Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Believers, Deceivers and Ol' In-Betweeners

At a time when the world seems to be spinnin' hopelessly out of control,
There's deceivers an' believers an' old in-betweeners,
That seem to have no place to go.
Well, it's the same old song, it's right an' it's wrong,
An' livin' is just somethin' that I do.
An' with no place to hide, I looked in your eyes,
An' I found myself in you.

-- Hands on the Wheel, By Willie Nelson

     "I am just a Man;  A Man like you."  Lt. Gatewood to Geronimo 

     Well Gentlemen, we did it.  We up and ignored, overcame, sacked-it up and DUMPED out sixty years of the Great American Male Brainwash.  In brief, the cock-eyed notion that the AMERICAN MALE was no longer "relevant."  That he was in fact, the butt of an endless stream of jokes;  the punch-line that generally taught our little boys to regard their "Maleness" as a pathology.  Yup Boyz, its Ol' Doc Adams back after a bit of a hi-ate-eez.  Had to get mah Man, Donald J. Trump elected, and believe me it was Easy-Peezy.  

     Well Men, as the Old Doc has said all along, THE AMERICAN MALE IS ACTUALLY the NATIONAL CHARACTER of our great country, the United States of America.  It was founded by Men, successful men.  These Men risked "our lives, our fortune and our very honor" to make a new home for their women and children.  Their ideas, their courage, and THEIR BLOOD created the greatest civilization the human species has ever witnessed, and in fact The Last Great Hope of All Mankind.  Hyperbole you say?  Then let me ask you this.  Why would they sign their Death Warrant, The Declaration of Independence,  and place the MOST emphasis "on their very honor?"  Could it be that it is "honor" that made our Founding, and our development,  THE most important transformation of human society ever created?  Yes, Honor -- Our God, Our Traditions, Our Flag, Our Military, Our Women and Children.  We Honor the AMERICAN beating within our hearts, and because of this we are special.

     The Declaration of Independence was certainly a Death Warrant.  Declaring a break from their Sovereign, King George III was an act of Treason, carrying with it an unequivocal hanging.  The British had the greatest Army and greatest Navy the world had ever seen, and they had an empire that spanned the globe.  So this act of defiance by these Men was folly.  It was suicidal.  It was daring;  It was captivating.  It was illogical.  YET IT WAS BOLD, COURAGEOUS and WREAKED OF MANLINESS.  I do not disrespect women.  Yet there was not one woman who signed this document, and that was NOT simply because there was no Title X Affirmative Action safeguards.  It was because women by DNA ARCHITECTURE are NOT reckless, cannot afford to take chances, and act with steady prudence.  The archetypal woman, that is;  i.e. the women forged and honed by their pioneer heritage.  Many "modern" women have strayed far from these roots, indeed.

     Through indoctrination via Marxist theology women have been indoctrinated into actually becoming The Weak Sex;  so many wander about  badgering, whining, and protesting like screeching fish wives about every single item that occurs in their lives which does not 100% comply with their selfish, self-centered "space".  We have delved into this not only in my "Manhood" series, but in my original "Doctor Confidential" series, so 'nuff said here.    You are in a Man's World Safe Zone here with Doc Adams, and we will not let Gloria Steinem distract us.  Much.

         So The General, George Washington, Fathered this Grand Experiment.  We grew.  Men pushed West in THE GREATEST HUMAN MIGRATION EVERY KNOWN.  Millions of American Men took their women and children to wild lands.  Many perished, but the survivors passed on their best traits of resilience, toughness, survival, independence, can-do.  Men died for their women and children, and their women and children loved, respected and NEEDED their Men.  THIS is the "psychology" of The AMERICAN.  And it is my contention that this Presidential Election just passed is the break-out of the long suppressed soul of our country that is so dependent on a true-red-white-and-blue AMERICAN MAN.  Despite decades of skinny jeans, faux beards, nail lacquer, eyebrow plucking and "empathetic" expressions, The American Man was still in there.  Blood hot, rushing, primal, Western, grab-em-by-the -balls, go on and git-it American Man.  And YOUR women LOVE IT!  Deep inside, despite all of their preening, scoffing, disapproving glances.....they DIG IT BOYZ, because deep inside the soul of the AMERICAN woman is a profound need, respect. and love for her Man.  AND, an abiding fear that her AMERICAN MAN was gone forever......

    " And who then, will keep the Barbarians from my loins?"  Yes, the worst fear, nightmare for every woman.  "Who will protect me and the children?"  Don't believe me?  Just take a look at how this woman-fear is playing out in Europe.  Swedish women are being counseled to wear Burkas, and to quit looking so hot so all those Muslim "refugees" won't JUST HAVE TO rape them!  You see Fellas, appeasement is basically an expression of fear.  Intellectual European women are so far gone down the ladder of Political Correctness that they can no longer even identify the ludicrous picture they make on this side of the pond.  They have succeeded in castrating their men, and now they are like turkeys who drown, beaks open, in the rain!  

     But therein proves my point.  AMERICAN Men and women have not lost themselves yet to this psychological slavery.  AMERICAN woman, amazingly realize this.  (True, there are seemingly many fools yet, but just look at the demographics of the election, not as many as the Old Doc would have thought).  This is the subject, my Manly cohort,  of this feeble post -- The Swagger still left in the beating heart of the American Man;  and for that matter, the Warrior that still resides deep in the hearts of American women.  Although, as I said before, it is sometimes buried quite deep indeed.

     We, the AMERICAN People, we won an election.  But what we really won was our country back.  We chose Our Champion, and it was Donald J. Trump.  From the moment he oozed Testosterone all over the podium at Trump Tower on June 16, 2015, announcing his candidacy for the President of the United States -- he was our Knight, Our Captain.  If you think otherwise, you are drinking the Kool-aid my friend.   That syrupy beverage that has been rammed down your gullet since you can remember.  The one that makes you NOT notice all the Newsmen are Girly Boys who spend all their time showing YOU how to be a GirlyBoy too.  

     These GirlyBoy Propagandists are hired by BIG GLOBALIST RICH GUYS who know exactly what they are doing.  Castrate the American Male, and do it so no one notices what you are doing.  Cut his balls off so that he doesn't complain when you let ILLEGAL ALIENS pour into the country to take your jobs;  then FORCES your job to move to other countries, so now you are left with no job, no prospects, and a lot of Third World peasants to compete with for that CarWash job.  But the folks pouring in from those Guatemalan villages are accustomed to working for peanuts, and you have a mortgage, kids in school, and future college expenses.  Then the GirlyBoys get on the News and keep drumming it into your head that if you find ANYTHING wrong with this theft of your livelihood, well then,  YOU are the Racist, Xenophobe, on top of you already being a homophobe and a sexist pig.  

     No sir, YOU are the problem, not the "refugees" pouring into you neighborhood with 90% of them getting right on welfare and staying there FOREVER.  You watch as your women and children suffer your underemployment;  your kiddos get dumbed down in school with everybody waiting for Little Pablo or Muhammed to catch up and learn English.  After all, The GirlyBoys and the InfoBabes all keep prattling about fairness, "it takes a village", "its who we are", and all that other claptrap, opiate, chemical castration that amounts to Bull BANDINI!

     But take heart Men.  Here is some more good news.  Your women Cowboy-ed up and rode the river with you on this one.  Yup.  Trump got well over 50% gal vote.  The only subsegment of gal he did not receive majority on was the single-mother and college gal snowflakes, but jeepers, they always vote COMMIE.  

     But the AMERICAN Warrior women shucked all that whiney modern Feminist crap, and rallied around their Men.  So did Blacks, Hispanics, so did every age-demographic, and so did the High School and College folks.  EVERYBODY.  The only demographic won YUGELY by his opponent, a spent-up, feeble, falling-down inebriated Feminist, was the ILLEGAL ALIEN vote;  the FRAUDULENT Multi-voter crowd;  the DEAD-voter cohort;  and the Pull-out the Whoops!-here's-some-more-ballots-in -the-trunk-of-my-car votes.  There are voting districts also caught destroying large numbers of Trump-district ballots, not to mention the Postal workers caught tossing out Trump absentee ballots.  I daresay that we may never know the full extent of the FRAUD.  Heck we don't even know the numbers of ILLEGAL ALIENS in our country.  The GirlyNewsBoys keep telling you 11 million;  but that was the same number they were using in 2000 when George W. was President.  With all those underground videos that you see of the border with hundreds and hundreds of happy backpackers just-a-strolling over our borders EVERY DAY, most rational experts put the figure more accurately at 20-30 MILLION.

     In California, you made it Law to give ILLEGAL ALIENS driver's licenses.  Why?  Well, that is what you need to register to vote there.  Once registered you need NO I.D. in California to vote on Election Day.  Now, with all the Sanctuary Cities and Welfare goodies in California, would you not suppose that a good number of these 30 MILLION  ILLEGAL ALIENS live in California?  And with THIRTY YEARS now of concerted La Raza, LULAC, MALDEF and Mexican Government OVERT efforts to register these ILLEGAL ALIENS to vote, would you not surmise that a few of them trickled into the voting booth on Election day?  In fact, without California, the Union's most populous state, Trump wins the POPULAR vote by 3 Million.  And these published figures all include ILLEGAL ALIEN votes; Dead people votes;  multi-voter votes; stuffed ballot box votes;  and Trump-destroyed ballots.  Voter fraud was actually DOCUMENTED in the only areas Trump did not win such as Detroit, Philadelphia, Nevada.  In fact, it has already been DOCUMENTED that some 3 million ILLEGAL ALIENS voted.   One can REASONABLY imagine how MASSIVE the Voter Fraud levels reached this election, and yet until in the next 2-3 years when detailed studies are published more accurate estimates will have to wait.   But with THIRTY YEARS of honing the art of Massive Voter Fraud, the Democrats most certainly produced a banner Cheat-Fest of a voting season, you bet.  And remember, TRUMP plus OTHERS received 70 MILLION votes;  the Cheater received 65 Million votes.  So, ex-nay on "the popular mandate" for the Commie Babe.

     My point is that Trump won a MASSIVE electoral win;  he won 30 states;  he won 87% of ALL COUNTIES IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.  And he won decisively in States that Republicans have not won in 30 plus years like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania.  In fact Trump won the entire RUST BELT.  Yeah, those areas where a lot of you Men live and used to work, where once booming factories made these same states the booming MANUFACTURING envy of the world.  And in addition to all of the other demographics mentioned, TRUMP WON THE AMERICAN MAN.  Like 70% of them!  

     And yes, you WHITE MEN finally shed your fear that the GirlyMen would call you names and you came out, stood up for your proud heritage, your forefathers, your country and your women -- and YOU VOTED FOR THE BIG PROUD RED-HEADED WHITE GUY!  You did it! You came out of your coma, and let all the GirlyNewsBoys, the InfoBabes, the Saudi's , the U.N. Dr. Phil, Oprah, and Mark Cuban know that you have picked your ass up off the ground and have clambered back up into the saddle.  You found your testes again Boyz, and your country has won a great victory because of it.  

     Always remember this:  Only the AMERICAN WHITE MAN has ever invented the airplane; the aircraft carrier, and the Lunar Landing craft.  Only The AMERICAN WHITE MAN built the factories that built the world, the farms that feed the world, and the innovation that improves the world.  EVERYBODY else has simply followed your lead.  Go ahead, name ONE SINGLE SAUDI innovation........'yawn'......zzzzzZZZZZZZZ.  

     This is not Racism.  This is simply objective, Nationalistic, historical fact.  Sure, sure, women and other nationalities contribute.  But among Rockefeller, Carnegie, U.S. Grant, George Patton, Neal Armstrong, Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, Audie Murphy, George Washington, and John Wayne -- there is not a Somali among them, nor a woman.  And conversely, just look at what a shit-hole the WORLD is becoming since you Red Blooded WHITE AMERICAN MEN crawled into your Politically Correct cubby hole and "behaved" like all your Feminist teachers told you to amidst your Ritalin/ADD haze.


     The poets will say, "the battle is won, if not the war."  But the Ol' Doc will add, that this battle is purely Mop-Up ops, like after the landing in Normandy on D-Day, 1944.  Once our MEN had secured the beachheads, the War in Europe was essentially over.  From then on it was simply a logistical question of it was bringing in the thousands of ships , men and war materials and running our War Machine, and breaking things all the way to Berlin.  Adolf would have spared a lot of lives had he done what all his Generals told him after D-Day.  "The War Is Lost.  We must ask for Terms"  But Tyrants and Lunatics seldom live within REALITY, and he flogged his Army to fight on, costing many Millions more lives to perish.  Same with the American Left folks.  They will cause some damage as they thrash around in their agonal death throes.  But they are CRUSHED, and irrelevant at this point as far as our Bright AMERICAN future is concerned.

Rommel.....you magnificent bastard, "I read your book!"

     The GirlyMen will pee their panties, the InfoBabes will disapprove, the Corrupt Corporate Media will persist in FABRICATED FAKE NEWS, but we WON Boyz, WE WON!  We are fully awake, back from a terrible somnolence that had us on our knees calling our sons "buddy";  on the floor playing silly googoo-ga-ga games with our inwardly traumatized and eventually disgusted kids;  playing the 50/50 games with our Feminist-fed Gals, which called for charts and graphs to document whose turn it was to change the diaper, apply her cracking-nipple cream, and even breast feed, if nothing else "so you would know what I go through."  Yeah, and then when she finally had nothing but contempt for you,  for FOLLOWING THE VERY RULES SHE MADE FOR YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE, she leaves you, gets ALL THE STUFF BY LAW, and goes out looking for a "real man",  "my true soul mate." .......    

     But no more MATES, no more.  You are fully awake, aware, head-on-a-swivel.  You are again the hunter, the stalker, the AMERICAN MAN who tamed the West, fought the Comanche and The Kiowa, "fought in many engagements and never shirked a chore."  You made the Greatest Country the World has ever witnessed;  you saved Europe TWICE, you obliterated the Jap bastards who destroyed our Pacific Fleet;  you went chest up against the mighty Soviet War Machine and you made them blink first.  You punked the Nazis, the Commies, and the Jihadis, the latter of which are in for some more truly HOLY HELL very soon.  And you are BACK.  Really back, and I tell you Men, the factories will be humming soon;  you will be saving for your kiddos college again soon;  you will have your PRIDE fully back soon;  your woman will fall in love with you again;  and our enemies will be meeting their Allah very, VERY soon. .....Simple as that?.....YUP!

      All you needed was to free yourselves from the Political Correctness that was squeezing your balls.  All you needed was to shake this terrible 30 year nightmare off your screen, your mind, your heart, and go back to your instincts, your Manhood, your Manliness, your MACHISMO for God's sake, and take your rightful and RIGHTEOUS place at the head of this Cattle Drive we call AMERICA.  You need your PRIDE back.

And say Fellas, once we all get up in the saddle and move that herd North, and fend off rustlers, and fight off the Commanche, and endure the heat, blizzards, and grizzlies, and then get to market and sell the prize....well sir, we will head back home, to our woman and our children, and they will look at us with wonder again;  with pride again;  with respect again;  and with joy in their hearts again.  And you will do this again, and again, and again, until you're too sore and bent to ride anymore.  But even old and rickety, you will still have that gleam of pride in your old, cataract eyes, and all those around you will say, "There goes Ol' Doc;  one of the best there ever was."   He took care of his woman, his family.  He lived an honorable life, put his kids through school.  He never complained, "he never shirked a chore."

     So, is the Old Doc out of his mind?  Exaggerating just a tad?  I dunno, you tell me.  Did not a bunch of American-Irish Men dig a canal across Panama with barely hand shovels, under the most horrendous jungle conditions imaginable?  Did not a bunch of AMERICAN MEN lay railroad tracks across the AMERICAN continent?  Did not a couple thousand sick, nearly frozen barefoot Men hold out agains the GREATEST ARMY in the World back there when our country was born?  Did not a handful of Army Rangers climb the sheer vertical face of Point-du-hoc on D-DAY with German machine guns raining a wall of lead on them the entire time they were climbing ropes UP the cliff?  These and many, many more unbelievable miracles have been performed by The American Man.  And my point being -- that the Miracles have just begun.  Our best days lie ahead.  And I say this with confidence because we have shouted loudly, "The Song of Angry Men", and we have chosen a LEADER.

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

-Les Miserables


P.S.  Some of my loyal readers, all one or two of you, might be wondering where the "ol Coot" has been.  Well, you might say I was saving our Country.  Yeah, I've been working real hard to put my actions where my palavering mouth is.  But we got Our Man in, and although my pen is a bit more inconsistent in my advancing years,  out in the tall grass pasture and all, I will be eager to watch my proud AMERICAN brethren get back to work and put callouses back on their hands and not on their butts.  It'll be a sight to behold, and I may have an opinion or two in that regard, by and by.  Work hard Boyz, your country needs you.  Your women and chillin' do too...........................................................

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A American Manly Man in the White House

ADAMS: A Letter to Donald Trump (from a voter)

Originally posted on Scott Adams’ Blog (creator of Dilbert) on March 2, 2016:

This letter from Troy Morton was in the comments to my post from earlier today. I am re-posting it here, with permission, because it is simply beautiful.

Breathtaking, actually.


Scott Adams

To: President Trump

From: Just a simple man

I’ve been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.

No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.

Now that it’s clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don’t want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned:

My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.

Growing up as a black man in Washington D.C. during the “crack 80’s”, when Marion Barry was mayor, I lived a lower middle class childhood in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Though I had many friends, I was also subject to the threats, intimidation, and bullying that happens when you’re not like the people around you.

There was no father in my life to steel me against the world I lived in. My mother was strong, but it’s not exactly the kind of strength I needed. I was a boy, and needed a Man.

Without strong male guidance, I learned to fear…but not how to face fear and win. Even joining the military and going to war didn’t overcome my weakness, and all my future decisions considered strongly the level of fear I had at the time.

As a result, my life has been full of conflict, as I have unintentionally signaled to adversaries that I am an easier opponent to beat than others. I have won victories, but never truly enjoyed them knowing the battle is never won for me…only endured. I have also suffered crushing defeats, and important people in my life lost confidence in me as a result. I have not reached my potential, and settled instead into apathy and stasis, content to only being “smart enough” or “good enough”…not great. Not strong. Not resolute…

Not a leader. Not a winner.

My life, in many important ways, mirrors the American experience. Potential to be great, but paralyzed by fear. Full of conflict. Enduring, not winning. No leadership. No strong Male inspiration. And occasional, crushing defeats that hit to the core of our country…most notably 9/11, but also with the erosion of our middle class and uniquely American culture.

Like you say so often: we don’t WIN anymore.

Watching your campaign, and being as invested in it as I am, has been an exercise in recognizing, and confronting, fear that I never expected. Every time your opponents hit you…I feel fear for your candidacy and our country. Every charge of racist, sexist, facist, etc. causes me to worry that no one, not even you, can really change the country for the better. That we’re doomed to failure…

Then…inevitably…you win the battle. You don’t “survive”, or “endure”…you attack, and put fear into your opponents. You don’t stop until they are buried under your feet. Until they become paralyzed…

Sometimes, you even bait them into hitting you, just so you can beat the crap out of them again. Your life is full of conflict, but it becomes yet another opportunity to WIN, and makes you MORE powerful…not less.

Then, once they are eliminated as a threat, you are generous to the vanquished. It’s not personal, and they are not evil. They were, simply…in the way. Once they are not, they become worthy of kindness and respect.

Furthermore, you’re not just a blunt instrument…your strategy is impeccable. You go into every conflict knowing exactly what your opponents weaknesses are, how to exploit them, and what levers to pull to ensure victory. Clearly, you spend good time before announcing your candidacy doing the things the military taught me as a young soldier: surveying, recon, intelligence-gathering, ammunition, discipline, execution…

You are defending America from our enemies within, and it’s an AMAZING thing to watch.

Last night, you also did something else. You became the Man that helped me see fear for what it is: an illusion of power, a powerful teacher, and the path to winning if used properly. There is no reason, regardless of the enormity of the task, to lose to fear if you prepare well, are disciplined in your execution, and have the faith necessary, in God, yourself, and in others…that leads to victory.

Winning is always possible, but becomes probable if you never back down, never quit, and become your dominant self. Once the battle is won, treat the vanquished with kindness and respect. Be the bigger man.

You taught me how to Win.

I appreciate what you’ve done for me personally, and what you’re doing for our country. I know I’m not the only man who admires you, and can’t wait for you to become the father, and leader, of our country. It’s been a long, cold winter for men in America the last 8 years, and I believe that your election will dramatically improve the level of respect, admiration, and love people will show for strong men and Fathers, and will create a new generation of leaders from impressionable young boys.

That, more than anything, will Make America Great Again.


........................................This purty much sums my thoughts on this victory for AMERICAN MANHOOD pards....Doc
