over can  rise up from under the jack-boot of the narrow, racist, homophobic, war-mongering, power-mad American Father......'sigh'  

     Yes, that's right.   ALL the world’s females are at risk from this Manly plague.  The gal-dominated schools now teach our kids that Andrew Carnegie was evil;  John D. Rockefeller was evil;  J.P. Morgan was evil;  Gen. George C. Patton was evil;  Gen. George Washington was evil;  Ronald Reagan was evil;  and George W. Bush is Satan himself having committed heresy as a Macho Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces,  by flying a WARplane and landing on a carrier during WARtime......  Never mind that Carnegie made the steel that literally built American infrastructure;  and John D. produced enough oil to fuel America's machinery;  and J.P. made enough money to have literally financed America out of a recession;  and Patton saved America from Adolf and Co.;  and The General founded America;  and Ronaldus rescued all Mankind from Commies and Mutually Assured Nuclear Destruction (MAN-D);  and “Dubya” was a Macho, Christian, devoted husband, who rallied America to kill Radical Muslim Terrorists before they destroyed yet another American city.  

     Perhaps a Woman will someday rise to this lofty level of Manly achievement,  especially now that the jack-boot of the Man has been taken off her neck.    But I am still not sure why Men would willingly relinquish this earned leadership and their esteemed Fatherhood roles, a combination that built and still protects the greatest civilization Mankind has ever witnessed.    Why fellas,  are you so willing to hand the keys over to , ….. Susan Sarandon?!!?!  And Company? 

What does Gen. George Washington and the cabal of "Evil Christian White Men" have to do with Childrearing and Fatherhood you might inquire?  The answer is Leadership.  Men are naturally evolved to lead, whether it be a tribe, a platoon, or a family.   This has been true for eons.  Leading is not simply being installed as the company's Affirmative Action CEO.  The Leader needs inborn toughness and vision.  A Leader is recognized and accepted, not designated.

"No Man is a Leader until his appointment is ratified in the minds and hearts of his men."

                                                                 -- Anonymous, "The Infantry Journal"  

A Leader needs courage to endure setbacks and doubt.  Sometimes the Leader must take his tribe across miles of freezing gales in order to find the buffalo;  or to order his men up the hill into the teeth of murderous machine-gun fire.  Some followers might not make it.  He knows the weight of this while deliberating.  But he must weigh for the greater good.  These are serious tasks, hard tasks. Weighty matters.    They require a hardness.  A toughness.   They are NOT the byproduct of social engineering.  

     A good Mamma on the other hand must be practical, focused on the here and now, on the short-term, imminent and vital tasks at hand (.....OK, just STOP with the wailing protestation!  You one or two gals still reading this, along with your empathetic "guys" out there....just stop and think before you wail, moan, tear at your hair and nash your teeth and shut off your brains.  If you are so correct, then another point of view can't be that harmful, hmm?  Painful maybe, but not really harmful...............) 

     As we were saying before a protester self-emoliated ....... Mamma needs to make sure there is a roof overhead with a hearth so she can get her babies out of the rain, and feed them properly without interference from those hungry dire wolves.  She needs to insure a homestead, and she needs to actually nurture the home and hearth;  to get her man to church on Sunday;  to keeps the holes patched up on Junior’s jeans;  and to fill the HOME with love, warmth.....and yes, cookies.  She needs to be the catalyst that binds productive ties with healthy extended family and in-laws in order to create an effective socializing network for passing on work-ethic, integrity and faith.  If she does not contribute her particular talents, why then, her Man and her kids simply do not have a nest.  What they have instead is a chaotic collection of twigs and leaves that result in a family without cohesion, and therefore without healthy function.   Again, hard-wiring here…..easy girls….easy Metro Guys…..hear me out.  Remember, the Old Doc was not around when these hard-wiring decisions were made.
Papa is a Dreamer, my friends.  He looks out at the horizon and sees opportunity for his woman, his children, and his people.  He then sets about working his paws bloody to clear out the brush and stumps and finally seed that hard-scrabble north 40 acres that everyone tells him is worthless;  or heads west through storms and Indians to find that Cattlemen’s Paradise;  or buys the Louisiana Purchase against the "best" advice;  or takes command of a bedraggled Continental Army in 1776 to oppose the greatest Military the world had ever seen;  or promises her that he will love, honor and cherish her ’til death,  and with his own calloused hands, feed and clothe her kids until they can fly on their own, so help him God.........  Honor.  Character.  Discipline.  Risk.  Vision.  Loyalty.  Fidelity.  Righteousness.  Big Dreams.  Leader.  Certainly, many women have these traits, more or less.  But this is the  featured presentation of a Man.  He has no uterus, no milk-breasts, no innate tenderness, and no real instinctive nurturing skills.  Can't make a sow's ear into a silk purse;  can't turn Xena into Aunt Bea Taylor.  So Boyz, we had better go with what got us here!  

  With the proper, unselfish and non-competitive mothering, Mamma will quickly teach her babies that Papa is a formidable creature, worthy of awe and respect.  This larger-than-life first impression is vital to the healthy psyche of this new human baby.  Whether boy or girl, this baby must have a deeply ingrained awe and even intimidation of their Leader.    For the baby boy, this awe consequently fosters a natural discipline that grows and evolves with time.   A boy's Discipline is prerequisite for a Humility that is  vital for true leadership and success.   Awe of her Papa stimulates your baby girl's innate loyalty and devotion so that she learns to relate tenderly to not only her father, but her brothers,  future husband, and future sons.   Admiration, respect and adoration.  

     Why is this incipient imprinting so vital?  Because it cultivates the most fundamental inspiration for any Man.  And here, fellas, is the Great Fact for us --  every man needs for his woman to treat him as if he is a hero.  Not complex.  Not multi-faceted.  No grey zone.  Treat him like a hero ladies, and teach the babies to do the same, and he will act like a hero and will achieve heroic feats for you.  BUT HE NEEDS TO KNOW THAT HE IS YOUR HERO!

If he does not get this vital nutrient, his roots fail.  He drifts.  He is malleable.  He is weak.  He succumbs to the deceit of the easy, the expedient, and the banal.  He has no interest in matters greater than himself, in the vision, in the Divine.  He ceases to dream, intent only on the carnal.  He is the Metrosexual; the "Gender Dysphoric"; the Hip-Hopper;  the Raver; the Meth-head; the Loser.  He believes only in self-gratification, and since he has eschewed Leadership, he has only sex, drugs, alcohol, video-games, eye-make-up, tattoos, highlights, and endless trivia to fill his useless days, months and years.  Nothing else to fall back on.  Of no use to a woman, to kids, or to his community.  Or worse, he becomes President of the United States some day....Ahem.

     So, my fellow Fellows, what is a Man to do today, in this era of the Feminist, the Anti-Child, and the Anti-Man?  I mean, Heroism is fast becoming a greater evil than Terrorism, Atheism and Carnivorism combined.  And as Clint points out, we are wearing down even our good Men with impossible mandates, expectations and choices.

"Make the wrong choice, man, and its Leavenworth..."

Well son, you are just going to have to SUCK IT UP!  Start with MARRYING the gal, and try to marry the right gal.   Forget  having kids while doing the shacking-up "piece".  Too loosy-goosy without the "LIFE" pledge.   Yeah, pledge to her FOR LIFE  in front of witnesses and God Himself.   The Shacking-up-stats are abysmal.   This is a fact, not just a political talking point.   Bad, really bad, for the kiddies.  You must also comprehend your role in the family, you must understand your God-provided strengths and weaknesses, and you must stand tall to help your woman recognize, and protect your kiddies from  her own subliminal Feminist philosophy.    You must teach your little boy to grow to be formidable, courageous, wise and visionary;  and help your little girl grow to respect you so that someday she will learn to pick a healthy Man with whom to have healthy children and make a healthy home with.  But above all,  you must be righteous with God, your Father. 

"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father,g 15 from whom every familyh in heaven and on earth takes its name. 16 I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, 17 and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. 18 I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
                                                                                                                  Ephesians 3:15

Armed thus, fellas, you can and you must hold firm against the firestorm that follows when you Father-up and take the reins of your Family.  If you are right with your own Heavenly Father, and your own personal inventory, your decisions will be righteous.   And lads, you must ALWAYS be willing to sacrifice your own immediate need for approval.  I warn you -- once you stop acting like a MetroGuy,  all hell will break loose even in your own home. The nod of approval will be rare.  Despite these headwinds, put your head down and march forward.   Wipe off that paste-on silly smile chanting that everything is "OK, we're good, I'm well."  It obviously is not OK at all!  Sound the alarm, ring the warning bell, turn on the emergency siren!  "One if by land, two if by sea!"  If in your own house your Fatherly needs become even less important than FiFi's , well sir,  you  simply must speak up, and do so assertively.   If EVERY time you want to have a Masculine and hearty laugh with the fellas at a family get-together, and she demands an abrupt change of subject, well Boyz, deliberately light up that seegar, lean back, put your boots on the table and PROCEED apace.  Steady as she goes.    Sure mates,  more disapproval and isolation, but hang in there, por favor

      What else would you expect Pards?  Your Fem-Bred wife will of course rebel at first, but you have got to stop groveling for her naive and misguided approval.  You need to be a HUSBAND and not a string puppet.   Your Manly leadership will eventually guide her away from her inner Xena and towards a divine acceptance and even celebration at her destined role of Mother and loving Wife.  The new Man in the house will so inspire the kids that they won't  think of him as a buffoon and doormat anymore.    The peanut gallery will become uneasy true 'dat, but your precious family and Manly pride will be preserved.  Fortitude is often unpopular, but oh, such fantastic Family fodder. 

Now fellas, if you picked a gal that is a through and through loser , well then you are shit-outta-luck, as the wise man said.  But if your gal has a spark of self-honesty;  if she has God in her life,  then maybe you might be able to right the foundering ship.  Having said this, we must also be clear.  You yourself  Fellas,  cannot force-change her and her spoon-fed indoctrination overnight.  At first she will feel that having complete devotion to her husband and children is nothing more than an admission of failure.  Xena failure.   But God can and will help if you only git' out of the way and let Him.    And by God, you actually can  help Him by growing a pair, taking your eyes off of your wife, and show the kiddies you can rope and ride on your own.  Do what a Father must do and stop aspiring and perspiring to achieve a Gloria Steinem Merit Badge.   And quit with the squatting down to your boy's eye level and calling him "Buddy."   It is demeaning to your Manhood and denies the little tyke that experience of awe and wonder when looking up at his Redwood-sized Dad who "can do anything!"   Call him by his real name.  Everything counts.


Remember, building a family is like playing volleyball.  If everyone rushes to the ball, good luck on that weak side spike.  A strong family needs a Father to be a Father, and Man to be a Man.  Everyone needs to bring their best game to the table, NOT try to  prop each other up.  Do not doubt me on this me hearties.    

     So fellas, you stand firm.  Throw out the highlights;  throw out the $80 haircuts;  and throw out that silly, pasted-on empathetic look and constant giggling.  Reject the 50/50 relationship BS;  it is a mere smokescreen for Wife 100%, Husband take it or leave it!  Do not allow quantitating of diaper changes, dishwashing, cooking dinner and grocery shopping.  Of course you are going to help her when you can, but if you are up from dawn to dusk plowing, hunting and staving off renegade Comancheros, well then, your wife has just got to take charge of homemaking and quit whining already! She ought to be building you UP in the eyes of your impressionable kiddies, not finding "fairness"  chores for you to do.   It is beneath your dignity as a Man to work full-time and yet at the same time to also take on the surrogate Mommy role.   The  kids are watching this struggle VERY CLOSELY and will NEVER FORGIVE YOU should you surrender your Manly dignity and self-respect as well.  Hey, the Old Doc is not to blame for this lesson in reality.  This is nothing new.  Ancient truths.  It has  simply been intentionally discarded by our modern culture.   I am only the messenger of hope here.  I had no part in setting this whole thing up!

Vox Clamantis in Deserto

     Forming a baby's a healthy psyche requires adoring gazes, warmth, breast-milk, and lots of cooing      But it requires these things from Mamma, not YOU ma brutha'.   You Fellas, get out of the way; get out of the nursery; get out of the kitchen, and get out of the feminine hygiene aisle!  You  are not capable of gazing adoringly even if you tried, and you have no capacity to produce milk!  But AFTER babyhood, then and only then are your Man skills required.  This is when Pop takes the stage.  It is at this moment that discipline is needed.  This is YOUR time pal, this is what you are born and BRED to offer the child.  And recall, as St. Paul has said:

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.* Because of the joy* awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people;* then you won’t become weary and give up. After all, you have not yet given your lives in your struggle against sin.
And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children?* He said,
“My child,* don’t make light of the Lord’s discipline,
and don’t give up when he corrects you.
For the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.”*
As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? If God doesn’t discipline you as he does all of his children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really his children at all. Since we respected our earthly fathers who disciplined us, shouldn’t we submit even more to the discipline of the Father of our spirits, and live forever?*
10 For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But God’s discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. 11 No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
12 So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. 13 Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.”
                                                                          — Hebrews 12:10

Love your family Men, admire your family as it grows, of course.  But discipline yourselves to admire from an effective, Manly distance.  Sure, sure, move closer when appropriate, but when baby is able to do nothing more than suck and gaze, you are basically a fifth wheel.  So get the heck out and make yourself useful by creating a successful future for your growing family.  Go clear the north forty;  build your fortune, establish your Knighthood, bring home the bacon lads.  These are tangible contributions you can make for your wife and nursing baby.  Make it clear to your wife that although you are willing to lay down your life and limb for her and baby, you simply cannot do HER job for her......And if you do these things, do not get jelly-leg when she cries, "he is never 'there' for me."  That is bullshit designed to set you back on your heels so that you will cosign her arrant nonsense and martyrdom.....  Best have these conversations BEFORE Junior arrives, but you do what you have to when you have to do it.  If you are already supporting a brood, then wake up and get to it before too much damage is done.

     Be an example to woman and child(ren) of dignity, strength, and humility.  Waging these early skirmishes allows for smoother establishment of your Father credibility.  Be larger than life to them.  The kiddies really need that, and right away.  Dump the sideways hip-hop cap, cover the tattoos, pull out the earlobe hoops, wear some long pants, don’t call your pets "kids”,  and for Heaven's sake, NEVER agree to pose for a Family photo without your shoes and socks on your feet.  Do not look to pick fights with your wife, but goodness Boyz, if your righteous Manly duties cause conflict, well then this is a battle worth waging, a war worth winning.  Stand up to her Man!

      Wipe that annoying insincere grin off your face.  Remember, your wife is sorely and often naively misguided by a generation of man-repellent inbreeding;  and in many ways so are you.  That's right, you too, my friend.  You bro' are even afraid of the word “Manly”;  it makes your knees weak to even say it to yourself.  OMG! what if I accidentally grab her by the hair and drag her to the next cave!  Such is the pervasiveness of this anti-Masculine age my young bruthas'.  Hell, even buying a CIGAR makes you feel sooooo rebellious, somehow anti-woman.  C’mon admit it!   

     And the wreckage from this capitulation?  Just take a look around you Boyz at the annoying, arrogant, sniveling, in-your-face, un-disciplined kiddies out there — whether it be at the restaurant, the grocery store, or the theatre.  How do you think they came to be?  Disgusting kids that you can hardly stand to be in the same room with — well, they are produced, by PARENTS, girly-Men and "roaring" gals.   Men, you must save yourself and the kids from the cultural swirl of this toilet bowl.  Do NOT be a party to this familial travesty. 

Nothing exists in the kiddies head at conception; you two both PUT everything in there.  An able Manly Father shields silly cultural dumbing agents from soaking into your child's neurons.  The 50/50 daddy, on the other hand, stupidly agrees with the "progressives" that you shouldn’t teach the kids religion because they “should have the benefit of making their own decisions about this when they are old enough to know the difference.”  Yikes!  Can we talk REAL WORLD here!  The difference of WHAT?  Whether to be a follower of Christ or not?  To be able to select from a tray of  Hari-Krishna? Taoism?  Islam?  Vegan-ism?  Save-the-Whale-ism?  Are you kidding me?  

     YOU need to model their vital cultural and religious mores so they will not grow up half-cocked and confused, following any cockamamie moron out there touting some hairy-fairy guru B.S. — well yeah, like Feminism, Marxism, Globalism, Environmentalism, Lesbianism… uh, Useful-idiotism!   Listen Pop, as your kids grow older, you can no longer leave the disciplines to your wife's nurturing discretion.   Otherwise you will have a 12 year old sissy-boy, breastfeeding and marching for a woman's right to choose.    (Right to choose to kill little brother, presumably).  News break fellas — you do NOT learn from the kiddies -- they learn from you! 

     Their minds come into this world empty, and you must fill them with the tools, knowledge and behavior with which they can  thrive in the REAL world.  YOU make them into decent, productive, patriotic, heroic people prepared to take up the mantle of courage and dignity better men have forged for you in your own life.  YOU need to tell them Tattoos are stupid;  drugs are evil; marriage is sacred;  girls are to be honored and respected,  and have doors opened for them;  and that Black Hip Hop is NOT to be emulated in ANY way.  By what intergalactically moronic logic has it become wrong to tell your kids NOT to smoke dope just “because I did at their age”?  So really, because you were a wild love child, you actually want to groom your kid to be wild AND ignorant AND a dope head?  C’mon, c’mon fellas!  Someday you just got to grow up and grow a pair!


     This is the way of Mankind fellas, this striving to insure your kids are better,  and better off than you.   Always has been.  I am not making up some New Age tripe here.  This is from the Mesozoic pards!  You simply must give them all you've got,  you've got to make this so.    You Man!   You are the main “NO” force in your Family’s life.  Mamma simply is not equipped to say “no” to anything.  She is hard-wired to cuddle and nurture.  And if you still doubt the Old Doc on this, just take a look at the wreckage out there produced by “single” moms.


If you choose to eschew Manly discipline, and bring to your family only empathy,  smiles and an overgrown need for approval, you will most certainly become the ultimate Fall Guy at some point anyway.  Disgusted, she will leave you in 3-5 years for a “real” man;  even though she was the one who snipped your balls off in the first place — while you  handed her the scissors and held them for her, by the way.  Really tragic if you produced two little brats in the meantime.   She will go on and  divorce you and win custody, raise  your kids as a “single mom d'arc", with you getting to visit them maybe once a month, provided you beg purity-please.  And your kiddies will get to experience the endless parade of boyfriends and stepguys trying to goo-goo and gaga YOUR kids in order to get into their mom's jeans.  Yup, Christ-Mass morning taxi-ing them around to three locations to see all the Step-families.  And how 'bout those kiddie soccer games with a bleacher full of  all the Ex's and Step’s each vying and carrying-on to show the world just who the kiddies love the most.  Hell, a kid has gotta take Ritalin just to cope with such 50/50 insanity!

OR fellas………you can go back, A-WAY back and get tribal again.  Think fellas; what was  most valued by the people of the small village, the tribe?  Yes.  Yes.   The Warrior, the Hunter, the Elder……THE WISE AND MANLY FATHER!  Get in touch with your inner Warrior, not your inner child for goodness sake!  Today, more than ever your kiddies need more Manly Warrior and less barefoot Selfies.  Discipline.  Sacrifice.  Duty.  Words that are today the punchlines for silly Metro jokes.  Don’t be a joke, my friend and stop being a fool…..your kids need a Father.  A Warrior.  A Man……Doc