Sunday, May 17, 2015
American Savior: Manhood and Integrity
He was tasked with a mission. He saw it through. Tough job. Mission accomplished. Integrity...... What!? My handful of remaining readers are still offended by the Old Doc's persistent interweaving of Biblical references? Hey pal, you want the truth, or are you still more comfortable with all the deceitful Leftist tripe out there. Really? After all we have been through...together? Do you agnostic survivors recall that these Leftist Secular Lies are embodied in one all-time historically spectacular societal failure? That's right, the mother ship of all lies, and atheism, by the way. Yeah, the Soviet Union. Lasted about 70 years, and then was flushed down the toilet of history in its own pathetic rotting implosion.
Let me tell you about a Man who was named Don Salvador. Salvador means "savior" in espanol. For years Mrs. Doc had two gym buddies and work-out partners. Don Salvador and his wife, Dona Maria. Don Salvador died a few weeks ago, age 96. Was married for the first and only time to Dona Maria for 76 years. Big family. He came to America legally from Michoacan, Mexico after his sixth child; looking for a better life for his family. Drove a fork lift. When he first immigrated, he could not afford to bring his children all at once. He asked his priest what he should do. His priest told him to "take half of them with you now, and then send for the rest when you can manage." This he did. Created a big, successful family, dozens of grandchildren and great-grand children.
When he retired from his company after over 30 years, he was awarded a pension, and a company fare-well party. He was honored and well considered by all of his co-workers. He was even honored and recognized by his Fitness Gym for achievement at age 92; threw him a party to celebrate his consistent dedication to his own fitness. So humble. Dona Maria says that he commented, "they must be having some type of celebration." When she pointed to a large banner that said "Congratulations Salvador and Maria" he was truly surprised. His family also honored him with a huge 75th Wedding Anniversary party; big celebration. Mrs. Doc was there, has pictures to prove it. After he died, I spent a day reminiscing with his 96 year old wife. "Good man; very good to me; very kind to me, " she repeated often. Married at age 17. During my day long interrogation of this woman of another era, I could uncover not one soul who did not honor this "honorable" man. Savior.
With this essay, I thought that for the moment we could leave the business of haranguing you Fellas for a bit, especially you Millennial-type, and get to the meat of what really produces a Man. The Essence. Let us begin here with Integrity. Though I never met him personally, I knew immediately that Don Salvador was a man who lived his life with the utmost Integrity. The respect and admiration this fine 96 year old woman had for him attests to this fact. She insisted she was happily married to him for 76 years. A Man's personal Honor, honed over his lifetime surely does begin with Integrity.
Another illustration. I just finished speaking to a fine, young man who in the midst of real life pressures, has demonstrated admirable Integrity. He is a nationally famous artist. A genius really. Seems that a major art collector is attempting to test the mettle of this young artist with some despicable negotiating tactics. He utilizes his millionaire purse as a club to tantalize the financial fancies of an ambitious young, rising talent. Seems he is is bent on replacing tough business negotiations with outright deceit and cheating. He has even tried to influence this young artist to sabotage the honorable relationship he has built with his existing business partner. And it appears he engages in this bullying for no other practical purpose than to augment his own self-centered aggrandizement and greed. This artist's business partner has acted only with the utmost dignity and loyalty in his dealings with this young genius. Heck, he has contributed mightily to his "discovery" and has hurled him onto the national stage, really. After a tremendous amount of temptation and torment, this young Man actually informed the millionaire glutton that he would not betray the loyalty of his Loyal business partner. Nor his own Integrity. This young Man stood face to face with the slithering, hissing, beguiling serpent that skillfully exploits a young man's ambition, anxiety and insecurities all at once. The promise of parity with God, and his partner. Just take a nibble; you 'deserve' it...... His answer was "NO.".... Well done son. Integrity. Manly.
Earl Nightingale, the dean of the personal success industry, spoke about this in his legendary book and audio format, "Lead The Field." He described a Army Colonel, P.O.W. captive in the infamous Hanoi Hilton during the Viet Nam war. Tortured horribly for eight years, he never broke. Never compromised his country or his fellow fighting men. His barbaric captors assured him he was to be executed the next day. He wrote a final letter to his son. His final words to his boy were, "the key word here son is 'Integrity'....." He was not executed after all. One of those cutsy fake-outs by those cuddly North Vietnamese communists. But believing he was sending his last earthly message to his beloved son, he distilled the sum total of his advice to that one word. Integrity. His son.
Just what is "Integrity?" You Fellas go on and check out Webster, but Doc is going to give you the simple Man's description; allegory if you will. "Integrity" is doing the morally right thing even though acting otherwise offers more corporeal reward, more money, more fame, more approval from the folks that can advance your earthly status. You know Boyz, the road more travelled. The wide road. The road paved with "good intentions."
Yup, we have meandered our way back to that modern-day obscenity -- Morality..... Integrity is moral. Lack of integrity is immoral. Good and bad. The opposite of all those stupid cultural lies you young Fellas have been force-fed all your lives by the media, the arts, the state-run schools, the Left, the Feminists, the Commies. Acting with Integrity brings you closer to the Divine. Acting without Integrity is Luciferian. Living your life without Integrity signals that you believe that you are at least on a par with God Himself.
Another good way of understanding Integrity, is to take a gander at the headlines of current events to observe a world devoid of it. Three-hundred Christians beheaded by the Islamic State because they were, well, Christians. Two homosexual males unleashing a judge on a Christian Church because the Padre would not compromise his Christian principles by performing the SACRAMENTAL Baptism ceremony for the two males, no mother and their procured baby. Communist Chinese outlawing the Cross continuing their fascist persecution of the Faithful. Russia bombing sovereign Ukraine to steal parts of that sovereign country, while bragging that their new battle tank, the Armata, is superior to anything the West has. The White House shamelessly proceeds with demagoguing Illegal Aliens in order to secure both a slavish underclass and guaranteed voting loyalty in future elections. The U.S. District Attorney investigating the Baltimore police, while beastly thugs and criminals lawlessly destroy that City.
Wow. Boggles the mind. So many more examples, sadly enough.....But I contend that it is the LACK of Integrity that has lead to so much confusion -- it always has. And yet, these are the cards we human beings have been dealt. Good, under constant assault by Evil. Too Old Fashioned for you Fellas? Hey, facts are stubborn things regardless of how boring you might think they are. I wasn't part of the set-up plan, I am simply relaying to you the facts -- Reality. Imagine this global Integrity-deficiency in a world without America.......Brrrr!
It is amusing to the Old Doc when I see bumperstickers to the effect of "Give Peace a Chance," "War is not the answer," or other fallacious fairy-tale concepts like "Mid-East Peace Talks"; or "use our money to make bridges here at home, not for more Raptors." (Yeah, Rand Paul is big on that last one). Recite all these naive homilies to that bretha dancing on top of that police cruiser in Baltimore. Tell that to the Chinese Commies who are bragging about 40,000 war drones on line already. Tell that to King Putin who is rolling out the Armata in public parades. Tell that to Iran, whose leaders regularly rally their people with "Death to Israel, Death to America!" Tell that to the innocent American boys and girls who are being forced via judicial activism to discuss anal intercourse in school and pee in in the same bathrooms to satisfy the Sex-Oriented Fascists. Evil is what Evil does; and Fascism is Fascism whether you wear jackboots or you crossdress......
"So Doc, what exactly are you calling 'evil' here?" The Evil here is the imposition of Radical Islam, Communism and Homosexual Indoctrination on the greater society, against the will of traditional American morality. America is, and always had been Christian, Capitalist, and Heterosexual. The norm is for families composed of a married Man and women, and kids. Yet in America, nevertheless, you can still be a Communist, you can worship Islam, and you can be Homosexual, change your sex, or even dress funny. You have that right, and this Old Doc for one, supports that right wholeheartedly. But when you utilize our society's laws and freedoms to forcefully ram your minority, contrary and opportunistic agendas into our schools, workplace and military, well, that is Evil. It is wrong. It is anti-American. It lacks Integrity.....
Lucifer rallied an Angelic revolt because he was pissed off at God for loving human beings. Luc ended up in Hell because he began to think he was God's equal. He lost. Big time. When you force someone to think like you by means of the barrel of a gun, or injunction or childish petulance, then you are doing exactly what this fallen Archangel got tossed out of Heaven for. Now Lucifer attracted a lot of followers, sure. Lots of folks, and Angels, like to side with "the Rebel." You know, Vote for Ron Paul -- Never met a cause he wouldn't rebel against! Paul, and his son for that matter, have their rabidly loyal political following, to be sure. Millennials love this type of Quixotic, but fundamentally selfish rhetoric. But is simply rebelling sufficient criteria for putting your own personal Integrity on the line? For pledging your sword?
Take this gal, Pamela Geller. Garland Texas. In the news currently for speaking her mind. A couple of guys with AK's, courtesy of Jihad, were sent to make her stop her wanton destruction of worldwide Islam. She has thus far survived the Islamic State contract on her. Meanwhile the two big, bad, defenseless woman-killer-Jihadiis are dead. What was this unarmed woman's death-sentence crime against Islam? Did she cut off three-hundred Muslim heads? Did she threaten to use her Nuclear bombs to destroy Iran? Did she advocate the brutal subjugation of women, or the public execution of Homosexuals? Nah, that's the stuff the Islamic State does as standard policy. No, she did something far worse. She insisted on sharing the most dangerous weapon tyrants, bullies and wackos of all stripes detest more than any other single enemy --- and that is the sharing of fundamental ideas of morality, freedom, right and wrong. Do you Millennial Fellas out there know that this is precisely why they nailed Jesus to a tree?
So Ms. Geller is now being persecuted for hurting the feelings of these big, brave Jihadi Warriors. Even Ol' "Looking-out-for-the-Folks" Bill O'Reilly. (I guess by "the folks", he means those guys in black with the swords standing over the guys in orange on their knees with their hands bound behind their backs). And here Boyz is my point relating to Integrity. A lot of you Billy O'Reilly's are out there criticizing this Manly woman for speaking out on a subject "that is bound to cause" some folks getting butt-hurt. Get that? Do not speak your mind lest you are "bound to" hurt someone's feelings...............She has particularly inspired this Old Doc. She has been forced to remind a lot of you that instead of rushing to the defense of murderers and barbarians who don't like a couple of cartoons, you Boyz ought to be offended by bound Christians getting their heads lopped off, ON VIDEO! Yeah, she is brave. Standing up for American values at the risk of her very life. Integrity.
Appeasing Evil, my friends, is the opposite of Integrity. It is cowardice. It is deceit. It is malevolence. It is Lucifer leading a Heavenly rebellion (Old Doc reckons you can find a way to be unhappy even in Heaven!). It is Eve, though living in Paradise, chomping on the only fruit forbidden to her. It is Neville Chamberlain proclaiming that after all, Adolf was a jolly good chap. It is you Fellas, re-electing Clinton AFTER he was caught raping, pillaging and looting America. It is you folks who boycott businesses because they offend the Delta Smelt, or because they asked two males to stop smooching in front of the kiddies with their baseball mitts at the Dodger game. It was putting a Marxist in the White House, TWICE, simply because "it would be nice" to put a hip, Black Man in the most important office in the world. Yeah, and it is defending the morally indefensible violent Islamic Jihad.....
We Americans do not persecute folks as they privately manage their bedrooms. We Americans do not persecute the right to worship Allah freely and openly. We Americans do not prohibit you from building a business and then giving "the means of production away to those that work it." In fact, we Americans have offered the blood of millions of our sons and treasure to defend these freedoms. We are loyal to the document that all government leaders, soldiers, sailors and marines pledge their allegiance to -- the U.S. Constitution. THE Idea........But the Freedom to carry on these behaviors in the privacy of your own lives, gives NO ONE any right to impose their values on others. We all possess the same exact rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. You know it. To pretend otherwise using dishonest rationale to impose on the freedoms of others is Fascism. Yeah, Adolf, Lenin, Stalin, Che, Mao stuff. Senator Feinstein has been one of the greatest enemies of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Yet she has a concealed-carry permit, as well as armed bodyguards. You Lefties are monumentally arrogant! Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, Inc, wants his bedroom off-limits to your scrutiny, yet he uses his bully pulpit to direct the mores of the good folks of Indiana. For some odd reason, Cook gives the Middle East and China a pass. As my son-in-law would say, "morbidly" duplicitous. OK, OK, I am getting to how this relates to Integrity. Really.
This Old Doc is a real chicken. Ms. Geller has me beat on the having-way-more-balls department. I am afraid of bullies; I am afraid of Malpractice litigators; I am afraid of the dopey Leftists infringing on my Second Amendment rights and keying the paint on my truck . I am sometimes startled at my own shadow. I really do not want trouble with the Islamo-Fascists, the Homosexual-Activist Cabal or the IRS. But Men, we have all got to stand up and be counted at some point. I suppose this is why I have made my own tentative, meager effort with these "Manhood" essays. I want to communicate with you Men. Reach you. Throttle you. America needs you. The Last Great Hope of Mankind. Savior.
If the Old Doc takes some heat for advocating American Morality; Or Christian values; Or Biblical Manliness, well then let's chalk it up to the price of a free life; an American life; a Christian life. Freedom is NOT free, nor is our ticket to Heaven without an entrance fee. Didn't know that, did you Cowboys? Yeah, as The Christ actually said,
"Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord
shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
But he that doeth the will of my Father
which is in Heaven. Many will say
to me in that day, Lord, Lord have we not
prophesied in thy name? and in thy name
cast out Devils? and in thy name done
many wonderful works? And then, will
I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart
from me, ye that work iniquity."
-- Matthew 7:21
Jeepers! That REALLY scares this Old Yellow Belly!
Good Men will NEVER find peace by appeasing the Devil. And herein is my point, embedded in cheeky rhetoric, of course. "Integrity" is what we must use to develop our philosophy for living. It is the guiding light for creating the building blocks of daily actions, goals, and charity. It is the thread that weaves our mantel of Honor. It is the compass that guides a Man through the rough seas and stormy weather, and the arrant nonsense of harmful philosophies A Man who acts with Integrity is often NOT very popular, since the fact of the matter is, most folks simply float through life buffeted by whatever breeze might blow them thither and yon. But when we reach way down, and seek out the action based in Integrity, we will at some moment in the future breathe our last knowing that we were true to our wife; our family; our country; and to our Savior, The Christ. Big deal? For Don Salvador it sure was.
C'mon Fellas, you know what is Right and what is Wrong. You know sending an eight year old to detonate a bomb that will kill dozens of innocents, is Wrong. You know killing unborn babies is wrong. You know that wonton looting, burning and killing in the name of race is Wrong. You know that Marx was wrong (Karl, not Groucho). You know that indoctrinating our young on the joys of same-sex intercourse is Wrong. You know that Black against White racism is Wrong. You know that Illegal immigrations is, well, Illegal. You know that advocating that the American Southwest revert back to Mexico is stupid (not to mention illogical since the migration is coming INTO those areas, not OUT of those areas). You know that Pamela Geller is acting heroically, like a Warrior; and that those that deny her rights are cowardly, and Wrong. And you know that crucifying The Christ was Wrong. Really wrong.....
So Boyz, seems like your Pop was right after all. You Millennial tykes are battleing for imagined righteousness within the fog and gas of Twitter, Facebook, Hillary Clinton, Tim Cook, the Ayatollah, Al Sharpton, Ben 'Slaveowner' Affleck and Brian 'Stolen Honor' Williams. You think you are trying, but you miss the mark, and badly, sometimes. You think that your marriage requires 50/50 obeisance and the rejection of your own traditional values, your parents, your country, and even your Manhood. You think that voting Libertarian is so cool and rebellious, even though the proponents think there is nothing wrong with shopping for Heroin on aisle 13 at Wal-Mart; as well as abandoning any leadership, hope and aircraft carriers that our Christian-American way of life has provided for the downtrodden peasant in Zacatecas, or the Highlands of Vietnam; or for the armed mothers of Israel.
One last word. Whatta'bout the Man who comports his life, his marriage, and his family relations with faux Integrity? Yeah, and you especially, Bright Eyes..... you who are so self-deluded about real Integrity that you think that you can even weaponize your local parish and an unwitting priest, your woman, and even your kids as justification in attaining petty business goals; settling disputes with your family; and ultimately justifying your misguided, bratty petulance. Yet at the same time you lack the true Integrity to stand up to the Feminists you bring into your life; you lack the courage to simply face another Man, eye to eye, and verbalize your confusion; and you even use your children as human shields to distract from your own weaknesses. You say all the right phrases; you don the battle-rattle; you kneel and stand at the right times during church service. And yet you save your tough guy vitriol for the very folks that have always stood by you through thick or thin. You lie to your priest and to your wife and to yourself; and you isolate your marriage and your children, making them more, not less, susceptible to the predators of today's wonton culture. You'll probably even condone home-schooling for the kids that they may grow selfish and self-centered just like their master race parents. Talk about the ultimate Selfie!
In a fit of 'pretend' Integrity, you "put your foot down to protect her" and in so doing, sever the ties of your family, your culture, and your parents, expediently insisting that the confused space between your ears is sufficiently wise. And yet the voice echoing within the empty chambers of your noggin' is not Integrity; it is simply the prattling of arrant nonsense. Cowardice. Expedience. Wrong. Immoral. Rand Paul for President. Throw out the baby with the bathwater. Never fails......
Forget Integrity Fellas, and you forgo true Manhood. Chuck your sincere Old Pop overboard to avoid the disapproving glare of your new woman, and you cut off your kids noses in order to spite your own face. Or something like that. ...... Ball, and balls, in your court Pal. Integrity. Savior...........Doc
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