The Old Doc was engaged in a conversation with a young American Man a few days ago. This particular Man happened to be the dirty, rotten, egg-suckin' dog that took my little girl away from me. Yup, he won her hand in marriage. He has done well by her, I suppose. But never want a Son-In-Law to forget the pain his intrusion caused a doting Father. Never. Ever. With sugar on top.
Anyway, he is of the Manly variety of American Man. He has to be. The Old Doc's daughter laughs derisively at the nail-polishing, high-lighted, skinny-jeans Metro-HimBabes out there that pose as Men. No sir, she chose a real throwback to the days when "American Man" actually meant courage, independence, determination, grit, and Patriotism -- he paid his way through college by serving his country in the Military; Army officer; deployed to The War Zone; and now guards the citizens of his community, daily putting his own safety at risk.
This Manly Man was telling the Old Doc about a work partner of his, of the Male variety. They got to talking about the upcoming election. That Dirty, Rotten, Egg-Suckin' Husband of my Daughter asked this facsimile of a Man who he would vote for between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton. This shell of a Male answered, "Well, I would have to pick.......Hillary Clinton." Mike drop.
Upon hearing this, your favorite Old Doc nearly pee'd himself, which at this age, is actually not as rare as I would like to imply. Of all the INTERGALACTICALLY unintelligible responses, I cannot think of one more perplexing, more outrageous.....more discouraging. Imagine, I say to myself (my most frequent audience nowadays) a 28 year old American Male, born and raised in the U.S. of A. choosing a lifetime serial liar who's principle achievements in her adult life include either all criminal acts or acts of utter incompetence-- for President of the United States (POTUS)!
And on top of that disqualifying criteria, to choose a feminist opportunist; a women who destroyed the lives of several of her husband's assault and rape victims in order for it not to interrupt her own political ambitions; a woman who has betrayed her country in so many important ways, that her ALLOWING our Benghazi Ambassador to be dragged naked through the streets of Libya by medieval savages is only one of many treasonous acts for this National Grifter -- instead of, Trump, the Most Manly Man to adorn the National Political Stage in some time. This faux ManBoy, this facsimile of Maleness would choose Hill-Liar Clinton over the International Mega-Successful American Capitalist, Donald J. Trump. This Old Doc can hardly contain his shock, dismay....and disdain!
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The Dreaded Ex-Wife | comes a Political Ad for Donald Trump. We better run for the hills, lest ANYTHING we read is opinionated.....and about something so trivial as THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY! OK, ok, so the Old Doc has an opinion about the November 2016 Presidential Election. Well yes, I do. As Ronaldus Magnus Reagan said, "It is a time for choosing." No second chances on this one folks. Just take a look around. Democrats have become the Party of the United Nations. Their principles are more Marxist than Federalist. They have contempt for the idea of American Exceptionalism. They fight for OPEN BORDERS. They coddle Islamic extremists at the same time they fight tooth and nail to take away our first and last line of defense, our Second Amendment, or the God-given right to keep and bear arms. They want total destruction of traditional Marriage. They fight to preserve the Feminist right to kill babies, rip apart their live bodies, and sell their parts. And they wage war not on America's enemies, but on American Christians. A despicable, Anti-American pack of ignorant and treasonous cowards. ..... So picking a Democrat for the White House is a non-starter for a true American Patriot, period.
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SecState Hillary's Ambassador in Benghazi |
But let us zero in on the gist of "Manhood Agonistes: Paradise Lost" shall we. Let us examine the young American Male that "has to vote for Hillary" rather than not just the Male opponent, but the ALPHA MALE Candidate for POTUS. I will at this point say, unequivocally that only two viable candidates have any cultural, historical, and political right to be our next POTUS. Those two happen to be Men. They are Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz. But herein I contend that at this time in our American history, the only real candidate for any American Man who loves his country, its history, its Founders, and its heroes, is Mr. Trump. This in no way diminishes the qualifications this fine Man, Senator Cruz, possesses. His time is in 2024, but not now, and here is why.
Our American White House needs a Big, Bad Manly Man pronto....or else, literally all is lost. Third World peasants pour across our Southern Border, are in no way assimilated, are immediately provided with generous welfare packages, and are made voting Democrats as soon as their allies in Government can make them citizens, usually with no more qualifications than that they just walked across our OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER. In addition, we have ELECTED officials flaunting Federal Law by creating SANCTUARY cities, that allow ILLEGAL INVADERS to suck on American Taxpayers with impunity, often leaving bonus gifts of rape, murder, theft, and drugs; lots of drugs. To make matters even worse, without ANY (please READ the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, right now) LEGAL right, our government deceives Americans that there is such a law as making children of the ILLEGAL INVADERS U.S. CITIZENS, automatically (there IS no such law). This ANCHOR baby then becomes a ward of the American Taxpayer forever, and the chain of ILLEGAL INVASION continues ad infinitum. Vast majorities of these ANCHOR babies are Welfare dependent for GENERATIONS; and 80% of them vote Democrat, FOREVER! Talk about an insane prescription for Societal Suicide!
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"Act of Love", Jeb! |
This OPEN BORDER monstrosity has corollaries. Our government is currently IMPORTING MILLIONS of Muslims from Islamic Radical Areas without any vetting whatsoever. Think of this my Manly friends: 3000 American CIVILIANS were incinerated on 9/11 by Islamic Jihadists. Since we watched in horror our fellow Americans being FRIED, or leaping off 100 stories to avoid being FRIED, our Government has IMPORTED 1.5 MILLION more Muslims, most of whom have been proven to favor Sharia Law, and 25% of whom believe Jihad and Murder is just, ever so, PEACHY! Garland, Tx, Merced, Calif., Chattanooga, TN, Boston Marathon, Ft. Hood, San Bernardino.....Ring a bell Pards? Well yeah, these are sites of Jihad in OUR NEIGHBORHOODS! Killing Americans by Islamic Peace Lovers yelling Allahu Akbar! with each American scalp taken. And yet our Elected Sissies insist on keeping the Import flow going, even though our friends in ISIS are telling the world that they are the main impetus for his invasion force. Proven in Paris, Greece, Sweden.....tons of WEAPONS shipped to "the refugees" labeled as furniture, just intercepted by the Greek Border Patrol. Yet our leaders plead with us that this is "who we are."
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Religion of Peace |
Our fearless sissy boy leaders have run the U.S. credit card up to 19 TRILLION PLUS dollars, and yet these sissy traitors just passed a 1.1 Trillion dollar budget that provides welfare to the Third World, welfare to Imported Muslims who hate us, and other many and sundry items like Planned Butcherhood, Sanctuary Cities, Resettlement housing for ILLEGAL ALIENS, and many, many other suicidal items that is "who we are." On top of that we have girly Men Politicians that advocate WWIII at the drop of any civil war anywhere in the world, even though it might involve shooting down Russian planes, or inciting global war. Yeah, these manicured show ponies love sending our Sons to be killed or maimed for countries that hate us and work to undermine us simply because their TESTICLES ARE SO SMALL that they need to march the REAL MEN to War in order to fool America as to their own Jockey Brief size!
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Speaker of the House Paul Obama |
.....Whew!.....OK, back to the election......Sooooo, with these charming factoids as a backdrop, why, Doc, should I support Trump? Here is the Old Doc's trivial, inconsequential, outdated, "not who we are" reasons to do just that:
1) Age and experience. Trump is 69 and has been fully vetted for 20 years under the media microscope for every single fart he has emitted while creating a multi-BILLION dollar empire around the world providing ongoing JOBS for tens of thousands for years and years and years.
2) Trump risks his own money and not the taxpayer's money. He has ZERO fingerprints on the lemming-like suicidality ongoing in our Government now for years.
3) He has pledged to Make a Wall, Make it High, and Make it Work. The first.
4) He has pledged to DEPORT those in this country ILLEGALLY. The first.
5) He has pledged to stop the CUSTOM of ANCHORING new Democrats, Welfare dependents. The first.
6) He has pledged to PAUSE ALL Muslim Immigration until our Government can figure out how to do this without causing AMERICANS to BLEED and DIE on their own streets, in their OWN NEIGHBORHOODS. The First.
7) He has marginalized the lying, false, and anti-American Media that functions today ONLY to elect Democrats to office. The first
8) He has refused, and denounced Super-Pacs. The first.
9) He has pledged to protect the Second Amendment IN ITS ENTIRELY WITHOUT EXCEPTION. The first.
10) He has pledged to clean up the corruption in the Veteran's Administrations, and promised to end the disgrace of our Vets being treated WORSE than ILLEGAL ALIENS. The First.
11) He has blown Girly Boys of his own Party out of the race, including Jeb!, Christie, Kasich, and Marco "The Liar" Rubio. Without delving too deeply into their APPEASEMENT stands, they all want OPEN BORDERS, Gun Control, INCREASED Muslim importation, and never want to say anything that offends anybody.
12) He has allowed the one other American Patriot, Ted Cruz to even EXIST as a candidate by providing him with "air cover", including BigMedia, Establishment Republicans, the Left, The Chamber of Commerce and BigDonors, and Foreign Money. Without Trump's trailblazing, ALL GUNS would have been trained on the young Senator Cruz, who simply would not have survived such coordinated, and withering attacks. Cruz's message is a good one, and America is better for it.
13) Sheer Command presence. This Old Doc would call it Manly Presence.
14) Leadership. See all the "firsts" listed above.
15) Manly Courage. Despite withering, daily , coordinated, hysterical attacks from the Left, the Right, Big Media, foreign leaders, and Communists/Radicals everywhere, he does not retreat, he does not hedge, he does not equivocate, and he DOES NOT LIE.
16) NOT ONE person who he has worked with, who has worked for him, who knows him over decades, on hundreds and hundreds of deals ALL OVER THE WORLD, has been trotted out that DOES NOT LIKE and RESPECT THIS MAN. If there was, he would have surely been trotted out by now and made a National Hero....but NOT ONE has been found.
17) Trump says what he thinks, what he believes. He hires no pollsters, consultants, handlers to tell him what to say, how to say it, when to smile, or where to appear. He is so truthful that he fearlessly appears EVERYWHERE, every news outlet because he knows what his message is, and does not need to worry about Media ambushes or "gotcha" questions. What you see, what you hear is what Trump is and stands for. Refreshing. In other worlds, HE IS HIS OWN MAN. Whoa! What a concept!
So you Men out there; you males out there trying desperately to be Men. Sit down and contemplate these matters. Seriously. Thoroughly. For once in your girly-oriented lives. The fate of our Free Nation stands in the balance. No kidding. No exaggeration. This Old Doc has been pleading with you to open your eyes and for once think about something greater than yourself and your next Facebook Selfie Post. American Men have become soft and squishy, and have allowed our country to wobble precariously under the Feminine Leadership Plan that includes: Appeasement, Internationalism, multiculturalism, political correctness, hurt feelings, safe zones. These feminine strategies lead to "anything goes", "feelings are all that matter", and "you are uncaring" should you dare speak directly, frankly, truthfully. Men have allowed themselves and our country to drown in speech suppressors like sexist, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, gun-totting, Bible thumpers.
We Men have allowed our culture to regard Manhood as the punch line to snarky cultural jokes, so that today a Patriotic American Christian Man is the most feared and reviled enemy in our U.S. discourse. Islamic murderers are coddled AFTER killing Americans, as "religious warriors"; Black thugs are coddled, and shielded when they murder other Black children, women and Men, and when they murder a White Man or Women, the WHITE Man or Woman is blamed! American Men have allowed other countries to take away our companies, our jobs, our tax dollars, while AMERICANS stand in food stamp lines, disability lines, unemployment lines. The mess we American Men have allowed to permeate our country today is a "DISASTER and DISGRACEFUL," to quote the one Manly Bull of an American Patriot who has the guts to stand on the National Stage and say such heresy -- and that is Donald J. Trump.
You fellas want to be my personal therapist, hell, I could shriek on for many more pages upon pages. But you do not want that, if indeed you be a Real Man. You want someone to shit or git off the pot! OK so here is my point: Hillary Clinton should get ZERO votes from American Men. Any beings with XY chromosomes who do vote for her are by definition incapable of being identified as Patriotic American Men. Period! If they are ignorant. Point made. If they are misguided. Point made. If they are trying to be "fair", well, point, match, game. Checkmate.......The Patriotic American Man values Freedom, Truth, Strength, Fairness, The U.S. Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, our wondrous, inspirational and unique American History. Think Men, THINK!
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Men and The Crusades |
Why do you think forces on the LEFT drug our little boys in school with Ritalin, Adderal and other addicting drugs to "calm" them down? Why do you think the LEFT is working so hard to install the Homosexual Agenda into our children's school curriculum? Why do you think the LEFT wants OPEN BORDERS and MILLIONS more unassimilated Democrat voters. It is simply because they cannot win elections on ideas. If you really understood their systematic goals of America's National Castration you would not vote for them. Once the Patriotic American Man is extinct, the LEFT nirvana of complete Government Control of every aspect of our lives can come true. Win the White House this time and the Democrats will have 3-4 more Supreme Court Judge selections, enabling them to pack the high court with nut job Radicals that will CREATE law, and negate any election result that is not compatible with the LEFT's agenda. For this election, above all others, you must not be sanguine.
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OPEN Borders "Latina" Justice Sotomayor |
The stakes are unimaginably high. A free, a Manly America is the Last Great Hope of Mankind. Look at the field Boyz, I beseech you! The ONLY Bull Moose on the stage is Trump. Millions already have identified him as their fave. This Old Doc is appealing to your Manhood, because this might be the only commentary you ever read that places YOUR BALLS in the very crosshairs of this election, and I contend that I am dead right with this emphasis. You girly Men are revolted by Trump for the very reasons I have been discussing in these dozen or so essays. You have been indoctrinated since childhood. Your Mommy elbowed out Dad for acculturation, left your hair in long curly waves and took away your toy guns; your teachers got the Docs to put you on Ritalin; you had to play baseball with girls on your team and you had to LIKE IT; and now you have to let the girls into the Navy SEALS for GOODNESS SAKES! You are afraid to admire a Manly Man. It makes you queasy. You have been acculturated to be BEN AFFLECK you DUMBSHITS so WAKE UP!
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Got You By the Balls, Pards! |
Do your homework. Talk to Manly American Patriots. Talk to those Patriotic Warrior Women out their who still admire the Manly American Man. On the other hand, talk only to Dumbshit Leftists and you will stay a Dumbass perpetually. I am pleading with you that being a Dumbass all your life is the lowest form of human life on earth. Millions and millions of poor, downtrodden, honest and decent people all over the world are hoping, dying, praying for you to wake up from your 30 year slumber. Pick up you battle axe and fight the good fight; the noble fight; the fight that pits Good and Evil. This is your destiny Men, this fight, this battle. Your destiny is not another stupid Star Wars Movies, or highlights in your hair. You know better. Reach down, deep. I know it is still there, still alive; just waiting for you to let it out. The howl, the growl, the roar! If you cannot handle all this right now, just take some cleansing breaths, go to a "safe" room, grab a box of Kleenex, and then just take the Old Doc's advice. Vote Trump. And vote often......... Your country Men, your country! Your kid's will either benefit, or pay dearly for your November 2016 decision. Choose wisely. Choose Trump...........Doc