Monday, October 26, 2015
Manly Leadership
O.K. folks, the Old Doc has seen enough. Done. Finis. Yes sir, I have an opinion on the upcoming Presidential race, November 2016. Go ahead, you panty-waists who don't want to dirty your hands with "politics", hit ESCAPE and go back to drinking your Triple Foo-foo Latte Grande Too-too Moo-moo. But this voting American taxpayer is going to opine about the critical issue of our Century -- and that of course is American Manhood.
As this Old Has-Been has been (get it?) bloviating about lo these many blogs, American Manhood is sputtering; weak, thready pulse; shallow respirations; clammy extremities; pupils fixed and dilated. Millennial Men think FIFTY PERCENT of the U.S. population is Homosexual; that percentage is 25% for Men older than 30. The actual Homosexual count in the U.S. is LESS than 2%! Young Men today discuss their "feelings" rather than "dem bums", the Dodgers. They spend their money on another calf tattoo with some "cool" Asian script, rather than their U.S. Marine Corps uniform. And they blow-dry their high-lit hair, lacquer their fingernails, and pay for pedicures. They would rather live in Mommy's basement than go seek their fortune as a roughneck for a year or two making some serious money in the Oil Fields of South Dakota; learning to fix machinery and engines so they can find work anywhere in the world; or saving to buy a rifle in order to hunt deer in the fall, or pig in the morning so they can teach their sons about the woods, about skinning and dressing game, about eating roast pig over an open fire while telling tales about daring, courage, and danger.
So Fellas, let us do talk about the Political Race. This Old Coot does not here intend to talk "politics." I am focused here on Manhood. So let us discuss some finer points about what Men may want to consider when discussing, and then voting for the Leader of the Free World or The President of the United States of America. Your personal campaign in your discussions with friends and family, and ultimately your vote, should favor the American Patriot; the capitalist; and the fervent supporter of the U.S. Constitution and its glorious history. Given. But let this Old Doc lay out some equally important criteria to help you choose from the current cast of thousands. Your choice of POTUS should be a Man. Should be a Manly Man. And Should be an American Manly Man. I am prepared to argue each of these essential criteria of POTUS. And I am not necessarily arguing this for perpetuity. I am referring to THIS election, at this particular time in our history.
What we will NOT be discussing is the choice between political parties. If you are in any way hoping to ever achieve a Patriotic sentiment for America, you simply cannot support the Democrat Party. That a Democrat is a Socialist, a Communist, a Marxist, a Racialist, a Feminist, a Secularist and a fervent Anti-American is beyond question. Debate on this point is simply a waste of time. Any objective review of a few facts demonstrate this reality. If your emotional deceit, on the other hand, makes it impossible for you to get around this reality, then you will struggle with the remainder of this opinion editorial, so you might as well go back to finishing that Saul Alinsky book you burn incense over during your worship time. We will here only be using Republican candidates to illustrate our points, simply because they, as a Party, have not yet abandoned God as their guiding principle of Faith; and they still believe that Capitalism is by far the most superior mode of trading goods in a successful society. Capitalism is the ONLY real change that "the poor" really have.
The other discerning item that must guide your choice...... Very bluntly and critically: your choice for this election must be a Man, and not a woman. The country is in such peril that another White House social experiment may tip the scales into full-on ruination. You know, as in, America becoming like the stupid, and girly European Union.... WHEN we go to war, do we really want a female CINC who overdoes it in order to show toughness, and gets a bunch of our sons killed or maimed; and then UNDERdoes it when she gets the first casualty report? Do we really want the more collaborative of the sexes to lead a fickled Congress and Nation, by entertaining the most arrant nonsense simply to demonstrate the spirit of open-mindedness, "reaching across the aisle," and of NOT being "stubborn like a Man?" Hell, Angela Merkel is GIVING AWAY Germany to the Radical Islamists! Trust The Old Doc Fellas, right here, right now is not the place or time for social do-gooding. Our country needs Masculine, intuitive, war-time, emergency Leadership. So......Carly Florina is out; you may cross her off your list immediately.......... If this offends you in ANY way, you are in a precarious state. You very Manhood is in danger. Step away from this blog, and IMMEDIATELY go to the FIRST installment of, and read ALL entries thoroughly. And REREAD them if you still have any lingering doubts.
In "Manhood Agonistes" I have clumsily attempted to offer to you Fellas a framework of philosophy for these recommendations of Manly candidates, and therefore your Old Doc will attempt to avoid being redundant with the philosophical underpinnings when possible; unless, of course, emphasis is critical. There are several Manly Patriots running, so you Boyz are not without options. Though I would dearly love to, I have to practice what I preach. I do not intend to mark the ballot for you; I simply want to reduce your menu of entrees. But let us go NEGATIVE first, shall we?
For the sake of brevity, let me identify the critical DISqualifiers. The first and foremost is the sickening Political Correctness (PC) that will forever foster ignorance unless destroyed at its roots. And the roots are, of course, Marxism and class, sex, and race divisions. The second disqualifier is pandering (PANDA), a trait that makes a prospective Leader into just another ass-kissing follower. Finally, the third disqualifier is immaturity and metrosexual sensitivity (BABY). So with these critical no-no's in mind, here I present you with THE list of candidates that you should IGNORE, and hope and pray they go away without causing too much anxiety and damage in the months to come. Remember, we are NOT talking "policy" here. We are discussing Manhood.
1) Lyndsey Graham: PC, PANDA. Also appears to have an alcohol problem. No one even knows
he is running anyway.
2) George Pataki: PC, PANDA. Is he really running?
3) Jim Gilmore: PC, PANDA. Who?
4) Chis Christie: PC, PANDA. He is a bully, i.e. he barks at the helpless, but rolls over and begs like
a poodle before the powerful, like the Big Money guys.
5) Rick Santorum: BABY. Senator Santorum whines as a campaign tactic. He carries a fixed
expression of one who has just sniffed colonic emissions. This does not inspire confidence nor
leadership. Hard to pledge your sword to a whiner.
6) Rand Paul: PC, PANDA, BABY. The Senator is also a major league whiner; Shirley Temple
curls, petulant lips, and public stomping of his feel while declaring loudly "UNFAIR" make this
candidate better for a cooking reality show, but not really Leader of the Free World.
7) John Kasich: PC, PANDA. In another not-so-critical time, might make it. He is an American and
Patriotic, but way too invested in not offending the loud and unreasonable.
8) Marco Rubio: PC, PANDA, BABY. Slick, ambitious. Perspires heavily because he has clear
career ambitions that supersede service to the American people, thereby creating internal conflict
and tension. Is in a rush to be Master of the Universe, and did not even finish out his commitment
to his constituents who elected him Senator in Florida.
9) Jeb!: PC, PANDA, BABY. Ashamed to even use his last name. Whines constantly about his
dismal performance to date, and is bucking some serious disapproving Mommy issues.
Seriously Men: The above nine will simply not be able to contend with the massively severe problems our country is facing including, but not limited to:
-- $20 Trillion in U.S. debt; $220 Trillion in unfunded liabilities
-- The ILLEGAL INVASION of our Southern Border that now numbers 11-30 million; nobody
really knows the exact figure for sure.
-- Nuclear Proliferation in the Mideast
-- Emboldened Russia, China, N. Korea
-- Brazen lawlessness in the Federal Government with daily violations of the U.S Constitution
-- National Moral Decay
-- State Run schools that embrace propaganda and eschew education and free thought.
If our POTUS is fundamentally a PANDA, a BABY or PC, the invested losers in any American Renaissance, like Commies, Black Activists, Femininsts and Homosexuals will be big-time pissed, and will stomp and kick and scream.....And play really dirty........A girly POTUS will fold like a cheap suit. Our next POTUS must demonstrate Manly Determination, and focus on American Greatness and our Founding Principles; and of course, resist Alinsky's modern permutation of Marx.
On the other hand, here is the list of Manly winners of the Doc Adams POTUS Primary Race. Remember, I am not engaging in an "issues" dissertation here. I am attempting to narrow your field of choices to ONLY those Men who will qualify for Leadership of a Patriotic Masculine America. In no particular order:
1) Mike Huckabee: Ardent passion for his Christian Faith. Patriotic. Outspoken with regards to
a number of specific issues in a refreshingly UN-PC manner.
2) Bobby Jindal: A real Macho Man in the most complimentary sense. Outspoken with little regard
for PC tripe. Very Patriotic. Oozes testosterone.
3) Ben Carson, M.D.: Manly courage in abandoning MAJOR racial PC. Unashamedly devout in his
Christian faith. Clearly an American Patriot. Courageous leadership in shattering the Sharia/
Radical Muslim Media barrier. He is taking A LOT of abuse from Black Racialists.
4) Ted Cruz: Manly courage on the National stage in calling liars "Liars"; unclothing political
deceit and hypocrisy; and humbling the powerful while offering truth to the little guy. A
worthy recipient of the "El Cid Giving Water to a Leper Award".
5) Donald Trump: Manly swagger without self-conscious pretense. All Man, All the time. Oozes
leadership and command; clearly a natural leader. A major and unabashed practitioner of
Capitalism. Destroyer of all things PC. Leaves testosterone all over his Bully Pulpit.
Therefore, in my humble, but informed opinion, the American Manly Man can immediately, and SHOULD immediately, focus on the above Manly Five. In this manner you Fellas can hone in on the one who becomes worthy of your precious vote. Of course you must vote....countless Manly Patriots shed their very blood for you to have this privilege. You must also realize that your vote will cancel out the looney, misguided and ignorant "useful idiots" who vote in droves for those charlatans who would foist ruin on our country. (If by bizarre happenstance you are one of these looney "useful idiots", do us all a favor and do not vote. Yeah, run along and bone-up on creating more effective signs and placards for your childish "demonstrations" instead).
But at this time in our American history, there is very little wiggle room. It is not hyperbole to say that America is near default; that our beloved institutions are ALL under attack; and our American moral resolve is weakening. You must therefore listen to your Old Doc when he pleads to your Manly instincts: The Manly, Patriotic America Man is the last best hope for Mankind. PAY ATTENTION; show leadership in your circle.......No fooling' Fellas........Doc
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